Subject : Creator Test Battle Unit 


Original Unit Name : Hpa'Var type Battle Unit G-1 

Host Name : Unknown 

Sex of host : Male 

Age of host, at time of death : 100,040 Tekra Cycles (Physical Age 24 Cycles)

Hair : Bald

Eyes : Brown

Age of Unit : 2.6 Mekra Cycles (~2,600,000 Earth years). 

Height : 209 cm (~7 Feet) 

Weight : 333 kg (~732 Pounds) 

Status : Host Deceased. Unit M.I.A. on Earth. 

Description: The subject was first successful Battle Unit made, by the Creator Hpa'Var, during the time of the great Warrior Projects. But the subject showed a flaw that persisted throughout the time of the Warrior Projects. The persistant transformation of the test hosts into Guyvers. Though like the Guyver 0, the host of the Guyver Supreme was a Human/Creator hybrid test subject, and hence somewhat controllable. The subject also presented other issue to the Creator Scientists that had to be overcome for them to make a true Warrior Unit. The primary issue was stamina. After a long battle, the host of the unit needed long periods of rest to recover lost bio-energy reserves. This was an unacceptable weakness, as the War Unit, by the high ideals of the time, called for a Unit that would transform its host into an unstoppable killing machine. But the Creator Scientists of the era saw a new purpose to the subject. Despite the main weakness, it was found that in a prepared test battle, the subject always won. Between the advanced intellect of the host and the Units exceptional stability, it ruthlessly pushed other test units beyond their limits and destroyed the projects of many other Creators. Over time this subject became known as the "Supreme Test". The subject that must be surpassed for any other unit to be accepted as a true War Unit. This though was before the Creators return to the Ancient Seed World. Once back on humanity's home planet, the host human tendencies became a factor over time and it became a true "Guyver". We decided to terminate the Guyver Supreme, as he had become known. Its host was killed in a battle with Zeugma, our supreme Zoalord at the time, but its unit was lost during the Great Guyver Zoalord war. 

Present list of the subjects abilities have been compiled and summarized below.

-Physical strength: Subject possesses twice the standard Guyver strength, granting it the strength of approximately 200 men.

-Hyper Sensors are twice that of a Standard Units, with a range of 200 meters (~656 Feet)

-Durability is the same as a standard Guyvers, but the subject is also equiped with an omni-directinal force shield. Similar to the shields used by most of our ships, this shield was capable of withstanding anything up to a Guyver Mega Smash for a limited time before the shield either collapsed or required too much bio-energy to maintained any longer, but this allowed the subject to stand up to seemingly more powerful test units.

-Speed: Subject had a standard Guyver reflex speed that ranged from 5 to 40 times normal, a top ground speed of up to 250 MPH, and a top air speed of 300 MPH, but the subject was also able to channel its shield energy to double its speed for short bursts. Trading durability for speed.

-Subject Head Beam functioned at standard power levels of a normal Guyver.

-Subject had a standard pair of Guyver Vibrational Swords.

-Subjects Mega Smashers functioned within normal parameters of a standard Guyver.

-Sonic Emitters are the same as a Standard Guyvers.

-Gravitational powers are the same as a Standard Guyvers.

-The range of the Subjects, former Creator/Human hybrid host, Psionic powers are uncertain but had exhibited a powerful enough telepathic power as to allow him to communicate with anyone he met, as if he was speaking their native language, except for mentally shielded beings like Guyvers, for whom he had to communicate through the organisms on his back that allow all Guyvers to communicate in a telapthic fashion.