Upon the desolate environment lay forth a solitary foot, of which gently impacted the terrain beneath. This, was the sigil that proclaimed the herald of the being that stood in silent testament to the very forces of Nature. At 10.5 ft., and coloured an ebony hue, the Anti-vibrational crystalline mesh armor deflected the very photonic rays that would dare have fallen upon its form. ©
AnkouGuyver Hyper-sensory orbs moved within their assigned slots, descrying the environment which lay before it. Its digits curled into the formation of a crude fist.. constantly flexing them, waiting.. wanting.. and remaining statuesque. Its visage.. the twisted demonic effigy of a Vampiric skull, a symbolic representation of its 'Father'.. - The ReaperGuyver. ©
AnkouGuyver - Its Control Medallion flickered an indigo hue.. pulsations timed with the flow of thought that churned within the Host's Mind. Its glow ring radiated a burst of rebellious hues.. crimson mingling with violet.. How this 'beast' stood with pride upon these desolate grounds... waiting, wanting, and thirsting.

Celestial_Guyver Alas, the time came once again in which blood must be shed, and death must be wrought. Betwix the two, collaboration was barely present, a struggle pressed to their extremes to simply bare a winner. And it began, in all it's agony, torture, and utter pain. A sudden slice, ripping through him, obliterating the molecules which allowed life, only to give a rebirth...
Celestial_Guyver The generation of potency within, and extreme gains of all attributed necessities. Femto-seconds passed, only to be squandered by the emotions in the exterior. And, now, his reformed stature began to pull itself together, building the structural integrity piece by piece. Although power came at a destructive price, it was most definitely worth the expense...
Celestial_Guyver Perfected with it's sleek, specter like form. The enigmatic and new, brought together in a intricately designed structure, developed in an instant. Taking on the emotions of it's host, the Guyver obtained the ruthless, destructive ways. The moment of reckoning was wrought upon the area, an advanced species now being manufactured to do it's own will...
Celestial_Guyver Within an instant, which was approximately two seconds, the rebirth obtained it's competition. A pellucid discharge of completely transparent energies was symbolic to the competition of this horrific transformation. There it stood, with a variety of values of ebony and silver.. gleaming with their own magnificence..
Celestial_Guyver Crimson hues expanding, retracting, and then dissipating into the atmosphere. The attributes surpassing their own extremities, destroying the harsh reality... <E>

AnkouGuyver Its head tilted to the side, the lack of a Gravity Control Orb disallowed its necessity to even provoke the 'start' to activating the siphoning of gravimetric forces. With this in a general mental placement of memory, the first of many actions began. - Its Hyper-sensory orbs glided along its inborn grooves, a natural selected field billowed forth within its visual cortex, heightened by the Host Interlink layer of the Control Medallion. ~
AnkouGuyver With the sudden burst of elevated senses.. that was innate to all Guyvers, this Unit's ability speed into existence: A harmless grid of resonance that enacted their justice into serving the will of its Master.. the Grid itself would act as its own field.. mocking the other Unit's Hyper-sensors.. laughing in their silent movements.. as it was to nullify that specific aspect of a Guyver. ~
AnkouGuyver To render himself 'invisible' to those hyper-sensors and thus force the Guyver to rely upon what it saw before it.... So it began: Phase one.

Celestial_Guyver Hyper-sensors diminished, becoming of no use whatsoever at the moment. Alas, he now only had the host's visual display, therefore allowing him the current disadvantage. Yet, he remained passive, the recovery of his hyper-sensors was useless. Thus, remaining utterly motionless, he viewed his opponent with what he had at the moment, although this wasn't the most efficient visual..

AnkouGuyver Its head tipped forward.. deep sockets bore twin scalene optical lenses, a fierce sapphire hue was attributed to them. An anger unrelenting, coupled with the insanity of being 'Out of Control'.. This, was the true epitome of Guyver. Its upper torso bent forth slightly, the aethyrial flux that rippled about throughout the entire world.. more so localized and fluctuating about this Guyver as though a pet once more returning to a former Master..©
AnkouGuyver Ankou retained its silent, unmoving state. Simple ATP conversion began to transcend all other cellular-based activities, with this at the highest of priorities, the break-down of the 'boosted' protein was furthermore imbued with the divination that was the steady flow of adrenal properties within the bloodstream of the Guyver. With this in action, its continuous process summoned forth one of the greatest and near 'mystical' aspects of the Guyver.. ©
AnkouGuyver Bio-kinetic energy. It was this very energy that dispersed itself throughout the form of the Guyver.. Yet despite its free-flowing state.. it was summoned elsewhere.. towards the legs. The legs themselves were key manufacturers of the protein, ATP, and even more so.. -the- largest- 'factory' within its body. - Ankou's legs tensed.. coils of bio-armored flesh bulged within the long limbs.. in preparation of what? Oh, its answer was soon to come. ©
AnkouGuyver - A faint mist jettisoned from vents not at the side of the face, but from within the gaping maw of the skull-like effigy of its face. A burst that escaped in a rise of compressed CO2 that rose upwards into the sky with its serpentine formation.. With the build-up of potential energy in its semi-hunched form..as though it prepared to leap forth at Celestial, the pressurization from the overflow of Bio-kinetic ©
AnkouGuyver energy, plus the strain of potential energy desperately in need of being kinetically released.. It added up with the near instantaneous burst of velocity that sent the Guyver into a head-on collision type path in the direction of Celestial, its vector held tight by its very momentum, its speed easily shattered past the mere sonokinetic vibes.. ©
AnkouGuyver procuring forth a wake of destruction in its motion as immense gravitational/temporal well rippled past its form..this allowing Ankou to leave the worlds fastest car looking as though it moved as fast as a snail.. Approaching the range of ~850 MPH, its form throbbed with the force of its own movement, yet by no means would it feel resistance in its truest sense.. for it was 'weathered' and long since had adjusted to such extreme speeds. ©
AnkouGuyver Would it to go any faster.. well.. its limit had hardly been touched upon yet. As for the other Guyver.. Ankou was only attempting to bowl the other over.. a 'friendly' gesture to truly initiate combat.

Celestial_Guyver Alas, the preparation seemed as a fatal mistake through the visual eyes of the host. The enigmatic Guyver which awakened it's first assault utterly left him in perplextion. Was the preparation an error? Or simply a tool in which may be used to through him off from suspicion. These numerous questions remained unanswered -- that is, until the agile Guyver began it's run...
Celestial_Guyver Immediately, semi-Quantum energies manufactured the appropriate mixture of chemicals within to reach top speeds, which happened to be a poor match to the opposing Guyver's. This certain, and original Guyver could only reach it's extremities of 400mph. Therefore only given a short amount of time to basically back away, reducing the impact of their collision...
Celestial_Guyver Although it's evasion was hopeless, a clever idea was developed. The immediate outstretch of both bio-armoured digits signified his strategic plan. 'If I'm was going to obtain damage', he thought, "He might as well take some also." Thus, certain chemicals began the mixture, bonding, and developing a newly born chemical, and then repeating to reach it's goal...
Celestial_Guyver The irregular semi-Quantum energies gave the Guyver a sudden boost, it was utterly a light boost, but nonetheless effective. The dual out-stretched palms were held steadily in place, his pace of now 475mph allowing him quite a bit more time to activate this mixture of potency. This mixture would soon develop, in an instant. The physical boundaries were of no such importance to a Guyver..
Celestial_Guyver The utter harsh reality of limits was depleted upon Guyver's terms. The assailant was approaching, it's ominous threat staring at him. A nearly transparent crimson of radiant kinetics could be seen, resembling an aura, and representing pure grimace. Now, it was the right time for everything, and neither of the two Guyvers could foresee what was to happen next...
Celestial_Guyver Two bio-metallic cylinders slightly protruded within the Guyvers gleaming palms. And from the mixture, which contained Ether and such, was a violent barrage of embers. The blazing crimson of the shattered embers spread towards his oncoming assailant, awaiting him with a deadly gleam of fiery ash. If successful against the armour, the semi-napalm would cause minimum to medium damage..

AnkouGuyver Speed. Usually a Guyver's friend. Now, it was his foe. Ankou's armor was met with the sudden bust of conflagrations that was spewed from Celestial Guyver's hands.. the searing flames slammed onto his armor..bathing him in its agonizing hues and flesh-smoldering properties, yet pain was something that IT was 'born' to deliver.. and not receive. ©
AnkouGuyver But this newfound feeling of shock that was a thousand knives stabbing into its bio-flesh prompted Ankou to enact one of its other aspects from its innate 'list' of attributes. And this was.. the porous construct of its Armor. Its use? - Upon the carbonic, oxygenated atoms that whizzed by in a screeching horde of friction that bought forth Fire.. The pores began to automatically, on the cellular level.. find the atoms of oxygen to be to its liking. Why? ©
AnkouGuyver For one thing, its ATP consumption was not without flaw.. Oxygen still played a key factor.. and despite the Guyver's heart being astronomically powerful.. it could only do so much at a given amount of time. Yet the flames worked their magic as was intended.. forcing Ankou to slide along the ground, as both feet pressed slightly into the earthen terrain.. only slightly slowing its speed down, by perhaps a good 30 - 50 MPH. ©
AnkouGuyver Yet with the influx of oxygen atoms.. its own ATP production rate increased two-fold. Its bio-flesh was still being burned.. its forearms rose up.. an 'X' formation held over its chest. A vehement hiss escaped its gaping maw.. as a burst of compressed carbon dioxide that furthermore forced Ankou to press its feet into the ground, now simply carried along by pure momentum.. cleaving a deep furrow into the ground. ©
AnkouGuyver Within the frame of 10 or seconds, it would come to a stop.. its porous Armor throbbing with its regenerative factors as well as a new supply of oxygen to aid in its healing/ATP production.

Celestial_Guyver The host's vocal chords were transmitted to the Sonic Emitter orbs, allowing his extremely ominous voice to echo through the surrounding venue, "Tisk, tisk. Looks to me like, second-degree?" A cackle, which sounded rather evil as well, was emitted along with the voice..

AnkouGuyver its form remained silent. The flames sure as hell hurt.. but the pain was welcomed. Welcomed as its head lowered.. a faint mist escaped from its maw. Its arms extended forth.. - Enough games were played.. it was time take care of things up close and personal. - Bio-armored tissue began to compensate for the build-up of Bio-kinetic energy from before.. it all had to go somewhere, and so towards its own secret factor. Now came Phase 2: Evolution.~
AnkouGuyver The dispersed Bio-kinetic energy flowered into silent oblivion, an explosive torrent of power that acted on those injured layers of flesh.. To hell with Regeneration, the next best thing was already being played out .. gradually.. but assuredly. Its flesh would harden.. taking on a toughness that would provide substantial 'fireproof' properties against the Napalm.©
AnkouGuyver It wouldn't be 100% effect.. perhaps about 10.. 20%, but it was a start. Oh yeah, Punishment was what it truly lusted after.

Celestial_Guyver There were roughly four meters betwixt the two, and to him; potent combat was more than nessecary at the moment. The host manipulated the Guyver to fit his own skill. The apparent evolution would gradually continue on, and it needed to be halted immediately. Thus, he took the offensive with extreme ability. Crimson hues lingered about the atmosphere..
Celestial_Guyver He outstretched each arm, the digits curling and aligning vertically. Both palms were curled slightly, and their collision emitted a slight 'clank' sound from the bio-armoured grips. As this happened, the two protruding cylindrical pipes emitted a spherical orb of alabaster. The ingredients to this orb were Quantum energies, bio-kinetic energies, and some enigmatic energies...
Celestial_Guyver With a slight spark of crimson, the alabaster coloration began to fade. It slowly faded into a mixture of creamy-white and cyan. Now, the spherical orb lashed out towards his assailant, whose transformation was steadily increasing. The rather quick orb was sent to phase through the structure of the other Guyver, and allow a bit of molecular damage to occur..which may cause severe damage..

AnkouGuyver Its lack of a Gravitational Control Orb was its first major difference between itself and other Guyvers. Its fists coiled tight.. tension bubbled within its Energy Compressors. And its Control Medallion began to flicker with brilliant hues of indigo as its fingers suddenly splayed open .. the porous construct of its Bio-armor began to fall its thirst upon gravitonic materia.. The exceptional nature of gravity was always a welcome aspect. ©
AnkouGuyver The amassed weaves of aethyrial materia also invoked itself into formation.. the slow process contradicting the gravitonic weaves.. the two, parallel forces that acted against and with each other. It was a balanced state of energy that filtered into the pores of the Armor.. flowing intangible veins into its arms.. blooming forth from its palms.. and converging.. a singular point in between both hands. ©
AnkouGuyver Whilst the energy collected, the incomming sphere was ejected by Celestial. With the given amount of time necessary to procure its own divinity over the gravitational forces.. Ankou hissed once more in anger.. the swirling gravito-aethyrealistic flows swelled forth exponentially breaching past temporal fabrications, guided by the very trans-dimensional link that was a given upon Bio-boosting. ©
AnkouGuyver The swell of gravimetric forces however began to spin.. and spin.. and twirl with a rage more profound than any man-made device of the same caliber. Matter began to be pulled through the vortical anamoly.. the suction of photonic, and other materia was such that it was quicky formulated into that of a single quantum singularity that was professed in the formation of a wormhole. ©
AnkouGuyver But unlike many wormholes.. this was infused with the aethyrealistic weaves.. a 'magik' that was nearly unheard of to others of its bethren. Its purpose was to decimate the very atomic properties of the sphere.. rendering it ineffective and thus putting forth its own superiority unto existence. This all, the benefit of the Warp/Void Nexus.

Celestial_Guyver The bio-armoured digits curled together, fingers tightly gripping each other. Alas, the Guyver tilted it's head to the right, a slight slant of his neck. And, with this motion, he encouraged the other Guyver to counter, to take the offensive, whilst he readily waited in a defensive motion. Each retractable vibrational sabre extending, the bio-armour material gleaming..

AnkouGuyver With the subtle gesture invoked by Celestial, it was now able to finalize its action. With the continual suction of gravitonic particles.. Ankou's fingers began to move.. its ring and little fingers moved closer, bending so they both formed a 'bridge'... this small movement enticed the Energy compressor organs at the back of its wrist to push down on the gravitonic matter.. pressurizing the quantum singularity to a smaller size.. about 1/2 of what it was before. ©
AnkouGuyver The intensity of such was that the wormhole now began to move at a rate of motion that belied all other gravimetric capabilities.. effectively rippling unto existence the temporal dilation field that acted as a natural barrier to incomming attacks and slowing down the other's movement were it to near Ankou. The dilation field, though a nice little fringe benefit..was not what the Guyver wanted. It was the continual compression of the singularity.. ©
AnkouGuyver Its index and middle finger touched ..fingertips against fingertips. Its thumbs fell side by side, pressed together. In visualization, the formation of its hands was that of a triangular appearance.. and within the confines of the palms.. was the ferocity of the Wormhole. The gravitonic accelerations that churned the temporal dilation field fluctuated.. ©
AnkouGuyver as this stable physical compression 'chamber' held the progress to the point where its power equaled 1.5 times that of a Standard Unit-G's pressure cannon. With that set in place.. Ankou lowered its head.. and finally it happened: The Trans-dimensional Summoners fell their resonance upon the Wormhole.. breaching dimensional gaps and finding hold upon the 'Other Dimension'.. affectionately known as Hyper-space. ©
AnkouGuyver With this Link set in place.. its base template of power output was now 7 times that of a standard Warrior Guyver. With the combination of the temporal dilation field, the wormhole singularity that was now set in place.. and the trans-dimensional link.. its regenerative properties would kick in over the next couple of rounds, improved by over 50%.. placing the span of time it would need to heal in approx. 20 seconds till it hit 100% health again.

Celestial_Guyver Magnificent, the current display by this 'other' Guyver was completely and utter magnificence. Yet, it was not time to stand in complete awe. At this, the ruthless rage which plagued him began to stir within him. With a quick motion, he leaped forth, soaring into the cyan sky. Alabaster clouds nearly engulfing his entire figure. As his structure became visible once again --
Celestial_Guyver -- he slowly put his plan into motion. As he soared within the sky, he lifted dual bio-armoured hands. Slowly, his figures slid between the creases of the bio-armoured chest plates. As he lifted them, a neon light gleamed and shone outward. The extremely bright light was accompanied by a continuous flux of energies, which happened to resemble Quantum energies...
Celestial_Guyver The grips which wrapped about his hands held tightly to the chest plates as he viewed his target below. Through the Sonic Emitters, a hyper-burst of noise was produced in the form of a high-pitched scream which could easily make a human head explode. From within the median sized chambers which held the destructive energies, two beams were manufactured...
Celestial_Guyver These dual beams lashed outward, their continuous vacillation of gold was enticing. Along with the ear-splitting sound, two beams produced from the 'Hyper Smashers' cut through the air threatening the other Guyver, probably able to complete obliterate the Guyver, even at his currently evolved form. <E>