Subject: Unit-G/Avatar to Kousotsu-Guyver
Code Name: Quietus-Guyver
Host Name: Zander Aureus
: Male
Age: Timeless
Height: 6'0 (Variable)
Weight: 180 lbs (Variable)



Miraculous deeds are sometimes performed for the most mundane of reasons. Existence itself seems to be but a befitting recourse of interaction for those who immerse themselves within the alignments of linear reality. Yet, once in every great moon a decision is made that alters the course of time itself, and spawns into existence a great warrior. This is one of those instances.

Time has passed quite erratically in the history of the Guyver. Those who would be Gods have ascended, while the masses warred amongst themselves in perpetual angst. One such God, and warrior within the same note, would be spawned from the aspect of non linear consciousness known as The Kousotsu. His name was Daniel Aureus. Aureus had found placement within these many realms by ruling and gathering forces to thwart the dastardly deeds of others, yet his own deeds caused malice beyond the point of expression. Throughout conflict, Daniel would overtake the pride known as the Guyver Strike Forces, and make it his own. He would rule this army of sorts with an iron fist, and convert them from a defending mass into a concurring horde.

His efforts though would be in vein, through the travesties of time, he would leave his militia and journey into the vastness of existence as to learn of the calamities that awaited him. Five hundred years would pass before his rebirth into this system. At this time he would once again gather an army, if not from the remaining forces of the past, than from a need breed of Guyver that had arisen in his time away.

Though throughout his prolonged leave other forces had arisen to take the place of his Strike Forces, donning the same name, lead by none other than a former Lieutenant named Guyver Sakari. These two factions would find intercourse through interaction, prolonging the never ending conflict until both parties would be disassembled and pressed aside. At this point the Avatarian distinction of the Kousotsu would once again wish to journey into the centralized state of existence, and be one with the one who had created him. Though before he left he found it necessary to create yet another conglomerate of his own vast power. 

Through provocation of morality and that of immortality, Kousotsu-Guyver has ascertained that his continued occupation of the physical dimensional plain is insidious as well as inept. The Creation of Quietus-Guyver would allow him to occupy this aforementioned spatiotemporal location and interact directly through this avatar.

The process had occurred before, one greater being leaving a wake of his own essence within the embodiment of another. This is how Kousotsu-Guyver came into existence; this is how he was to create the next quintessence of his own essence. Through manipulation of spatiotemporal distinctions Kousotsu-Guyver would create a being by the name of Zander Aureus. Zander was to be his eyes and ears within the physical plain, a direct conduit to his own potential.

Consciousness is a precarious feat, sentience is one far removed from the supplementary angst of mere perception. The act of creating another organism capable of manipulating the core essence of being on a level comparable to his own was only ascertained through Aurues’ own manipulation of the Kousotsu trait.

Being but a mere avatar himself, Aureus’ was required to leave a portion of his own potential within the infant gestation, creating a link between the two minds. This would allow the newly birthed Zander Aureus to interact with the primary intermediary and thusly access the abilities and power persistent within both aspects of birthing mentor as well as patriarch of the primary vassal.

The newly formed vassal, however, would not be complete. Even with the grandiose abilities of Kousotsu-Guyver, he was unable to fully endow Zander with a quotient portion of the Kousotsu trait to permit direct communication with the whole of the Kousotsu. Thusly it was required that that the new vessel was enabled to interact through the initial avatar of the Kousotsu by means of Kousotsu-Guyver.

This interaction would allow Zander Aureus to access the spatiotemporal plain and ascertain a cognizant correlation with Daniel Aureus through these measures. Through this primary conduit, Zander would be capable of accessing a portion of the full Kousotsu trait until he had reached a point of maturation.

Kousotsu-Guyver however would find his work lacking merit without the establishment of other endowments. The naïve vessel would be incapable of higher acts of spatiotemporal manipulation until the point that its own consciousness apparatus was competent enough in the ways of the omniverse to come to a point of epiphany. Being such, Kousotsu-Guyver would allow said conduit the ability to access a metaphysical shell related to the appearance of a Unit-G.

Such things had been done in the past and proved useful to apprentice level users of the Kousotsu trait. Kousotsu itself had granted such guises to several of his own avatar constructs in order to allow for full maturation before ascension.

The metaphysical shell however was not in fact a Guyver, rather only the guise of one, allowing the user to perceive necessity in the face of adversary and utilize various portion of their own inlayed trait without prior knowledge of the grandeur required to access the full potential of aforementioned state.

Before birth into the physical plain, Aureus would name the newly formed unit “Quietus”. Its meaning would be a derivative of “to silence through death” and would represent his own malice of self failure within the physical plain. One could hypotheses that Aureus was unwilling to allow his own avatar to succeed where he had failed, and had doomed him before conception with the simple tool of a name.

Quietus-Guyver would awake to the world through the afterbirth of psychokinetic energies. Bathed in their loving embrace, and the human carapace he would occupy until further ascension, he ventured into the world without prior knowledge of his own conception.

The Kousotsu traits would not surface within the individual for sometime, and even then, their initial interactions with host were limited. It was not until his third celebration of conception that he would learn the true extent of his abilities. Accessing them was still difficult though, and limited to his ability to grasp the spatiotemporal signature of Aureus.

It is surmised that the unit has yet to reach levels of ascension, but is at this point capable of a high level of communication with Kousotsu-Guyver. Through this consultation, Quietus is able to alter the very fabric of reality to suit his needs, as well as gain further understanding of his underlying environment. Quietus continues to serve as the avatar to “the Aureus”, acting as an extension of his metaphysical interaction within the physical plain.


Powers and Abilities



 Subject: Unit-G/Avatar to Kousotsu-Guyver
Code Name: Quietus-Guyver
Host Name: Zander Aureus
: Male
Age: Timeless
Height: 6'0 (Variable)
Weight: 180 lbs (Variable)

Avatar to Kousotsu-Guyver: The powers and abilities of Zander Aureus vary based on his ability to sustain a connection, through the primary conduit, to the Kousotsu trait. This trait is the derivative of the Kousotsu, which is an omni-dimensional non linear being. At full levels of interaction, subject is capable of omnipresence, omniscience, as well as omnipotence over any and all dimensional plains simultaneously.

Psionic Abilities: Zander is in affect not truly human, nor does he actually exist within the physical plain. Instead, his being is an alternating spatiotemporal field capable of interacting directly with Kousotsu-Guyver within its ascended state of existence. Being such, Zander has access to a wide range of powers based solely upon need instead of ability. Though this powers can only be accessed through acquisition of conscious need, as well as realization of their existence. Aureus is capable of sustaining any range of psionic based abilities, but is often known to use psychokinetic energies as a base form of inter-dimensional manipulation.

Physical Abilities: Being that Zander Aureus is not truly a physical being, his abilities within physical prowess are based on his own conscious awareness of current environment. With this in mind, one can ascertain that his own physical abilities can be manipulated to any point required to accomplish a specific feat within the corporeal plain, as long as subject has a perceived capability of accomplishing said exploit.



Subject: Unit-G/Avatar to Kousotsu-Guyver
Code Name: Quietus-Guyver
Host Name: Zander Aureus
: Male
Age: Timeless
Height: 6'11 (Variable)
Weight: 520 lbs. (Variable)

General description: Quietus' unit is actually a metaphysical construct of perceived ability rather than an actual Unit-G. Through this interaction, the unit is capable of creating Guyver like weaponry that can interact with the physical plain of existence. These interactions however are only limited to the users conscious will at any given moment as well as its interaction with its avatar. Being such, variables within the limitation, as well as extent, of these abilities is moot within description.

Intent: The metaphysical construct of the Unit-G was instilled upon Quietus to allow the user to reach beyond the normal levels of physical limitation and gain a greater understanding of its own advanced abilities. Through provocation of interface, it is surmised that the user was able to ascertain levels far exceeding what he may have perceived while within the physical shell of a human. Thusly, the unit was more an enabler than a support device.

Status: Currently the apparition of the Unit-G is used by Quietus to instill fear within adversaries as well as represent his access to a higher level of consciousness. Though inert within formation, the assumption of host/unit-g interlink allows for greater capabilities to be ascertained by Quietus. This process can be a conscious endeavor, or merely an amplification level his current construct is unable to comprehend. Thusly the Guyver is used as a self-assurance buffer in these regards allowing Quietus to reach levels of being and interaction with spatiotemporal consequence far beyond his own perception of those states.