Subject : European variant of US mass produced Wolf series battle armour

Code Name : Euro Blue Wolf Armour

Height : 275 cm (~9 Feet)

Weight : 500 kg (~1100 Pounds) plus weight of user

Status : Used by enemies of Chronos.

Description: This armor type was originally designed prior to the US acquisition of advance technologies from its Area 51 base. So it possesses none of the more advance technologies utilized by the US Green series on up, this allows the US to easily sell this armor to its allies without fear of letting any of their enemies, or competitors, getting access to their more advance technologies, but despite its technological limitations. The armor has proven itself a very versatile and powerful weapon that should serve our allies well in the ongoing war against Chronos and has shown itself capable of killing most low level zoanoids with relative ease.


Present estimates of this armor type abilities have been compiled and summarized below.

-Stamina: Unit possesses an advance, twin ejectable, micro fusion power reactors as its primary power source. Fuel is hydrogen based and is stored throughout armor within a porous cellular membrane that prevents ignition of fuel prior to its use, additional fuel is extracted from the air via molecular sieve vents. This gives armor extensive reserves and operational range, though actual limits are determined by how the armor is used as fuel is also used to power armor's propulsion systems. The armor can operate at maximum power for a limit of 2 hours without refueling, but standard operational use allows armor to be used for up to 48 hours without refueling. The armor also has auxiliary power systems that include a highly efficient fuel cell and several mega watt capacity dynamo type capacitors for emergency power boosts. 

-Weapon Systems: Armor's Gauntlets, which possess additional shielding, can be combined with armor's advance thruster system, allowing for a power attack similar to a Gigantic Guyvers power punch. Additionally, the Gauntlets can be quickly extended, for a distance of three feet, with high powered hydraulics for additional reach. Other options include actual firing of Gauntlets while tethered to unit via a fast retract cable system that also allows armor to channel its full electrical power to its target and then quickly pull back the Gauntlets into place. The final option is to fire the Gauntlets without the cable, in this mode the Gauntlets essentially become self guided missiles that explode on impact for a last ditch long range attack. The power of each attack option varies upon its successful application but can easily equal the power of an armor piercing tank shell, or approximately as powerful as a Guyver Pressure Cannon when both Gauntlets are used.

-Physical Strength: Armour has approximate strength of 20 men, making armour 30 percent stronger than a Gregore type zoanoid, though armour has advance thruster design that allows it to boost strength to that of 30 men for short bursts and/or power attacks. Alternatively the armor can use its auxiliary power systems, as well as divert its shield energy, to boost its strength by 25% but this renders armor more vulnerable to attack and increases the wear and tear on the armor, thus reducing its operational range significantly.

-Sensory Perception: Unit's sensory enhancement system is the same as the US Blue type V1 armour, but contains a more advance software package that allows pilot to customize HUD parameters and display(s) to suite their personal needs more efficiently.

-Durability: Armour is lighter than the US Blue type V1 armour but improved structural design and materials gives it the same durability. Armour also has an energy shield system derived from previously theoretical Earth based technology designs, allowing unit to maintain a low level shielding to boost its durability so it can withstand anything up to a Vamore bio laser blast for at least one direct hit, and doesn't use any of the technologies the US acquired from Area 51. This allows armour to have an acceptable durability rating without threatening the US monopoly on advance armour technologies.

-Speed: Armour does not enhance its user's reflexes but has a superior range of mobility compared to the US Blue armour type V1. Advance thruster systems allow for both strength enhancements and high acceleration rates for delivering physical attacks. When in hover mode, armour can reach speeds up to 362 KPH. In flight mode, armor can reach speeds up to 603 KPH but can divert all power to propulsion for a top speed of 724 KPH but is unable to defend itself while in this mode, as both power requirements and flight dynamics prevent it, unless unit is only hovering.

-Upgrades: The armour was not designed to be directly upgraded but the unit is dexterous enough to handle standard weaponry that has been modified to accommodate the armours size. Though the US does offer its allies the option to have a customized unit(s) built, the price is increased from 10 million US dollars to 20 million, but modifications basically consist of having Blue type V1 armour weapon systems built into unit, but removes the ability to fire Gauntlets, along with an additional micro fusion reactor to help power weapons and increase shield power by 20%. So specialized versions of this armor type are not expected to be deployed in large numbers, at least outside of the US and Canadian territories.