Guyver  1  steps  into the War room with the rest of  the  Guyver Elite. Guyver 4 is sitting next to Guyver 3.  On the screen is a video playing a movie.


     "Sorry I'm late. I just flew in"  Guyver 1 says sitting.  General Helsing steps into the room.


     "Hello Guvyers" the general says sitting down.


     "Hello  General,  what  did  you  call  us  for"  Guyver  4  says scratching his head.


     "Watch"  the  general  says lifting a remote.  He hits  the  play button  and  a  video plays.  The Ark is flying above a  city  fireing weapons  at  it.  Some Mega-Smashers fire destroying an entire  block. Pressure  Cannons are fired from many points destroying buildings  and people.


     "The Ark just attacked San Fransisco.  It destroyed a major Armor Processing Plant that designed weapons for Anti-Zoanoid purposes.  The plant found a way to neutrlize the Enzyme Acid by sending a virus into them that broke down the structure or something" the general says.


     Guyver 3 says "I thought the Ark was designed to fly in space and make  Zoanoids  undisturbed  now.   Not  be  a  one  ship  destruction facility".


     The general shrugs his shoulders. "Well I guess not.  We found it has  a total of six Mega-Smashers.  They are located at two a piece on the  front  and rear.  Also a single on each side.  There are a lot  of Pressure Cannons around certain various areas".


     "Well that don't sound good" Guyver 4 says. The general nods.


     "I want you guys to destroy it.  The ship is in space now,  so we can't  help  a whole lot.  They destroyed the laser weapons we had  on satellites a few minutes ago" General helsing says.


     "One problem" Guyver 1 says.  The general turns and looks at him.


"Our  Guyver units can't do very well in space.  We could go,  but the trip through the atmosphere might hurt us.  The others would fare much better going" he says.


     "Well  alright.  Contact  them and tell them to  come  here"  the general exclaims with a disappointed tone.


     The  Guyvers  contact the Black Assassins and  the  Demons.  They quickly arrive and begin to ask questions.


     The plan is, The Black Assassins are able to move fast, they will destroy  the Pressure Cannons and the Demons,  because of their strong  armor, will attempt to get the Mega-Smasher cells.


     Megan  and  Philip  are standing around with  the  others.  "Hey, Megan" Sean says.


     Megan turns to him. "Yeah Sean".


     "Megan, you have weaker armor than Philip,  you need the Gigantic Upgrade" he says to her.


     "You're  right.  Firepower doesn't do much for armor"  she  says.


"Guyver" she says and her armor wraps around her.


     "Guyver" Sean says and lets the armor strap around him. "Gigantic Gold"  he  says.  The coccon of the armor forms.  Megan stands in  his place  and it forms aound her.  It looks like Female version of Guyver Gigantic.


     Philip stands beside her. "Feel better wimp" he says poking her.


     She  bends down a little.  "Yeah I do,  Shorty"  she says smiling under  the  Gigantic Armor.  Female Gigantic walks over and joins  the group.  They are all out of their armor.  "When is the attack going to begin" she asks.


     Agito  says  "Tommorow,  Ira is still trying to  contact  Warrior Guyver. She wants to see if he will help".


     "Well I hope he does"  Sho says.  "His Mega-Smasher would destroy the entire ship. It would be no problem for him" he says.


     Jessica smiles. "I remember Gregory.  I just didn't know he was a Guyver. But he is probly going to test us. He is that type" she says.



     Ira  is speaking through her organsims.  ""Greg,  are you there"" she says.


     ""Huh,  What  do  you want Ira,  I just got to  sleep""  he  says growling.


     ""The  Ark attacked a city,  we are going to battle it.  Will you help us"" she asks.


     ""No,  I  need to rest,  even with my power basic needs are still essintal.  I  haven't  slept in almost a week and need food"  he  says pausing.  "If you work together with the other weak Guyvers you can be strong.  The  Ark  has  two  Zoalords  on  it,  and  it  is  the  main manafacturer of Enzymes. There entire army is Zoanoid Omegas. So watch out" he says.


     ""I understand Greg. We will"" Ira says.


     ""I know"" Greg says and phases off into sleep.


     Ira  stands  and steps out of her room.  She walks down the  hall past  some soldiers.  They are all a little wary of her,  they  always have been.


     She  arrives  in  the room where the guyvers are.  They  are  all armored up.


     "Guyver"  Ira  says and her armor wraps around her.  "Whats going on, the attack isn't till tommorow" she asks.


     Dark  Unit turns to her.  "Well,  we have decided to go have some fun in New York. You want to come" he asks.


     "Sure,  OK"  she  says.  Guyver 1 pushes the button and the  roof opens. The Guyvers lift in the air and fly. Assassin flies the fastest alongisde Black Stealth. The others slag behind being slower.

     The Black Assassins arrive first. They stop on the first building and deactivate their armor.


     "Well little sister. What shall we do" Ira says.


     "Let's get Laid" Jessica says smiling.


     Ira  laughs  at her comment.  They haven't had time for  love  or anything  else  since they learned their armor.  "Not me,  I  need  to party" she says.


     "Well, getting fucked is one way. I remember that other Boyfriend had. You need to loosen up" Jessica says.


     "Well, I wasen't a slut like you" Ira says.


     "I wasen't a slut" she says. "Just a sexual explorer".


     "Uh huh"  Ira says finding a door.  They go to a bar and meet the others. They all have fun.



     Later that night Megan is walking on the streets with Sean. He is explaining how the Plane wreck changed his life. The Guyver unit was a gift and a curse for him.


     "Yeah,  the  same  for me.  I bought my Guyver unit at a  novelty store" she says.


     "What" Sean says laughing. "You bought it".


     Megan smiles. "Yeah,  in austrailia they have alot.  They thought it  was a shiney rock.  I didn't think so.  I went to college to study Zoology and Geology. It didn't fit anything.  So I brought it home and chipped the rock until I found the Unactivated Guyver Unit.  It bonded and I went on a rampage" she says remebering.


     "Yeah, I did somthing similar.  The unit bonded and I saw a group of Gregores jumping my friends. I went and helped them.  Sho and Agito helped me and also had to restrain me from killing them" he says.


     "Yeah.  My  home  was  destroyed because I accidently set  off  a Pressure  Cannon  and  it destroyed it.  Then I  found  the  Firepower Upgrade inside the rock. Like the Gigantic, it was held in a case. But is  was  so small it was difficult to tell from the rock"  Megan  says pausing.  "Then a small army of Vamores came to attempt to capture me.


They  killed  my  friends and I killed them.  Luckily I  found  Philip afterward. He helped me cope with it" she says.


     Sean  almost  sheds a tear for her.  He knows how it is losing  a loved  one.  His brother was a fireman also,  he went with him to  the plane crash. He was killed.


     A  laugh is heard by them.  Then an Enzyme 2 Omega and a  Gregole step out smiling.  "Get Them"  the Gregole says.  Enzyme 2 Omega spits and  Megan  and Sean dive away.  A Ramotith grabs Megan and  a  Vamore Omega grabs Sean.


     "Not a smart move" Sean says laughing. "Guyver"  he screams.  The Blast field rips the Vamore apart.


     "Guyver  Gigantic"  Megan says.  The Blast field explodes tearing  the  Ramotith  apart and the coccon wraps her in the  Gigantic  Armor.


Enzyme  2 spits at her and she dives away,  but a little hits her leg. She  screams  in pain and then fires A Pressure Cannon and  blows  the Enzymes left arm off.


     Guyver4  is faced against two Vamores.  They fire the Bio-weapons and Guyver4 jumps up out of the way. He extends his Vibrational Swords and dives extending his elbow. The sword slices the Vamore in half. He turns  and  uses his Sonic Emmiter and the  Vamore  explodes.  Gregole slams his fist into Female Gigantic. It barely affects her.  She slams her fist into his head crushing his body.


     Enzyme  fires his spitwad at Guyver4 and it contacts burning some of  the Armor.  He screams in pain.  He then gathers the strength  and Fires  a Pressure Cannon straight at him.  Enzyme dodges,  but  Female Gigantics Pressure Cannon hits him in the middle blowing him in half.


     Female  Gigantic sends her guyver away and steps beside  Guyver4. He is badly damaged but is recovering.  She sits beside him and waits. Megan calls Philip over her organisms. ""Hey Philip"" she says.


     ""Whats up little girl"" Philip says.


     ""I was attacked"" she says.


     ""Are you ok"" he says in a worried tone.


     ""Yeah  I'm fine""  Megan says smiling.  ""But Sean is damaged by acid. We may be late getting back"" she says.


     ""Alright"" he says and pauses.  ""If you get in any more trouble call  Ira,  she'll  come faster than I can.  And why did  they  attack you"".


     Megan thinks. ""I have no idea,  we were just walking and two got us"".


     He disconnects. Megan stares at Guyver4 healing.  She wonders how the War will end.



The battle



     In  the  morning  all the Guyvers,  fully  armored  are  standing outside of the War room. Female Gigantic and Firepower Dark sit beside eachother.  Assassin  Guyver  and Black Stealth are standing beside  a tree.


     The  red  light  flares giving them a que  to  leave.  They  wave goodbye to the Guyver Elite and lift into the air. The Black Assassins slow  to  the others speed and race through the atmosphere.  The  heat from  leaving makes their shields singe,  but they are  holding.  Soon they are outside the atmosphere and in the vacuum of space.  But their Guyver Units keep them in a oxygen filled enviroment.


     ""Hey Guyver3,  where is the Ark""  Firepower Dark  says over his organisms.


     ""Hold on, the radar is working""  he says.  A few seconds later. ""Bingo,  its currently 450 miles west from you.  Turn 85 degrees left and head in that direction. It should come up soon enough"" he says in an excited voice.


     ""Gladly"" the Firepower Dark says laughing. ""Alright guys,  did you  pick  that  up""  he says to the others.  They nod  in  sequence.  ""Alright"".  He  points to Assassin and Black Stealth.  ""You guys go ahead and check it out. Don't engage until we arrive. Try and reach us about the situation when you arrive. OK"" he says.


     ""Alright, but get there as soon as possible"" Assassin says. Her and  the Black Stealth jump into light speed and cause a bright light. Even  though  they can't use light speed on land,  they are still  the fastest on any terrain.


     Female Gigantic looks at him in surprise. He isn't our leader she thinks.  Why try and boss us around.  She and the Dark unit fly off at their top speed of 550 MPH. They should reach the ship in less than an hour.


     ""You like Sean, don't you"" he asks Female Gigantic.


     ""No"" she exclaims.


     ""Don't  lie.  In my old tribe we had a way of telling if someone was  in  love.  If  it  was a male who fell to a female  who  was  not married. They were then married"" he says.

     ""Thats a good way. Not very modern"" she says.


     He  smiles under the Guyver armor.  ""We were in the deepest part of Africa.  It was almost impossible for many to reach by foot or even camel.  We didn't have much communication with the outside world""  he says.  ""And  besides,  our religion required us to continue those old rituals"" he says.




     30 minutes later



     ""Hey Philip"" the Firepower Dark hears over his organisms. ""Hey man can you hear me"".


     ""You reached there already Jessica"" he says.


     ""Hours ago, light travels at almost 200,000 miles a second"" she says laughing.


     ""Well whats the news"" he asks.


     ""Well  the  Ark has a few little holes in it.  Probaly from  the missles.  But  it is repairing itself.  We've counted about 20 Gravity Orbs on each side. A couple of small ships are around, all mechanical, with  Zoanoids  in them.  They are basiclly making sure no missles  or anything are fired at it"" Assassin says.


     ""Alright,  we're  a  only  a couple  minutes  away.  Prepare  to

attack"" Female Gigantic says.



     On War Clan Island


     Joshua  Selph  and  James Beatty are hard at work  repairing  the Commando armor from the last battle.


     Josh  designed  3 types of battle armor very similar to  Guyvers. They  each  have  a laser orb on each hand.  Also a 50mm Rail  gun  is mounted on the left arm.  And a Mini Missle launcher on the Right arm. It  has the ability to fly over 50 MPH with jets and has a Vibrational Sword almost as powerful as the Standard Guyvers on the forearms.  The armor  is  solid  Titanium with the most High tech  hydraulic  pistons  allow movement almost as fluent as the Human body.


     "James,  I swear,  if you ever attempt to go hand and hand with a Gregole  Omega again I will personally kick your fucking ass from here to the creators homeworld" Josh says looking at the damage done to the Commando  Armor.  The armor is torn more than swiss cheese and torched almost black by Vamore blasts.


     "Well  you're the one who said the armor has the Muscle  Capacity of a Ramotith" James says.


     "Not  the  moverability.  He stepped behind you and pummeled  you like  an  aluminum can"  he says lifting a sheet of  Titanium.  For  a strange  reason he has much more strength than another person his age. Also much, much more intellagence.


     "Be  more  specific  next time"  James says replacing  a  Railgun Barrel.


     "Next time I'll leave him to tear your nuts off you ugly basterd" he says getting angry over the immense damage of the armor.


     "Well Thank god two of us have brains" Jarrod Lucas says stepping out  of  the  bathroom.  He is the brother of the Warrior  Guyver  and fights as Number 3.


     A  blast  field expands outside the shed and the  Warrior  Guyver appears. "Make that three" he says.


     "It's about time you got your ass over here"  James says laughing at him.


     "Maybe  I oughta hang you ass outside so you'll never be late.  I haven't  slept in weeks and I overslept.  Back off cheesemeister"  the Warrior Guyver says. He sends his Guyver away and steps away. His face is still plae but his health is basiclly fine.  But he is still cursed with those four sharp teeth.


     "Hey Bro" Jarrod says waving his hand at Greg.


     "Hey Punk" he says waving back.  Greg looks over at Commando two.


"James, what the hell did you do to the armor".


     "Nothing" he says.


     "Bullshit" Josh says in an aggravated tone.  "You went toe to toe with a Gregole Omega".


     Greg looks down at him and smiles.  "Even after all this time you haven't gotten any smarter"  he says.  James just shrugs his shoulders and laughs.


     "Maybe  he's  half Zoanoid.  He has the intellagence of  an  ant"


Jarrod says smiling.


     "I wouldn't doubt it" Josh says.



     At the Ark



     In  space  each guyver has begun their attack.  The Assassin  and Black  Stealth destoyed the ships and have concentrated on the Gravity Orbs.  Six  Pressure Cannon Blasts fire at Assassin and she dodges and fires  two  Pressure  Cannons with both hands destroying  two  Gravity orbs.


     Female Gigantic is fired at by a Mega Smasher.  She dodges it but is  hit  by a Pressure Cannon which barely effects her because of the shields. But it causes her to spin a little.   She then fires her Head Laser at the Mega-Smasher while it is charging. It destroys it and the explosion opens a giant hole on the ship. But the force field prevents pressure  from  escaping.  The Firepower Dark destroys  the  remaining Mega-Smasher with Force Cannons.  They all join together and fire their Pressure  Cannons and open the field long enough to get in.  They  are immediately greeted by Enzymes.


     Firepower  Dark  fires Force Cannons and His pressure cannon  and kills them. The blast also makes a hole in the floor where Five Vamore Omegas  jump  out and fire their Bio-weapons.  They all  hit  Assassin Guyver and cause major damage,  burning her guyver and her body.  Pist off,  Black  Stealth  opens her left Mega-Smasher and kills  them.  It  causes an explosion that destroys six decks.


     "Take that Mother Fucker" she says laughing.  In the Distance she sees  the Main processing station.  And two Zoalords.  They fire  Hand lasers  and  one hits Female Gigantic knocking her against  the  force field.  It tore a hole in her.  Firepower Dark Opens both Mega-Smasher plates and fires incinerating one Zoalord and destroying the ship. The force filed lowers and Black Stealth and Firepower Dark grab the other two  and fly out as fast as they can.  The ark explodes and the  shock wave and rubble hits the Guyvers and they rocket to earth.


     Each  Guyver  burns in the atmosphere and slams into the Gulf  of Mexico.  The  rubble from the Ark bombs cities and kills a few hundred people.  Six Chronos sattelites are destroyed and we gain a new comet, or two.



     Chronos Headquarters   India



     The  injured  Zoalord arrives at the headquarters.  His  body  is healing  but he is still very damaged.  He was very lucky to  survive. Inside Alkanphal sits in his Zoalord form waiting for him.


     "Sir, the Ark has been destroyed" the Zoalord says.


     Alkanphal stands. "What, who did it".


     "Assassin,  Firepower,  Stealth and Gigantic.  They first knocked out  our  weapons  and them gained entrance  to  the  ship.  Commander Stephan was killed, but I escaped" he says.


     "What about the Units" Alkanphal asks.


     The Zoalord hands him three, unactivated,  standard guyver units.


"I was able to get them before the explosion" he says.


     Alkanphal  smiles.  "These were much more important.  Get me  the best  Gregole,  Ramotith and Vamore we have.  You have done very well.


But rest first. You must heal" he says.


     "Thanks you sir" the Zoalord says walking away. Two Gregoles help him to his room.



     War room



     Sho  and Agito sit at the computer.  They are very  worried.  The other Guyvers were supposed to be back over an hour ago.


     "Can we search for their Control Medals" Sho asks.


     Agito shakes his head.  "Hopefully their Control Medals survived, or at least a good chunk of them" he says.


     "Yeah, we need them bad" Sho says.



     Under the Gulf of Mexico



     Deep under the water two Control Medals are gleaming regenerating their hosts body. And a bloodly leg and chest are also regenerating.



     Chronos Head quarters    India



     Three Zoanoids step forward.


     "Bio-boost"  they  say  and  blast fields activate and  they  are surrounded  by  Guyver  armor.  The Gregole is as tall  as  the  Guyver Gigantic. The Ramotith is shorter,  but very agile and quick.  And the Vamore has his Blasters at Gigantic power for the Pressure Cannon.

     "I am Guyver Zoanoid Giant" the gregole says bowing to Alkanphal.


     "I am Guyver Zoanoid Slasher" the Ramotith says.


     "I am Guyver Zoanoid Sniper" the Vamore says.


     "Guyver  Zoanoid  team 3 are unified.  Go and destroy  the  World Government Headquarters" Alkanphal says.


     They all bow. "Consider it done" Guyver Zoanoid Giant says.





     My  next  chapter can possibly already be guessed.  It will  have some major fighting. And lots of that gory death I know you love.



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