

     Once merely a figment of imagination, forced to copiously incorporate abnormal aspects of lineage in a non-linear reality; this dormant aspect of the Kousotsu trait, was created merely as the viral agent of an ever present God.

     His history is a twisted one, starting from the remnant of a once grand Empire known as the GSF. His Creator, The Kousotsu, was a renowned member of this Strike force, and likewise was forced to ascertain the missionary stance of his leader, TheGuyversWill. After discovering the wicked deviations that were planned, this Manifested Thought took it upon himself to rid existence of a horrible monstrosity of collaborated consciousness. In doing so he found that his presence within this reality was no longer required, and ascended into a nearly God like formation, leaving behind four separated consciousness’ to take his place within the world.

     One of these was the auspicious and power hungry Aureus, Kousotsu’s direct Avatar. Being capable of bending reality to any way the will whims, demented this avatarian distinction to the point that Kousotsu was forced to removing his lingering traits from the physical manifestations of Aureus, and likewise leave him as though a sniveling babe.

     The Warrior Guyver was nothing more than a mad man, endowed the powers of existence, and yet only allotted but a primitive mind such as man. Such circumstances causes one to go mad with frustration, and the inability to even control one’s thoughts. A constant curse was this, as the lumbering giant would follow one schizophrenic delusion to the next, until he meandered off into obscurity, not to be heard from for near a millennia.

     Revyug Roirraw was the lament of desolation, in direct correlation to the monstrosities that the Controller Units had produced. He was to be the first Revyug. For as the controller unit was an imperfect specimen, its continual use would augment the user through minute mutations, until those mutations would spawn the tempting ambitions of such a creature as the Revyug. A being within the complete opposite of a Guyver, utterly without the conceptions of humanity, that made men fair and just. They would desolate the world, un-united, unprovoked, and without regard for life or love. Wars would continue for 700 years following the disillusion of The Guyver Strike Forces, leaving The Revyug who would be a Warrior, to seek out his lost mentality, and become human once more.

     Finally there was Unit99, Donald Golden. He was created to be the first Guyver, 3 million years before such Units would tread upon the soil of Ayenee. Brought to life with the least power of the four, merely a standard guyver with a human host, lacking any form of the Kousotsu trait. He would be forced to trudge through life, and cope with circumstances of lost love, and constant struggle. Though his years would prove worthy, for as the Strike Force were first birthed into this world, he was their constant observer. Over the years, through continually usage of the Unit, and millions upon millions of metamorphic transformations, 99 would evolve. Gaining simplistic telepathy at first, followed by an array of mutations within his host state. These would range from increased stamina, to the ability to instantaneously evolve to fit the situation he was presented with.

     Though such power would seem a blessing to some, his own regalements were less provocative, and more melancholy. For eternal life can only be entertaining for so long. His inability to end his own life was stemmed from these manifestations of mutations, altering his biochemical structure and adapting to any stimulus he introduced onto himself. Such an embrace of death had even caused him to lose the ability to bio boost. Though his immortality was secured by the mutative abilities endowed upon him by the unit, he was still without the power and strength that come from Guyver. For 200 years he would stay this way, learning what it was to be man, and rediscovering what there was to love about life. His Guyver had seemed to sense his need for this rediscovery, and yet, The Kousotsu lingered always behind the scenes guiding him through manipulations of the Unit.

     We come full circle, from past to present, and present to past, and yet time seems to still, and cease to pass, for as all these travesties meandered their way by the flock, their “God”, The Kousotsu, would have already seen the outcome of his great experiment, knowing what would come of the four, before even their birth into this cosmos. Aureus would fail in his attempts to create an empire out of the world, being defeated by those who were still loyal to the cause of righteousness, Sakari and his followers; Warrior would succumb to his own madness, and become a hermit within the woods; The Revyug would fade away, as quickly as he had become conscious of his own humanity; And 99, Donald would forever be forced to contemplate the meaning of existence.

     So as all good things come to an end, so must the bad. But for every end, there is a new beginning, and so a new story unfolds.



Powers and Abilities


          Subject: Unit-G, Humanoid Hybrid
          Code Name: Guyver Unit 99
          Host Name: Donald Golden
          Sex: Male
          Age: Roughly three million one hundred and fifty thousand years.
          Height: Variable though standardized at 6’6
          Weight: Variable
          Known Alias’: The Warrior Guyver, Kousotsu Guyver,
          Kousotsu-Guyver, David Golden, Yakuhon GoRuden,
          Donald Golden, Daniel Aureus, The Kousotsu,
          Manifested Thought; Revyug Roirraw


     Adaptation abilities: Through constant use of the Unit over three million years, the host has been mutated. His augmented abilities are a result of these mutations. They range from increased strength, to the ability to instantaneously heal. Though the abilities listed below entail his primary attributes, Donald is capable of adding to this vast spectrum of weapons on a moments notice. His only limitations are the variable amounts of mutative factors within his cells, for only a certain allotment can be accessed at a particular point in time.

     Strength: Donald Golden’s strength is relative to that of a standard Guyver, giving him the ability to alter his own molecular density, and ascertain an accumulative force of 15 tons within a moments notice. Though such manifestations of force are only constant to the application for which they are used. Donald has been shown to exert more force, if such measurements are required to complete the task at hand.

     Speed: Yet another variable. Due to the alterations of mass vs. size, Donald is capable of running faster than a cheetah at points, or slower than a snail. His own prowess of mobility is based within these always altering attributes. Though he has been shown to have the ability to move at speeds mirroring, or exceeding that of known specimens of standard Guyvers ( I.E. those shown on ).

     Stamina: Variable, due to the mutative nature of the specimen. The ability to continually move within conflict can only be measured by the will of the aggressor, and their physical stature. Within this case, the will is indomitable, and the physical stature is a constantly changing menagerie of homo-superior characteristics. Though Donald has been shown to fatigue, he is not likely to do so often. Another additional factor to this circumstance, is the ability to evolve based on external, as well as internal, stimulus.

     Durability: Durability is a variable aspect, and can be best explained in ways of man. At points he is as helpless as a babe, being only able to sustain minor inflictions of force before unconscious states are invoked. At other points he is as hard as adamite, capable of being buried under a heap of boulders, and powering his ways out to the solace of daylight. These alternate states of vulnerability are contributed to his ability to alter his molecular density. Though the ability to perform such acts is not one of a conscious intention, they are however enacted by the human’s own need to survive. The evolving characteristics can be attributed to this. His own regenerative powers are comparable to that of a Guyver, but somewhat less apt at points, as yet again the evolving characteristics are not a constant fixation. His ability to heal is based on the damage taken, rather than a constant fixed rate, and can be anywhere from instantaneous to days or weeks. These regenerative abilities are also circumstance to the extent of damage done to his physical shell. For instance, a minor knick may take days to heal, as a severed limb would regenerate in a matter of hours, or minutes depending on the extent of his mutative cells at this point in time.

     Mental Abilities: Though merely human within Soul, his own lineage has caused him some anomalies within the psyche, as well as the physical brain. Through his mutative abilities, the host has acquired an excess amount of brain cells, and like wise a radical formation of Neuron firing paths has forms, creating unique abilities that seem to alter day by day. They range from simple telekinetic abilities, to nominal empathic forms of mind control. His ability to perceive that which he was always blind too, the Kousotsu trait, is based within the assumption that these advanced mental processes have intertwined with the foreboding “super consciousness” that is the Kousotsu. Though the extent of these psionic abilities are indeed limited, there is always room for growth.

     Possible Future Adaptations: The ability to control particles of energy based within telekinetic or psychokinetic awareness is an always present vestal within Donald’s heart. For as his own abilities intensify, and weaken, via external and internal stimulus, so do the possible future applications of those abilities increase. Through further evaluation of such mutative properties, one could speculate that the possibilities are endless.



          Subject: Unit-G, Human Hybrid
          Code Name: GuyverUnit99
          Host Name: Donald Golden
          Sex: Male
          Age: Roughly three million one hundred and fifty thousand years.
          Height: 7’10
          Weight: Variable, though static weight is 790 lbs.


     Adaptive Properties: Through over 3 million years of use of this Unit, the Guyver known as 99, has gained an extended knowledge of the boost armor. Allowing him to go above and beyond the limited abilities shown by other Standards. Ninety Nine was also granted the ultimate knowledge of the unit upon his conception, by The Kousotsu himself, making him the most apt user within a standard existence has ever known. Though not a precise standard within the sense, his own use of the unit has caused mutation within it rudimentary form, allowing him to augment certain attributes and allow them to become befitting to his own needs and uses.

     Control Medallion: As in most standard Guyvers, the control Medallion is comprised of three Layers, each controlling a different aspect of the boost armor. They are as follows;

     -Host Interlink
     -Dimensional Transceiver
     -Armor Controller

     -Host Interlink: This section of the control medallion allows the host to use the unit as though a natural extension of his body. Connecting the physical brain of the user with the super computer like crystalline structure of the Control Medallion. It is also responsible for the exchange of alpha waves between host and boost armor, and therefore would be considered the primary structure of this unit.

     -Dimensional Transceiver: The Second layer of the control medallion. A hybrid manifestation of a “Zoa-Crystal” like formation. It allows the Guyver to access differing planes of existences, and is theorized to be the tool in from which the creators would consciously interconnect with the Unit-G. This has been shown once before in Ayenee, such as in the case of the Creator known as TheGuyversWill. Attached to the inner portion of this crystalline structure are two metallic rings, which act as a primary memory buffer, and allow the Guyver to quickly ascertain information from its inter-dimensional communications. Though within most Guyvers, the allotted bandwidth of this device is rather limited. Within the ever evolving manifestation that is 99, the host has learned to develop these skills of spatiotemporal transaction, and thusly heighten the extent of their ability, by channeling excess amounts of hyper kinetic energy into the structure itself.

     -Armor Controller: The Third Layer of the Control Medallion acts as a governor between host, boost armor, and actual thought. Through the interaction of these three facets, the host is able to manipulate the boost armor through manipulation of quantum energy fields, as well as sonic vibrations. The degree of control is based solely on the boost armor itself in most cases, but as is the case with most standardized concepts, this unit is able to interact with these radically altering oscillations and contribute to the precise control of the unit above and beyond any other standard known.

     -Sustainable Consciousness Apparatus: The Control Medallion is also Capable of defending itself, if or when the Guyver becomes unconscious, and is no longer able to actively control the boost armor; Thusly causing the boost armor to become out of control. Yet another augmentation has been forged within this respect, as a centralized consciousness between host and unit, lays dormant between both respective points of instinctual drive, and actual brain. This acts as a buffer in cases of bereavement of host or boost armor, allowing a constant conscious aspect of 99 to remain in either instance.

     Gravity Control Orb: One of the primary devices of the boost armor. The Gravity control orb is used from everything from functionality, to the creation of the pressure cannon and flight. It acts as the primary contributor of energy within the Guyver.

     -Power Regulation: By acting on an ever present gravimetric field, the orb warps time/space and creates a quantum singularity, where by it accesses an energy rich dimension and accumulates and manipulates energy fields within this dimension. For the uses of this transcription, we will refer to this “Energy Rich Dimension” as “Hyperspace”. Once the connection between hyperspace and the gravitational control orb have been met, the orb creates a funnel, for which it uses to coerce the hyper kinetic energy into the Guyver Units own gravimetric field. Through these interaction the Guyver is sustained, and powered. It is surmised, that with a nearly infinite energy source comes infinite power, and thusly such is the case with Unit99. Though the extent of this “infinite” ability, is only regulated by the dimension into which these energy reserves are placed, for it is impossible to exert more power than is present within the dimension that these hyper kinetic energy fields are coerced into.

     -Inter-Dimensional Travel: The Gravitational Control Orb is also used as the inter-dimensional transportation of the boost armor. It enacts itself upon time and space, creating a spacial warp, which the boost armor uses to travel while within inactive states. Within the case of Ninety Nine, this same spacial anomaly can also be used as a form of transportation, accessing the ability of the gravity control orb to convey him across time and space, via a hyper dimensional rift.

     Anatomy: The Guyver itself is merely a provocative collaboration between advent technology, and the biological weapon known as man. A precarious manifestation of both will and mentality, in the form of a technological organism. Thusly, upon transformation from Human/Unit-G to Guyver, certain aspect of the human physiology are altered in accordance with the advanced properties of the Unit-G, giving the human abnormal cell structure, as well as organic composure. Such cases are represented within this section.

     -Homosapien Construct: While within Boosted form, The human’s own organs are replaced and revitalized with supplementary formations of the guyver’s advanced organs, and extra configurations of organic composites, while the organ structures of the homosapien are regressed and placed into a state of suspended animation. The Guyver is also capable of deactivating the Unit, by “de-boosting”. While within the transformation process from Guyver to quasi-human, deactivated organs are once more progressed to a point of functionality, and the human returns to his “normal state”. This process allows the Guyver to be both man or Guyver, depending on the circumstances he is presented with. This of course is another aspect of the host/unit interchange, in which mentality acts as a buffer between necessity and ability.

     -Telepathy Growths ( Trans-Dimensional Summoners ): While within “human” form, these growths used to communicate with the Unit-G across a dimensional barrier and thusly activate it. Within most unit’s this is the extent of their abilities while within the “de-boosted” status. Though subject 99 has shown the ability to manifest traits based on his own precarious mutagenic abilities, and thusly augment the natural function of these organs. Allowing them to act as frequency carriers for telepathic like communication. Though such communications are only interpretable by Guyver, it is theorized that this is somehow inlayed within the organics themselves.

     -Lungs: As in most organs within the Guyver, there are supplementary lungs as well. The primary lungs being located just behind the breast plates. These of course are used primarily for oxygenation of the blood supply. The second set of lungs is compacted, and located just below the first set. This extra set of lungs is inflated while the mega smasher is in use, just as the primary set is deflated at this point in time. Breather units, located within the mouth region, are used to collaborate oxygen and expel waste. This allows the Guyver to accumulate oxygen in any enriched environment ( I.E. Low atmospheric, or aquatic, conditions. ). Within Unit99, both sets of lungs can be accessed simultaneously, if the situation requires, as to supplement a temporary oxygen supply when one is not present.

     -Ocular Characteristics ( Armored Eyes ): The Guyvers eyes are a thin layer of material, located in conjunction with the host own represented eyes. This thin layer of booster material, has the ability to gather in increased amount of light, due to their formative size and shape, allowing them to see where others could not. They are also capable of emitting small particles of photons, as to supplement such fields of light, when none are present.

     -Regenerative Abilities: The Guyver, like its host, is able to easily regenerate portions of its anatomy, based on the necessity of those organic structures required. Unit99 has shown the ability to nearly instantaneously regenerate limbs. This of course is a comparable rate to the standardized unit, with but a few modifications. Ninety Nine’s ability to augment his own power intake, allows him to easily over compensate for rudimentary wounds, and thusly heal them far faster than the standardized Guyver. Though this rate is only relative to the hyper kinetic energy supply within host, it is expressed that this varying degree of hyper kinetic fields can be pressed beyond expectation of limitation when it becomes a necessity.

     Strength: Though only a figurative glance at the abilities of this Unit, his strength is derived from the complex muscle structures involved within the characteristics of his standardized self. An alternative form of representation would be the comparable stature of a mammoth beast. Equaling to an ever-present 105 tons, or 700 men ( being that each represented human has the ability to lift 300 lbs. ). Though this surmised equation can only be equated to his customary regulations. Through manipulation of various instruments, Ninety Nine has the ability to augment this characteristic. An example would be shown in the Guyvers ability to manipulate graviton particle fields, and thusly supplement the characteristics of those fields with ones lacking the strenuous forces of gravity. Another such instance would be Ninety Nine’s ability to increase and decrease his own mass while within movement or maneuver, adding force behind a precarious deviant of attack.

     Durability: Though limited by the booster armor’s ability to absorb contact, the guyver armor has been compared to materials more potent in durability than any other known to modern man, Ninety Nine has been able to supplement his own limited resistances by non-conventional methods. Either by strengthening his own gravimetric structure, to amplify his molecular density, or by creating a protective shielding device to further amend these amalgams of ability. Though these variable instances are somewhat immeasurable, they do have their limitations. For example, they are predominately centered upon the energy conversions ratio, and likewise can succumb based on the Guyvers inability to accumulate the required energy to sustain an unsurmisable force. To place durability within an understandable concept, one must regard the Guyvers strengths in levels of awareness and preparation, rather than a figurative glance of possible travesties. For if the Guyver finds himself unprepared, some of the most simplistic forms of ammunition may pierce his shell.

     Speed: Another figurative glance at the possible implications of energy conversion. For as the Guyver is able to reach speeds of nearly 500 miles per hour unaided, with the use of the power amplifiers the booster armor can greatly increase alacrity. Another augmentation would be the ability to alter gravimetric forces, and thusly lower his own resistances to those forces of gravity that would inhibit such progressions of advancement. An additional state would be the Booster Armor’s ability to fly. By creating a point of zero gravity within the gravimetric field of the Booster armor, the gravity control orb is able to ascertain the ability of atmospheric travel. Within these states of limbo, the booster armor uses the gravity gyro’s to control direction and elevation, as well as speed. Through manipulation of molecular density, the booster armor can further aid these instruments, giving the Guyver a effortless command of speeds relative to the resistance of atmospheric stress, comparatively; 3,750 mile per hour while within flight. Those these statistics can be further distorted through manipulation of gravitational fields to varying degrees. Though these instances are yet again regulated by the Guyvers ability to supply the hyper kinetic energy required to achieve such states.

     Stamina: Shown to of a limited amount by such standardized Units as Guyver’s 1-3, Ninety Nine has found this to be a falsity. The ideals of limited stamina being based within the concepts of mentality, as are all things Guyver, Ninety Nine has been able to ascertain unlimited stamina, due to his connective circumstances with the hyperspace dimension. Thusly, by acquiring the ultimate knowledge of the Guyver, this unit has found that he no longer has the need to de-boost, unless such formidable woes are presented, such as in the case of an energy overload, or his inability to sustain an active hyper dimensional link. Nevertheless he is still susceptible to deregulated states of fatigue shortly after his transmutation from Guyver to homosapien construct.

     Megasmasher: Overall, it has been stated that this is the most powerful weapon a Guyver holds in its arsenal. This may be true for most standardized units, but much as is this case, things that hold accurate for others, do not always find themselves factual when compared to the majestic capabilities of Ninety Nine. The Mega Smasher acts in many ways as a Graviton Particle Cannon of immense power. Though not entirely comprised of graviton particle fields, a certain aspect of transmuted hyper kinetic energy is involved in this expulsion. Located beneath the Chest plate, the Guyver is capable of open them through physical exertion from the arms, or through a psychological command system, via muscular fixtures located at the lower extremities of either breast plate. When activated, the mega masher cells conglomerate into spherical entities, that depress the primary lungs, and force the secondary set to compensate for this deflation. The charge of the smasher is relative to the energy reserves of the unit. Within Ninety Nine, they can act as a continuous barrage of devastation, based on his nearly infinite ability to acquire energy.

     Vibrational Swords: Another useful weapon within the ways of woes and war. Ninety Nine has the appearance of a standardized Guyver-1, yet with ultimate modifications to the weaponry systems. Such an advancement within these weaponry systems is represented through the virbational swords. Two back swept blades, located at the rearward point of the forearms. These High Frequency swords are extended on will, and likewise have the ability to augment their length based upon this concept. Upon activation these mirrored blades emit a vibration that allows them to tune into the frequency of materials they come into contact with, thusly allowing them to easily slice through dense materials. An added attribute of Ninety Nine’s blade, is the ability to augment their vibrational abilities, with a thin layer of graviton particle fields, allowing him the versatility required to accommodate any situation he is presented to. From unusually dense materials, to consciously maintained quantum energy fields.

     Power Amplifiers: Located at various points of the Guyver, notably the forearms and calves of the booster armor, these devices allow the Guyver to increase momentum at points he would otherwise be forced to cautiously approach a situation. Governed by the gravitational control orb, the energy amplifiers work by interchanging energy and mass, thusly increasing the molecular density of the Guyver. Though a subconsciously controlled aspect in most units, Ninety Nine has the ability to augment his own molecular density at will, via these devices. Their operational characteristics are analogous to Einstein’s theory of relativity, and work by coupling hyper kinetic energy to presiding molecular bonds. This allows Ninety Nine the ability to compensate for a mid air maneuver, or merely to add a monstrous amount of force behind a kick. These abilities are further increased by Ninety Nine’s nearly limitless energy supply, giving him the ability to increase or decrease his molecular density infinitely.

     Energy Compressors: Perhaps one of the most powerful weapons a Guyver holds within its arsenal, the Energy compressors act in correspondence with the gravity control orb, to create a quantum singularity of immense pressurization, otherwise known as the “Pressure Cannon”. Located on the back of each wrist, the energy compressors manipulate excess graviton particle fields derived from the overflow of the power accumulation, presented by the Gravitational Control Orb. By warping space/time, and creating a tiny worm hole, the pressure cannon forces accumulative molecular structures, and energy, into a spherical composite. This amalgamation can then be given direction by dipping into the composition’s event horizon and pulling/throwing it forward. Though this act is oriented with the use of the hands, the actual practice is a collaboration between three structures within the unit, the gravity control orb, the gravity gyro’s and the energy compressors. All of which find themselves associated at their derivation by the control medallion. The Sphere of pressurized gravity/energy can be range greatly in power, depending on the amount of preparation it is presented with. For instance, while a standardized Guyver may only be able to create a pressurized sphere equaling in amplitude to a armor piercing shell, Ninety Nine is capable of increasing the complexity of these gravimetric fields, and thusly can intensify its destructive capabilities exponentially, only being limited by the amount of time it takes to prepare such an assortment of annihilation.

     -Pressure Cannon Shield: Another derivative of the energy compressors, the Guyver is capable of augmenting the presented gravimetric disturbance, into a spherical shell, which it can use to deflect objects or force of a varied degree. Though the amount of stress this spherical embodiment of protection, can deflect varies with the amount of power the pressure cannon is presented with, at its lowest levels it is capable of blocking a 50 kiloton blast.

     Gravity Gyros: Another useful tool within the Guyvers armory. These organic structures, located upon either side of the Gravitational Control Orb, acts as a stabilization method for the Guyver while in boosted form. By using the accumulative energy of the gravity control orb, the gravity gyro’s allow the Booster armor to control its relative position in space/time, and thusly give the unit ease of flight, or likewise hovering.

     Head Beam: Through manipulation of the ever present hyper kinetic energy reserves, the boost armor is able to convert these energy arrangements into a soluble form, that can be used to power a “green zoa-crystal” like formulation. This orbic structure is used within the production of a laser like instrumentation, that can be used to fire intensely concentrated currents of light at a target. Given the advantage of an almost instantaneous charge rate, the head beam can be rapidly aimed and fired at any given target. Its range of intensity can only be directly related to the state of these energy reserves. Giving that Ninety Nine is capable of accumulating hyper kinetic energy fields at a substantial pace, this weapon can range anywhere from a subtle marker, to a raging inferno likened beam of hellish fury.

     Sensory Orbs: Situated amongst various portions of the cranium, three separately functioning orbs act as a sort of hyper active sensory system. By scanning at points past the visual spectrum, and visual acuity, the Guyver is able to augment his own optical characteristics, to quickly alert him of possible threats. These sensory devises are capable of penetrating through solid structures, and even alternative spectrums of light or dimensional obstructions. Though the orbs do have a limited range, the degree of range varies in accordance to the form of awareness sought. For instances, while the Guyver may be able to create an indomitable shell of omniscience around him for 100 meters, his ability to incorporate variations of quantum particle fields digresses after this point, allowing him the infamy of sight, without the ability to easily perceive any understandable form within his vicinity.

     Sonic Oscillators: Yet another tool of numerous uses, the sonic oscillators act as both weapons, and tools of communication. By augmenting hyper kinetic energy into a soluble state, the sonic oscillators, two orbs located within the respective pallet of the booster armor, act by creating sonic vibration to various degrees. These many amplitudes include the ability to manipulate sonic vibration to a point of contextual speech, thusly allowing the Guyver to communicate within a linguistic repose, allowing it to converse with other biological organism, without the use of the telepathy growths. Also, the sonic oscillators can be attuned to create a devastating attack of sound. By acting on the internal resonance of any structure, the “Sonic Busters” match these vibrational characteristics, and thusly shatter them the same way an opera singer would a wine glass. There ability to attack a ranged target is limited only by their inability to harm their user. With this fact in mind, they are capable of attacking at a 180º angle, with a range of 50 yards. Though these limitations can be further augmented by the infusion of increased hyper kinetic energy, too formidable a voltage can result in an overload of these tools of sonic vibration.

     Possible Future Adaptation: Through millions of years of use, Ninety Nine has refined his abilities to near perfection. Though perfection can only be a representative of the accumulation of knowledge, the Guyver itself is an imperfect tool, with imperfect characteristics. Its continually use results in a series of augmentations that can lead to radical mutation. Though such occurrences have yet to rapidly proceed, their possibility is ever-present.


Copyright William White III 2003