Subject : Humanoid Guyver Unit

Code Name : Guyver 0

Host Name: Unknown but has assumed the name of William

Sex : Male

Age : Over 2,500,000 years

Height : 205 cm (~6.7 Feet)

Weight : 310 kg (~684 Pounds)

Status : Member of the Canadian ACTF.

Description: Subject is the original Guyver created by the Creators, though originally defeated and killed by Lord Alkanphel, the Unit was experimented on by the Creators and somehow absorbed a Creator when something triggered it to regenerate its original human host.  Now it seems the host of this unit has become some sort of human/Creator hybrid and posseses both the power of a Guyver and some of the telepathic power of a Creator.  Presently the host has sided with the Canaidian ACTF movement in their fight against Chronos.

Present estimates of Guyver abilities have been compiled and summarized below.

-Physical strength: Subject possesses the standard Guyver strength of approximately 100 men.

-Hyper Sensors are same as a Standard Units, with a range of 100 meters (~328 Feet)

-Durability is the same as a standard Guyvers.

-Speed: Subjects has a reflex speed that ranges from 5 to 40 times normal, a top ground speed of up to 250 MPH, and a top air speed of 300 MPH.

-Subject Head Beam functions at standard power levels of a normal Guyver.

-Subject has a standard pair of Guyver Vibrational Swords.

-Subjects Mega Smashers function within normal parameters of a standard Guyver.

-Sonic Emitters are the same as a Standard Guyvers.

-Gravitational powers are the same as a Standard Guyvers.

-The range of the Subjects Psionic powers are uncertain but has exhibited a powerful enough telepathic power as to allow him to communicate with anyone he meets as if he was speaking their native language, except for mentally shielded beings like Guyvers whom he must communicate through the organisms on his back that allow all Guyvers to communicate in a telapthic fashion.  Whether subject will exhibit other psionic abilities is yet to be discovered. 

No other conclusions of this Unit abilities can be confirmed until further data is gathered.