Lacus_Caedo_Guyver He slowly steps within the forest looking about the dense foliage the moonlight seeping through the canopy of the trees as it's light impacts the earth blow making it visible to his eyes as a small smile slowly begins to develop from under his helm...The remaining moonlight hitting the backside of the warrior creating a silhouette of his form giving it the appearance of him being taller then the ordinary
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver coming to a stop scanning the area unfamiliar to him the small sensory orbs moving about along their tracks sensing yet another presence within the forest around him this being possessing Guyver properties as well seeing him within the distance both of them being separated by the dark yet eternal abyss that lay between then marking the battle lines that will soon be fought over

The_Warrior_Guyver a slightly breeze erupts through the cause way of this luxurious forest path.. leaves and fallen foliage scatter atop the primary walk way, as a gust of wind lashes across its surface, soon to be followed by a mammoth and massive Guyver unit, of the warrior type.... running at a far un achieving speed of 500 mile per hour, the unit trounces through the country side, with not a destination in site..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. hyper sensory orbs swivel atop his head within this predestined slots, they peek about the country side, looking for anything that could possibly serve as prey for his heightened state of rage.. but fun none.. some ways down the fairway, it finds a familiar touchtone, that of a Guyver.. another warrior unit within his midst.. the massive beast lumbers forward, slowing in speed to that of only one hundred and fifty miles per hour,
The_Warrior_Guyver then stops suddenly within the middle of the forest path.. his massive head tweaking back and looking halfway to the heavens, towards the tree tops and the canapé above... hyper sensory orbs showing tantalizing viewings of possible locations where such a being could hide.. nothing they guyver bends forward, placing a bent knee to the surface of the earth...
The_Warrior_Guyver ... his arms and elbows held closely to him as he holds his form near to the ground... his head swivels to and fro still trying to obtain baring on possible location of this other unit.

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver Looking up towards this hazy being the smile that was once present upon his face seem dissipates from view feeling the small breeze of wind most of it being shielded by the trees creating a bit of a wind break....the tops of the massive oak trees swaying back and forth parallel to one another moving slowly a few feet kicking up a bit of the loose fitting earth that lay abundant about his feet
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver getting the feel of it once more before presenting himself before the opponent before him actively searching for the link to hyper space that will send this warrior into the next phase of his attack plan as multiple scenarios slowly begins to flood his mind predicting which moves to do first trying to predict his opponent’s....the small orbs atop his head still begins to swirl about their tracks gathering
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver all available information about the other warrior thinking that they may be evenly out matched as this new wave of information is quickly absorbed by the host

The_Warrior_Guyver ocular ridge compress as hyper sensory orbs along with the allotted slits, that serve as eyes, track the movements of another warrior positioned directly before him.. he smiles within his own mind set as he takes a small step forward, allowing the right foot to be positioned before the left.. he nods lightly within reflection of form as he extends his right hand, palm open and facing the heavens.. (( Hello little warrior, long time no see.. ))
The_Warrior_Guyver with that the control medallion fluctuates within its own mysteries of photonic hue, allowing the guyvers thought to focus on the gravitational control orb.. the tiny orb lights up showing the tantalizing effect of quantum trickery.. it pools on the graviton within its own mass and forges them into a tightly knit ball within the core of the tiny orb located on the center of the guyver waist..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the orb complies, focusing the graviton particles fields into an event horizon type matrix, which then is coordinated to the location of true hyper space, or at least the facsimiles of this realm... once these coordinates have been matched, the guyver then begins to lock onto the graviton particles within that sector of space, and latch onto the like hyper kinetic particles via these graviton particles linkages..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the gravitational control orb then pulls these masses back through the event horizon and to the realm of ayenee... where, once they enter the gravitational control orb, they are added to the bio kinetic energy matrix already present within the guyver unit,
The_Warrior_Guyver and made to super induce their make up onto that energy signature, thus transmuting it into the more soluble energy form of hyper kinetic.. a given side effect of all this is the ability to control graviton particles fields.

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver Grinning slightly he gets a good glimpse of the opponent near seeing the bright hues emit from his control medallion and then the bright pulses from his gravitational orb as his opponent seeking out hyper-space as this doesn’t surprise him one bit hearing the faint words utter forth from his opponent (( Indeed )) fallowed by the tense pulsating motion from his control medallion communicating to the
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver rest the Guyver as various commands begins to play out directing his thought into the search for sub-space that will supply him with raw energy as success has blessed him once more as the link to this sub-space presents itself forging a new resource of energy to the warrior the small orb at his abdomen slowly begins to pulse to life recalling it's last action to come forth and serve him

The_Warrior_Guyver the Guyver now on his feet and standing within the presentation of his full form, stayed standing in his current location as he bows his head within the mindset of a gentle nod.. he raises his head and the control medallion pulses once more, sending a shimmering bead of light forward out into the massive of forest which dwell about them both...
The_Warrior_Guyver ... it fills the darkness with its tide of light, casting it away for a moment before the night once more intrudes upon the serving ground of the past stated photonic particles. the guyver tilts his head to the right.. his ocular ridges compressing more so as the slits nearly disappear in a scowering type phase... (( And is it now time for you to die, Unit? ))
The_Warrior_Guyver the warrior says, lurching his right arm back as his thought delve to the poly morphic vibrational swords located at the back of that elbow... the right reverse facing poly mophic high frequency blade then extends openly outwards... forming to a length of nearly 4 feet.... he straightens his head, allowing the arm to prod gently forward, the forward facing poly morphic high frequency blade is then called to..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the right blade erupts through the surface of its allocated spot to grow to mirror the length of the before mentioned blade..... the unit twist his hand within the air, balling it into a fist, as the brandished blades shimmer within the darkness of night.. their hyper kinetic hue cutting into the darkness..

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver He tilts his head to the side slowly examining the precious hues that illaberate the dark skies that surround him hearing his foe utter forth a few more choice words (( Seems you are a bit oh.... what’s that word called? oh yes a bit too cocky for my liking )) looking down onto his forearms and elbows examining them closely
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver fallowed by the pulses from his control medallion that illuminates the sufaces of his arms as to sets of poly morphic like material explodes forth from the small extending to the lengths of four feet....he still continues to examine the magnificence of the blades as they vigorously begins to vibrate the surrounding molecules
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver sending an unbearable sound echoing into the surrounding forest lowering his arms back to his side he darts his gaze back up towards his opponent not far off his eyes emitting a yellowish hues telling himself that he is ready to go (( When your ready Warrior..... bring it )) fallowed by a fading chuckle

The_Warrior_Guyver chuckles within his own delighted mindset as he lurches forward, this time with his whole body.. he waves his left arm about in the air in one fluid motion as to withdraw the two blades held within its confines.... both the reverse facing poly morphic vibrational blade, and the forward facing poly morphic high frequency blade, extend in unison, growing near to a length of four feet, to match that atop the opposing arm..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the guyver lowers his stance, throwing his arm into a horizontal stance beside his form... he continues his chuckle within an audible note as he lowers his head and locks the hyper sensory orbs atop his target, the natural and always present body shield shimmering for but a brief indented mention of thought as it shows itself to the world within that instant of time...
The_Warrior_Guyver ... the chuckle ends and the Guyver speaks once more in both their tongues.. (( I show none of those traits my pathetic friend, merely I speak truths which I have witnessed in many past conflicts.. ))

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver With the link still opened between the two he chuckles hearing him once more listening to him talking about him speaking only truths as this can not be true within his very own eyes (( only speak truths? HAH.... I would like to see the day when we aren't all stabbing each other in the BACK! )) slowly arching himself into an
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver attacking position...thoughts beginning to plague his mind witnessing past battles with those he be loved and befriended shaking this from his mind he now begins to focus on the battle at hand...his sensory orbs still continues to swivel about their tracks glistening within the distinct light that towers over him from the distant heavens awaiting for his opponent to give the first strike

The_Warrior_Guyver hyper sensory orbs stay locked on their intended opponent, as the winds begin to wash over the landscape more so this time.. supposed psionic disturbances within nature beginning to wafer about the place as though the plague.. though they are not really what they seem, rather they are a collaboration of mixed messages sent by the over load of graviton particles in the realm, caused by the discharge of the hyper kinetic energy through the gravitational control orb..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the guyver stands to his full stance once more, holding his arm down at his side, and his head bowed as his finger fall into motionless marionette, waving about in the air, nimbly pecking about the atmosphere for possible food, until they find some.. they ball into fist, as the guyver flexes at the elbow and bends his arms inward, allowing the forged fist to fall mute and form into the stance of cupped vessels ready to receive a healing touch..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. they fall into collaboration before the gravitational control orb, as the access graviton particles from the guyvers own connection to hyper space, begin to pool within these cupped hands.. not because of the act of cupping, but because the guyver commands and dictates their formation via his own gravitational and gravimetric powers/... willing them into the shape of a sphere, the guyver holds, his buckling forces of gravimetric energy fields filling his massive hands,
The_Warrior_Guyver as his eyes lace up and down the opposing unit.. he smirks lightly yet again within his own mind set as he speaks once more in the language of his forbearers.. (( We are meant for nothing but war my small friend... For this we must battle amongst one another, for the right to say we are the best of all. ))

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver says, His sensory orbs still continue to work fluttering about gathering every piece of information overwhelming the host all this information being processed for the better while his brain sends out a series of electrical impulses telling the boy to do certain things such as body movement and sensing capabilities hearing the words "war" come into play during the next intermission by his opponent (( War has ))
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver (( nothing to do with it.... we are all the same and once you kill every last one what will you do then? Nothing. What makes it any different only a temporary solution to a long term problem )) as these words he begins to think that the time should be now slowly moving his hands up and along the grooves and crevices of his massive chest plates latching into the grooves within the center of
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver his chest cavity thinking that this could be something useful to use in the mean time...his control medallion signaling to his gravitational orb to steadily increase the energy output from the link possess by him (( But if you want War... then WAR IS WHAT YOU'LL GET! )) his voice rather low and demanding

The_Warrior_Guyver chuckles within his own stupid little fucked up mind set as the guyver pushes his hands forward, allowing the fully formed pressure cannon to remain in his right hand as he charges forward... the guyver runs forward at speeds of nearly that of 500 miles per hour.. nothing to what he can really do but hey this is a start right... as he comes closer to the fucked up and pathetic little warrior,
The_Warrior_Guyver the real warrior guyver thrust his left hand forward aiming for the sternum of the Lacus-Caedo Guyver.. his left hand of course brandishing a fist of poly morphic high frequency like materials, that display a blade brazenly expelled at the end of lengths.. the guyver chuckles audibly as he tries to press this blade deeply within the other units chest, trying to put an end to this pathetic situation as soon as possible...

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver He still continues to move about the massive breast plates holding the mighty mega smasher cells as hastily more information is brought to the warrior seeing that his opponent has in fact made the first move onto him stressing enough that he will not tolerate such actions as this was fully expected (( You honestly think that you ))
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver (( will prevail with such high expectations such as your!? )) sliding his hands from the tops of his chest plates...his poly morphic blades cutting the air with ease his sensory orbs locating his opponent coming straight onto him not allowing this to confront further as he come down racing upon him seeing the restless in his foe...his
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver control medallion now begins to send out multiple actions all throughout the warriors body within preparation for the oncoming strike as his opponent strikes out for his sternum sending his right high frequency blade to deflect the oncoming left blade in a downwards fashion while taking an instep bending his elbow
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver exposing the four foot blade down inwards towards the warrior neck while the tiny orb located by his control medallion begins to glow.. flaring out as the bright white light sparkles out into the surrounding space

The_Warrior_Guyver as the initial contact is made on his left forward facing poly morphic high frequency sword. he presses back with enough force to hold it stationary within the air, adding a girth of gravitational particles within the midst of the opposite direction, thus tugging up on the already pressed downward arm of the opposing warrior, giving him an added edge in strength at this point..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the right reverse facing blade of the other unit slices downward at his neck.. guess he didn't realize that within this stance its as easy as pie to bring a left reverse facing poly morphic high frequency blade up to contact the downward thrusted reverse right.. the guyver continues to chuckle... throwing his reverse facing right forward in an under slash, keeping his pressure cannon held tightly within his right hand,
The_Warrior_Guyver , as the reverse facing right high frequency blade cuts towards the full on stomach of this other warrior.... a stifled smirk resonates from within the inner core of the true warrior as he keeps his right elbow bent and shoves the blade forward.. the intended gravitation force being spread further so as to induce an all about pull on both forms in that direction, thus adding force to both of the warriors attacks, and diminishing force from lacus’ attacks...

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver Both him and his opponent are now engaged in close combat as both of them trying to gain the edge over the other seeing that his opponent coming from great distance has gained some edge over him knowing that this fight will have to be won over more then just simple tricks but over quick execution as his attack being blocked by his opponent...his sensory orbs picking up an
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver coming blade while taking the advantage of killing two birds with one stone hastily sending his left forward high frequency blade spiraling downwards towards the Guyvers gravitational orb of his opponent while leaving his reverse facing blade free upon oncoming attacks hoping to catch the oncoming reverse facing blade within mid-strike while the head beam is fully charged knowing it would be
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver rather useless to just attack the control medallion since all he would do is move his head about...he then quickly aims his head left shoulder of his opponent and fires a few bright streams of focused photon particles hoping to soften him up a little

The_Warrior_Guyver :caught up in the delayed response of a slower unit the warrior guyver must make hasty action to recovery for the lost element of time.. as Lacus’ arm gyrates downward allowing its left forward facing high frequency blade to be placed on a direct path for the Warriors own gravitational control orb, the warrior contort his right arm to the furthest right,
The_Warrior_Guyver allowing the right reverse facing poly morphic high frequency blade to be placed at an intercept point between the forward facing blade, the intended left reverse facing of the Lacus has been then sent into accordance with the high or upper portion of the blade, thus blocking both attempts by two blades with the singular blade.. the photonic discharge proceeds to shred away at his left shoulder, as the guyver presses forward with his right hand
The_Warrior_Guyver , holding it nearly directly in front of the Lacus’ face, then shoving his palm forward, he emits the pressure cannon at a distance of nearly 1 and a half inches from the other guyver control medallion.... the graviton particles within the orb still under direct guidance from the warrior guyver himself..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. his sensory orbs all the while keeping track of any occurrence that may happen around this particular position in space.. his entire form ready to destroy this fragile little thing referred to once as a possible threat to him.. he smirks within his own visage of self, preparing for his end or the other units..

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver Knowing that this battle still rages on between him and his opponent still locked together within this close quarters combat begin rather too close for that matter seeing that his left forward facing blade being deflected while his other being levitated higher then usually...his hyper sensors quickly detecting his opponent within possession of a pressure cannon blast nothing this from the start this
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver being an act of his own stupidity as his opponent shoves the pressure cannon upwards into his face...he begins to draw energy from his reserves to ret and evade this oncoming attack and quickly as possible as this couldn't be done as the distance between both of them are too close to one another as halfway in mid evasion his is struck by the oncoming pressure cannon blast
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver ripping into the boost armor and into his delicate flesh imploding upon contact blowing off the lower portion of his left portion of his jaw while slightly cracking his control medallion exposing the large exposed portion of his face as the force of the blast cauterized the wound fallowed by the emotions of smoke that emits off the
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver burnt flesh as the healing process slowly begins to take over to heal the damaged warrior (( Ahhhhhh..... So.. much PAIN!.. you will pay for that one with your life Warrior )) seeing that he has also made his mark upon his opponent nothing the successful hit on his left shoulder

The_Warrior_Guyver yawns lightly within reflections of possible futures as the pressure cannon tears apart the face of the other warrior, causing many differing modes to come into occurrence through the warrior type unit.. such a delicate mass of machinery.. so pitiful, but at least better then that of a standard, able to sustain such damage and yet still keep on ticking.. if only this warrior knew what was next... if only..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the warrior plunges forward with his knee, pressing his legs up so that they are positioned to slam into his feet first, and force him away from the other warrior, the true warrior... as this would happen he shoves off with his blades too, allowing successive gravitational forces to proceed forward, in a magnificent display of quantum manipulation, he pools gravitons is massive batches of culmination before this poor frail Guyver,
The_Warrior_Guyver drawing him back with enough force to cause a Guyver to fly 3750 miles per hour... the warrior fights his own forces with a successive counter force of only 2750 miles per hour, thus gyrating forward at a slower pace if possible.. if necessary ..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. as the drop backwards would occur, the added force of the footstep, positioned to come into brutal contact with the gravitational control orb of the other unit any time now, would press the poor little warrior back at about twice the speed of the gravitational disturbance...

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver The pain still continues to surge throughout the warrior as noting before having the pressure cannon blast about ripping off half his face accounting for the cracked control medallion the host slowly begins to slip off unconscious do the excessive amounts of pain while at the same time due to the extent of the damaged control medallion begins to shift off into complete self defense mode not
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver being able to distinguish between friend or foe but to only ensure the protection of the unit and it's humanoid host displaying the true nature of the Guyver being out of control...his opponent beginning to take advantage of the openness of the now frail unit but is that true?...the units sensory orbs quickly begins to swirl about sending
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver more information to the now unconscious host quickly determining the speed and velocity of his opponent and the angel of attack exploding towards his oncoming opponent creating a loud sonic boom pushing all the air molecules back inwards upon the unit going to zero to 2500 within the small stretch of land avaliabe between
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver them...his sensory orb gathering more information and calculating the strike position of his opponent seeing that he is on a direct path towards him timing everything just right as he moves both his forward facing high frequency blades inwards to push his opponents blades outwards while quickly maneuvering both his Lacus_Caedo_Guyver reverse facing blades moving them up into his chest plates to render the mega smasher cells useless and to impale him.
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver As this unit slipped off into self defense mode his opponent forceful kicks towards the guyver gravitational orb making a successful hit driving him slightly stumbling backwards a few feet some how knocking the gravitational orb off beat flickering slightly damaging the delicate orb as this too can be fixed as it still continues to operate at above average expectations

The_Warrior_Guyver sits within the heaven all alone by himself.. watching as another unit of like origins strikes posses against the air, attempting to overcome a greater force which does not enable it to do so.. it struggles against the wind, bound to the nothingness which holds it tightly in its place, and falling backwards.. oh pooh poor guyver..
The_Warrior_Guyver .. the control medallion of The Warrior Guyver pulses off a few times as his ocular ridges raise.. he senses the defensive steps put into place by the other warrior, but understands that in order to hold such high energy levels, the warrior needs a perfectly functioned tri forged control medallion, for without this structure its sure to malfunction and crash...
The_Warrior_Guyver ... the warrior steps forward within his own vortex of gravitational forces, waving his hand in front of his face as his hyper sensory orbs begin to track the graviton particles still present within the warrior remaining fragmented control medallion.. the control medallions photonic discharges scattering sporadically about within the heavens as the sensory orbs begin to lock onto ever minute particle of graviton within the complex structure of the warriors control medallion...
The_Warrior_Guyver ... trees scatter about his feet, cars begin to gravitate towards their direction, branches ripped and torn from their rightful place in earth, all the while the malfunctioned guyver struggles against something more then him, unable to combat against the warriors tugs..

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver The warrior knows that he isn’t a match for his opponent since he is missing portions of his face that slowly begins to reconstruct itself as his opponent is now hovering about him...the unit then begins to use what’s left of his control medallion to try and settle the score between both of them trying to signal his gravitational orb trying to be careful not to put too much strain upon it for it being within a
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver damaged state as graviton particles begins to gather at the foot hold of the gravitational but only half the rate as it would if it were functioning properly the swirling mass being barely able to levitate from off the earth below but able

The_Warrior_Guyver lowers his head as he once again places a right hand forward.. his digit swirling about in the air, as the graviton particle control orb begin to use its manifested states to alter the sub atomic structure of the remaining mass of Lacus’ control medallion... the warrior step slowly forward, his head continued to hold to the bowed state, as his control medallion sends off a few final burst of photonic illusion,
The_Warrior_Guyver soon to be swept away by the mass of graviton particles which creates the current swirl of vortex about them both... the warrior presses slightly forward within his controlled arrangement, pressing the graviton particles within the other warriors control medallion into a falsified state of obscurity, distributing them in strange formation within its own skull like portion of it head..

Lacus_Caedo_Guyver The warrior still continues to manifest graviton particles unaware what his opponent was doing above as the rest of the units control medallion begins to fade away as even through it didn't exist as this happens the unit cancels out of the current pressure cannon formation as his hands race up towards the disappearing control medallion as the last visible particle of the medallion vanishes causing the guyver to literally eat itself from the inside out it's mass
Lacus_Caedo_Guyver slowly beginning to melt off turning into a purple like substance that begins to litter the earth below exposing the bare bone as the rest of the warrior's body begins to fallow suit as soon there is nothing left of the poor unit but a puddle of purplish goo and the remains of his bones