€ IXI_Angel_IXI . . . elusive entrails of illumination cascades from the recesses of Ayenee as subtle tranquility perpetually linger beneath the teeming atmosphere. Cackles of moist grit conform under the weary trudge of footsteps and drawn-out sighs of exhaustion. Solemn pupils leer through the canopy of sycamores, gradually descending into the midriff of nature.

€ The_Kousotsu a simple being within states of grandeur finds promise within the obscurity of fate and the reaches of nothingness which find themselves prevalent in the confines of space... though simple seems to be a term quite under used within the fail safes of this ones fate, for he himself has become something more then simple, a being of power beyond comprehension in the human mind..
€ The_Kousotsu .. a simple after thought of one which once existed within the state which humans can appreciate.. he has found solace within his ways and seeks only to dwell within his scape of omniversal essence, not wishing further battles of strife, but to simply exist. though the beings which inhabit space on so many fronts of digression have seek him out time and time again,
€ The_Kousotsu for battle for query for advice, if only this entangent strings of existence would allow his wavering thought to rest within the comforts of perceptual reality.. still it torments him..

€ IXI_Angel_IXI . . .ivory fingertips leisurely skim across the tempests of wind gingerly assailing the alcove of stone and mos. Angel’s visage distends amid the incessant sorrow haunting his physique. Alas the ominous tides of calamities invoke Angel upon the enigma of Kouotsu; although candid in seemingly vicious scenarios, his face remains devoid of relation, calmly recanting history.
€ IXI_Angel_IXI Bewitching myriads of thought progressively manifest into coarse kinetics generating a systematic purge of dimensional rifts . . . effectively removing any non prime entity within minutes of the initial rupture.

€ The_Kousotsu within the constructs of alternating space and the essence of all which is real and unreal, lies a singular force which is enter tangled with the very essence of existence as a full.. for another being to think himself so grand as to press his own essence onto the Kousotsu and try to press him from existence himself, is well laughable..
€ The_Kousotsu .. but as we said, this is a non linear being, one which is in all points of time and at all locations within the tempest of time and space... though this may have been a tactful move, it was mute and seemingly unworthy of such a foe, for the act of trying to impress your essence upon another as great as yourself, or more so, takes the will of that other being to falter,
€ The_Kousotsu which of course, a being which knows the extent of his powers within this cosmos, and is un effected by the torrents of time, would be able to simple strung off such a temporal attack like it was a mosquito trying to suck fly from a bull dozer.. oh well some must try to tempt fate and attack one as the Kousotsu, it occurs over and over throughout the progression of time,
€ The_Kousotsu though what is unconsidered is the fact that the Kousotsu is time, and is in essence, ayenee and all the sub dimensions which exist in fantasia prime dimension.. as the action is pressed, the Kousotsu simply mocks it, seeing the excursion pass in many alternate forms in billion and trillions of alternate dimensions,
€ The_Kousotsu the same force attacking in the same way at the same time...an inter woven fiber of temporal grander, almost enough to sway the ways of ,lesser god, but not the Kousotsu.. he thinks it time to end the threat which wishes to end his own existence..
€ The_Kousotsu .. before the essence of angel was conceived through the torments which are temporal abnormalities, Kousotsu inflicts a purging of all which is that essence that seeks to attack him within a linear state...

€ IXI_Angel_IXI . . . dwindling gestures of gaiety readily subside amidst his vain contraption . . . “God for God.” His voice squealed as Kousotsu’s depraved sense of logic rampages across the mechanics of linear realism. His visage gradually conveys a slight grin preparing for his obliteration.
€ IXI_Angel_IXI The slightest indication of severity and at such magnitude purposes a single line of defensive maneuvers – solely based upon his environment Angel’s eyes observe the decoy used by various foina and devises one simple conclusion. A blanket of bleakness effortlessly, ravenously, consumes his consciousness in a methodical rhythm from every ripple of the Omniverse . . . leaving but an obscured vision of the past and present.

€ IXI_Angel_IXI dies...
€ IXI_Angel_IXI steps ooc.
€ The_Kousotsu says, yeah
€ IXI_Angel_IXI says, Science was never my strong suite.
€ The_Kousotsu says, I knew that Bryan
€ IXI_Angel_IXI coughs "Guyvers".
€ The_Kousotsu says, thats why I exploited it
€ RPG_Rapist_ says, What'd Kousotsu do.
€ The_Kousotsu says, well
€ IXI_Angel_IXI Yawns. "I lack the depth of role-play. I have an extensive vocabulary, but no depth."
€ The_Kousotsu says, a linear base being tried to become one with the essence of Kousotsu