Eversor Guyver

Within the tantalizing respect of possible applications of time and space, lays the direct correlations of fate. Within this surmised allocation of destiny, the forces that be seem to place formulations of hope and prospect literally at the feet of many. While leaving the few unfortunate souls who lack these infidelities of life and love, to atone and cope with equalizing cogency of entropy. One such occurrence, of these travesties of fate, would be the appearance of a gentlemen named Ronald Validus.

Within the years before the great wars of the Guyvers, Ayenee was a peaceful place, besides the occasional consumption by ways of Dragon. It is during these years that a young warrior would emerge to take upon him the mantle of those who are out of control. He would call himself Primal, and avoid the tedious nuances of organization via militia. Through the years that followed, massive armies of Guyver would rise and fall, conflicting with one another within the ways of woes and wars.

One such clan was known as the Guyver Elite, a deranged group of demons, bent on annihilating human, as well as Guyver kind. Their tactics of domination seemed ever present, and without the fortitude of failure. Other associations of the Booster type would form in order to demolish those unworldly fiends. Though their own methods of carrying this out fell moot. Their leaders succumbing the temptations of power presented by the Guyver Elite.

There came a time for a new power to arise. Out of the figurative ashes of Guyver Force Alpha, arose a new breed of warriors, They called themselves The Guyver Strike Forces. They would direct the conflict furthermore. At this time do we find our brave champion within the midst of campaign. Though his own methods of devastation seemed more of the protectorate than the mongrel dog who brandished his sword only for the fuel of the fight, he would find solace in the ways of instructing others.

As the Guyver Strike Forces reached monstrous proportions of enrollment, draftee unit’s numbering in sixties, something had to be done about this over abundance of unskilled units. Through observation of this impending conflict, Primal found it best to help and press these other unit’s beyond their own limitations, and thusly abed the fight for the side of light, in order to subdue the anxious and ever present evils of the Elite.

Having subdued the embodiment of evil, The Strike Forces of Guyver began to war amongst themselves, until their eventual ruin. It is at about this time that the introduction of a new hero was to commence. Having found only melancholy within the ways of Guyver, Primal found it time to disregard his Unit, and look for the simplicities of life and happiness. He would seek out the removal of his Unit, and return to the normality of human life, leaving behind the Unit-Prime to rot within a chest, kept away from subsistence indefinitely.

Time would pass, as it always had, and this man known as James Validus would beget five generations, Until that one faithful day that his Great Grandchild would press forward a seed of admirable qualities. One of which who would inherit the family fortune, and find himself the beneficiary of the Unit-Prime, though his ignorance to this fact would lay a predominate aspect for many years.

The years would seem to drag on slowly for Ronald, having no wars to fight, or battles to be won, he would entertain himself in the ways of combat, learning various styles from around the vast dimensional regions of Ayenee. Until that one faithful eve where he would decide to investigate some of the ancient treasures passed down to him be the generations that came before. For to search through such relics meant to unlock the past, perhaps a past that was not meant to be discovered, and yet, he felt this was required of him, to pay patronage to his former predecessors.

Ronald would come upon a locked chest, intrigued as to what lay within it. It was to be pried upon and gazed at, hands groping copiously about its structure in utter amazement. Though such precarious manifestations of will would seem implausible at this point, until fate intervened. The booster armor would spiral outwards, wrapping itself about him in many tendrils, and create a separate being from the two.

From this day on, he would assume the mantle of his Great Grandfather, GuyverPrimal, calling himself the Eversor, a destroyer. Though to procure such manifestations of organic composure meant to alter ones self, these alterations went beyond just him, it had seemed to affect the Unit. For his own cell structure had appeared to augment to retain certain attributes of this unique armor. The Guyver itself would amend it’s own characteristic, leaving behind those past appearances and adopting a new guise more befitting to it’s symbiot.

Validus would find only the ease of remorse further more. His own lineage had accumulated a masterful one hundred and fifty years, his own age being twenty nine upon merging with the unit. He would live for eons longer, allowing himself to age separately of the Guyver, until reaching a periodical point relative to the ever increasing gray hairs. At which point, he would yet again activate the booster armor, and return to a corporeal age of twenty nine.

Ronald would amass a great empire of wealth within the years proceeding his initial activation of the Unit-Prime, and yet not achieve any true harmony within life. This would seem to be the fate of many who acquire the use of the booster armor, and yet Ronald wished to be dissimilar. At the ripe old age of six hundred and four, he would revolutionize his own stature of life, and come to present himself as a hero. Accepting the vigorous tolls of Guyverdom, and rushing out into the world to defend the meek, and weak. For even life eternal can become boring after so long, no matter the wealth acquired within its span.

So as it were, a new story would unfold for this ageless warrior. A new provocative tale of power and strength within the amalgamation that was the Eversor Guyver.

Powers and Abilities


Subject: Unit-Prime, Humanoid Hybrid
Code Name: Eversor Guyver
Host Name: Ronald Validus
Sex: Male
Age: 607 Years
Height: 6’3
Weight: 240

Genetic Mutations: Though merely a human at birth, his own inlayed genetic codes would have seemed to have carried a mutagenic quality to them, which were initially activated during his first collaboration with the Unit Prime. Though less severe than other such examples, this Host has acquired traits outside of humanities customary regulations. These range from increased strength to specific modifications within psionic traits. They are as follows.

Strength: Through the majestic clause that pressed him into the formulation of the Guyver, Ronald has gained certain attributes that augment his natural strength, and provide him with a more adapt muscle structure, as well as mental resolve. Because of these magnifications of natural structures, Ronald is capable of exerting force equal to, but not above 20 humans. With but a figurative glance at these abilities, one would ascertain that Validus has acquired the ability to lift three tons above his head ( or 6000 lbs. ). Though this degree of exertion may vary depending on the amount of stamina remaining within Ronald at any given point in time, these numbers are meant to represent his maximum expenditures, rather than his minimum.

Speed: Another factor being attributed to his altered muscular structure, Validus has been shown to be able to run up to speeds mirroring the fastest land animal, though slightly below. His own abilities stem from vast networks of redefined muscular patterns that result in his ability to travel at 50 miles per hour over flat terrain. Though these calculations are once more but a variable, and require full stamina to achieve.

Stamina: The ability to continually move while within conflict, can only be measured within physical stature, and the will of the aggressor. Formularized concepts would presume one to fatigue after a certain point, though through eons of training, Ronald has increased his own indomitable aspects of determination, and likewise has counterbalanced his own will/physical stature accordingly. He is now capable of sustaining a constant fixture of stamina for roughly 3 hours at close to maximum expenditure, without becoming completely exhausted. Though to sustain lower levels of exertion would be less costly, within combat one finds themselves forced to work within their maximum, rather than their minimum.

Mental Abilities: Being that the great James Validus was an adapt user of psionc abilities, ranging from telepathy to a full range of elemental manipulation, it is likely that future generations would share certain genetic traits with their predecessor. Though Ronald has not accumulated the full range of abilities as his great grandfather, he has unlocked certain potential exception within his own self. One such facility would be a limited telepathic repore, allowing him to easily communicate with others, as well as effect those less willful than others, empathically. Though these skills only came into formulation through the activation of the Unit-Prime.


Subject: Unit-Prime, Humanoid Hybrid
Code Name: Eversor Guyver
Host Name: Ronald Validus
Sex: Male
Age: 607 Years
Height: 7’4
Weight: Variable, though static weight is 696 lbs.

Unit-Prime: The Unit-Prime was originally created by the Creator known as TheGuyversWill. It was meant as a tool of mass destruction, and high adaptive properties, intended to be employed by only the more adapt of psionc users. These included but two users, the famed GuyverPrimal, and the glorious leader of the rebellion, General Guyver-Sakari. Their own abilities infused with the Unit-Prime, allowing both to have alterations of appearance, and abilities. The Unit-Prime itself is based within the concept that mentality dictates form, and so is true with it’s newest user, the Eversor Guyver. His own inefficient mental abilities have seemed to weaken the demeanor of this monstrously powerful unit, displaying but the meek qualities of a Warrior, when such attributes should easily be twice, or triple those specifications. Likewise, other alteration of the booster armor have occurred, including variations within the weaponry systems of the Unit.

Control Medallion: As it is to be expected, the Prime’s control medallion revises the archaic formation of the standardized control medallion, and adds certain modifications, while holding to the preliminary traits of those ancient structures. It is comprised of five sections, they are as follows.

-Host Interlink
-Dimensional Transceiver
-Cerebral Interface
-Ruminative Procurer
-Armor Controller

-Host Interlink: This section of the Control Medallion allows the booster to use the Guyver as a natural extension of his own body. One of the sections responsible for direct collaboration with the physical human brain, the host interlink controls most of the initial motor cortex commands, allowing the other adjoining sections of the control medallion to collaborate upon enacting these commands.

-Dimensional Transceiver: The second layer of the control medallion. A amalgamation of a “Zoa-Crystal” likened formation, this portion of the control medallion allows the Guyver to communicate with alternate spacial planes. Attached to the inner portion of this crystalline structure, are two rings, that act as a primary memory buffer for the dimensional transceiver, and allow the Guyver to quickly assertion portion of information stored within this sectioned mass.

-Cerebral Interface: One of the additional layers preset within the Unit-Prime, the Cerebral interface is designed to effortlessly dictate the psionic portions of repose presented by the host. Thusly allowing the Unit to quickly ascertain and communicate any such inactions, as well as magnify their effects. This adaptation of unit, allows the for optimal usage of mental resources.

-Ruminative Procurer: Through the observation of a failed standardized Unit, the creator known as TheGuyversWill, was able to understand that the Unit-G required more allotted bandwidth in order to easily carry out the many function of the Guyver, without overwhelming the system through energy expenditures. One such adaptation of Unit was the Ruminative Procurer, which acts as a super computer within the Unit. Allowing the second layer of the control medallion to act merely as an inter-dimensional transceiver rather than working within both portion of procurement of knowledge, and management of available bandwidth. The ruminative procurer allows the Prime unit to go above and beyond the standardized concepts of appreciation of conscious dictation. This fourth layer merely acts as another facet of processing capabilities, that allow the whole of the control medallion to work an interconnectivity network of maximum efficiency, as well as enabling the Guyver to accomplish feats of quantum computation, such as are used within certain aspects of acquiring regional characteristics while within the midst of combat.

-Armor Controller: The Third Layer of the Control Medallion acts as a governor between host, boost armor, and actual thought. Through the interaction of these three facets, the host is able to manipulate the boost armor through manipulation of quantum energy fields, as well as sonic vibrations, and psionic abilities.

Gravity Control Orb: One of the primary devices of the boost armor. The Gravity control orb is used from everything from functionality, to the creation of the pressure cannon and flight. It acts as the primary contributor of energy within the Guyver.

-Power Regulation: By acting on an ever present gravimetric field, the orb warps time/space and creates a quantum singularity, where by it accesses an energy rich dimension and accumulates and manipulates energy fields within this dimension. For the uses of this transcription, we will refer to this “Energy Rich Dimension” as “Hyperspace”. Once the connection between hyperspace and the gravitational control orb have been met, the orb creates a funnel, for which it uses to coerce the hyper kinetic energy into the Guyver Units own gravimetric field. Through these interaction the Guyver is sustained, and powered.

-Inter-Dimensional Travel: The Gravitational Control Orb is also used as the inter-dimensional transportation of the boost armor. It enacts itself upon time and space, creating a spacial warp, which the boost armor uses to travel while within inactive states. This same spacial anomaly can also be used as a form of transportation, accessing the ability of the gravity control orb to convey him across time and space, via a hyper dimensional rift.

Anatomy: The Guyver itself is merely a provocative collaboration between advent technology, and the biological weapon known as man. A precarious manifestation of both will and mentality, in the form of a technological organism. Thusly, upon transformation from Human/Unit-Prime to Guyver, certain aspect of the human physiology are altered in accordance with the advanced properties of the Unit-Prime, giving the human abnormal cell structure, as well as organic composure. Such cases are represented within this section.

-Homosapien Construct: While within Boosted form, The human’s own organs are replaced and revitalized with supplementary formations of the guyver’s advanced organs, and extra configurations of organic composites, while the organ structures of the homosapien are regressed and placed into a state of suspended animation. The Guyver is also capable of deactivating the Unit, by “de-boosting”. While within the transformation process from Guyver to quasi-human, deactivated organs are once more progressed to a point of functionality, and the human returns to his “normal state”. This process allows the Guyver to be both man or Guyver, depending on the circumstances he is presented with. This of course is another aspect of the host/unit interchange, in which mentality acts as a buffer between necessity and ability.

-Telepathy Growths ( Trans-Dimensional Summoners ): While within “human” form, these growths used to communicate with the Unit-Prime across a dimensional barrier and thusly activate it. While within Boosted Form they act as frequency carriers for telepathic like communication. Though such communications are only interpretable by Guyver, it is theorized that this is somehow inlayed within the organics themselves.

-Lungs: As in most organs within the Guyver, there are supplementary lungs as well. The primary lungs being located just behind the breast plates. These of course are used primarily for oxygenation of the blood supply. The second set of lungs is compacted, and located just below the first set. This extra set of lungs is inflated while the mega smasher is in use, just as the primary set is deflated at this point in time. Breather units, located within the mouth region, are used to collaborate oxygen and expel waste. This allows the Guyver to accumulate oxygen in any enriched environment ( I.E. Low atmospheric, or aquatic, conditions. ).

-Ocular Characteristics ( Armored Eyes ): The Guyvers eyes are a thin layer of material, located in conjunction with the host own represented eyes. This thin layer of booster material, has the ability to gather in increased amount of light, due to their formative size and shape, allowing them to see where others could not. They are also capable of emitting small particles of photons, as to supplement such fields of light, when none are present.

-Regenerative Abilities: The Guyver is able to easily regenerate portions of its anatomy, based on the necessity of those organic structures required. Eversor has shown the ability to nearly instantaneously regenerate limbs. This of course is a comparable rate to the standardized unit, with but a few modifications. Eversor’s ability to augment his own conscious awareness of these proceedings allows him to easily over compensate for rudimentary wounds, and thusly heal them far faster than the standardized Guyver. Though this rate is only relative to the hyper kinetic energy supply within host, it is expressed that this varying degree of hyper kinetic fields can be pressed beyond expectation of limitation when it becomes a necessity.

Strength: Through manipulation of various abilities, Eversor is able to accumulate a vast amount of strength. The muscle structure of this unit is rather advanced in comparison to most standardized units, and is capable of amassing a relative strength of 450 men ( 67.5 tons ). Though this variable of ability can be augmented through the use of the Power Amplifiers, as well as the Guyvers ability to alter gravimetric fields.

Speed: Another relative factor within the ways of this Unit. Eversor is able to use his own in enhanced muscle structure to reach speeds of over 300 miles per hour, unabated. Though with use of the Power Amplifiers, he can temporarily enhance these limited abilities to seven hundred and fifty miles per hour over an even terrain. While within the midst of flight, the Eversor can create a point of zero gravity, relative to his own gravimetric field, and thusly achieve speeds of seven hundred and fifty miles per hour within the atmosphere. Though such applications of flight can be further modified through various procedures, including the power amplifiers and energy compressors, to sustain temporary boost of over three thousand miles per hour.

Durability: Though but a figurative glance at Eversor’s true abilities, his durability can only be attributed to the shell in which it inhabits. This being the case, the Prime Guyver’s relative durability would sustain an explosion somewhere in the range of four to five kilotons. Though this can be further augmented with use of a gravimetric shielding device ( I.E. the pressure cannon shield ) in order to magnify this equation ten fold, allowing Eversor to survive a blast up to fifty kilotons. One must also note, that the pressure cannon’s ability to impede such cataclysmic blows is based within the assumption of preparation, and thusly can be intensified with further preventative measures of preparation.

Stamina: Being that the Unit-Prime uses a sustainable energy source to acquire the power it necessitates, the stamina of this unit can be only thought of as being unlimited. Though such speculations have yet to be fully evaluated. For even as any other guyver is required to deboost at some point in time, the Unit-Prime’s own energy regulations allow it to sustain the formation of a booster for an indefinite period of time. Though pressing beyond its abilities to acquire recourses would of course force this guyver to acquire its Homosapien construct in order to further its regeneration.

Megasmasher: Overall, it has been stated that this is the most powerful weapon a Guyver holds in its arsenal. The Mega Smasher acts in many ways as a Graviton Particle Cannon of immense power. Though not entirely comprised of graviton particle fields, a certain aspect of transmuted hyper kinetic energy is involved in this expulsion. Located beneath the Chest plate, the Guyver is capable of open them through physical exertion from the arms, or through a psychological command system, via muscular fixtures located at the lower extremities of either breast plate. When activated, the mega masher cells conglomerate into spherical entities, that depress the primary lungs, and force the secondary set to compensate for this deflation. The charge of the smasher is relative to the energy reserves of the unit. If such reserves are not present, the smasher will be rendered useless, though such cases are rare within the case of the Unit-Prime.

Vibrational Swords: Another useful weapon within the ways of woes and war. Eversor posses three pairs of these high frequency blades. Through the adaptation, and understanding that mentality dictates form, it can be speculated that this formation of blades can be augmented from boost to boost, depending on the psychological state of the user upon the point of transmutation into booster form. Though the current formation of the blades stands as so; two forward facing vibrational swords, situated three inches minor to the energy compressors. A pair of ankle, high frequency blades, located upon the lowest extremities of the ankle, and held within a rearward stance, as to extent forcefully earthbound upon a moments notice. As well as a pair of standardized reverse facing vibrational swords, located at the rearward point of the forearms. These High Frequency swords are extended at will, and likewise have the ability to augment their length based upon this concept. Upon activation these mirrored blades emit a vibration that allows them to tune into the frequency of materials they come into contact with, thusly allowing them to easily slice through dense materials.

Power Amplifiers: Located at various points of the Guyver, notably the forearms and calves of the booster armor, these devices allow the Guyver to increase momentum at points he would otherwise be forced to cautiously approach a situation. Governed by the gravitational control orb, the energy amplifiers work by interchanging energy and mass, thusly increasing the molecular density of the Guyver. Though a subconsciously controlled aspect in most units, Eversor has the ability to augment his own molecular density at will, via these devices. Their operational characteristics are analogous to Einstein’s theory of relativity, and work by coupling hyper kinetic energy to presiding molecular bonds. This allows Eversor the ability to compensate for a mid air maneuver, or merely to add a monstrous amount of force behind a kick.

Energy Compressors: Perhaps one of the most powerful weapons a Guyver holds within its arsenal, the Energy compressors act in correspondence with the gravity control orb, to create a quantum singularity of immense pressurization, otherwise known as the “Pressure Cannon”. Located on the back of each wrist, as well as within the palms, the energy compressors manipulate excess graviton particle fields derived from the overflow of the power accumulation, presented by the Gravitational Control Orb. By warping space/time, and creating a tiny worm hole, the pressure cannon forces accumulative molecular structures, and energy, into a spherical composite. This amalgamation can then be given direction by dipping into the composition’s event horizon and pulling/throwing it forward. Though this act is oriented with the use of the hands, the actual practice is a collaboration between three structures within the unit, the gravity control orb, the gravity gyro’s and the energy compressors. All of which find themselves associated at their derivation by the control medallion. The Sphere of pressurized gravity/energy can be range greatly in power, depending on the amount of preparation it is presented with. An addition note would be this Unit’s ability to compensate for the twofold formation of the energy compressors. Likewise he is capable of create an ever ranging assortment of “pressure cannon” formations via these extra organic structures.

-Pressure Cannon Shield: Another derivative of the energy compressors, the Guyver is capable of augmenting the presented gravimetric disturbance, into a spherical shell, which it can use to deflect objects or force of a varied degree. Though the amount of stress this spherical embodiment of protection, can deflect varies with the amount of power the pressure cannon is presented with, at its lowest levels it is capable of blocking a 50 kiloton blast. The formation of this shield is also another advancement from the standardized unit. As the energy compressors are of a twofold formation, the Guyver can easily increase the intensity of these formation, without additional preparation of the “pressure cannon” thusly, allowing the Guyver to easily accommodate for further stresses presented by an aggressor.

Gravity Gyros: Another useful tool within the Guyvers armory. These organic structures, located upon either side of the Gravitational Control Orb, acts as a stabilization method for the Guyver while in boosted form. By using the accumulative energy of the gravity control orb, the gravity gyro’s allow the Booster armor to control its relative position in space/time, and thusly give the unit ease of flight, or likewise hovering.

Head Beam: Through manipulation of the ever present hyper kinetic energy reserves, the boost armor is able to convert these energy arrangements into a soluble form, that can be used to power a “green zoa-crystal” like formulation. This orbic structure is used within the production of a laser like instrumentation, that can be used to fire intensely concentrated currents of light at a target. Given the advantage of an almost instantaneous charge rate, the head beam can be rapidly aimed and fired at any given target. Its range of intensity can only be directly related to the state of these energy reserves.

Sensory Orbs: Situated amongst various portions of the cranium, three separately functioning orbs act as a sort of hyper active sensory system. By scanning at points past the visual spectrum, and visual acuity, the Guyver is able to augment his own optical characteristics, to quickly alert him of possible threats. These sensory devises are capable of penetrating through solid structures, and even alternative spectrums of light or dimensional obstructions. Though the orbs do have a limited range, the degree of range varies in accordance to the form of awareness sought. For instances, while the Guyver may be able to create an indomitable shell of omniscience around him for 100 meters, his ability to incorporate variations of quantum particle fields digresses after this point, allowing him the infamy of sight, without the ability to easily perceive any understandable form within his vicinity.

Sonic Oscillators: Yet another tool of numerous uses, the sonic oscillators act as both weapons, and tools of communication. By augmenting hyper kinetic energy into a soluble state, the sonic oscillators, two orbs located within the respective pallet of the booster armor, act by creating sonic vibration to various degrees. These many amplitudes include the ability to manipulate sonic vibration to a point of contextual speech, thusly allowing the Guyver to communicate within a linguistic repose, allowing it to converse with other biological organism, without the use of the telepathy growths. Also, the sonic oscillators can be attuned to create a devastating attack of sound. By acting on the internal resonance of any structure, the “Sonic Busters” match these vibrational characteristics, and thusly shatter them the same way an opera singer would a wine glass. There ability to attack a ranged target is limited only by their inability to harm their user. With this fact in mind, they are capable of attacking at a 180º angle, with a range of 50 yards. Though these limitations can be further augmented by the infusion of increased hyper kinetic energy, too formidable a voltage can result in an overload of these tools of sonic vibration.

Energy Assimilation Orb: Another allocation of recourses, due to the adaptive properties, regarded yet in again within the equation that mentality dictates form. This allows the Guyver to acquire the presented energy, within a onetime use organic, which will relapse upon “deboost”. The Eversor Guyver has an accompanying system that allows him to integrate directed “quantum” energy attacks. This system involves three separate organ systems. These include the Energy Assimilation Orbs themselves, as well as the Quantum Manipulation Organs, and the Dynamic Conveyance Sphere.

-Energy Assimilation Orbs: These spherical instrument, located within the linkage of the two chest plates, as well as the lower extremities of the those same chest plates, work by incorporating projected currents of quantum energy into its structure. Once this has commenced, the orbs will then scrutinize the formation of those quantum energies, in cooperation with the Ruminative Procurer, in order to further the processes of assimilating the presented quantum energy patterns. Though certain forms of quantum energy may require immense computation, the orb will eventually break down the quantum energy structure, and in turn relay it onto the Quantum Manipulation Organs.

-Quantum Manipulation Organs: Another organic structure within the unit. Comprised of tendrils intertwined through the booster armor, the organs act as a transmitter for the quantum energy, and allow the boost armor to easily allocate and manipulate these quantum energies to the Dynamic Conveyance Spheres. Though their adequacy is subject to the amount of energy that is redirect through them, they are capable of transmitting an accumulative potential of one megaton ( one thousand kilotons ) of force before overloading. Overloading will result in their failure, as well as subsequent malfunctions within all interconnected systems ( I.E. the Guyver itself ).

-Dynamic Conveyance Spheres: located within a lower forward position, relative to the wrist, the energy absorption orbs act by acquiring power from the Quantum Manipulation Organs. These Sphere’s are capable of temporarily obtaining the quantum energy signature of a direct attack, and conveying a mirrored force in retaliation to that attack. Though limited within their ability to store power ( 750 kilotons of force ), this acquisition of energy can be further regulated by the Quantum Manipulation Organs. Using these organic structures as a point of storage, the Guyver, in theory, can manipulate up to 1.75 megatons of force at one point in time. Though an overload in these systems could result in the immediate failure of the Ruminative Procurer as well as the Cerebral Interface.

Adaptive Properties: Due to the existence of the Energy Assimilation Orb, almost any form of energy based attack can be tailored unto the Guyver upon initial interaction. Likewise, within the interval of time involved before the “deboosting” of the Guyver, said Guyver is capable of incorporating millions of possible abilities, based upon the assumption that their stored potential does not supercede 1.75 megatons of force.

Copyright William White III 2003