Guyver - Zoalord Files


Zoalords, like Zoanoids, are genetically engineered.  However, their role is to command the Zoalnoids, and is given powers far beyond those possessed by Zoanoids.  There are 13 Zoalords in all, but there are only 12 at this time.  The thirteenth Zoalord was introduced to replace the Zoalord Richard Guyot who died in battle.   The most powerful of these 12 is Archanfel, the Head of Cronos.  So far in the book, we have only seen four of the Zoalords in battle, Richard Guyot, Archanfel, and Imakarum Mirabilis.

Sin Rubeo Amniculus Hamilcar Barcas
Luggnagg de Krumeggnic Fried'rich van Purg'stall
Edward RCaerleon Cablarl Khan
Waferdanos Jearvill Bun Hiyern
Rienzi Tuarhan De Galenos
Richard Guyot Imakarum Mirabilis


Richard Guyot In Battle Mode Archanfel In Battle Mode
Imakarum Mirabilis In Battle Mode Fried'rich van Purg'stall


Last Modified: Aug 29th, 1998