Cat and Mouse


Warlord Guyver



Hawaiian Islands



            W’Kar sets down with Albass. Alkanphal said he detected a massive Bio Reading equal to the class he and W’Kar were at, but he sees nothing on the scanners. He asked W’Kar to go with Albass, who knows how to use the tracking equipment, to go see what it was.

            “I’m going to be very upset if this was a sensor glitch,” W’Kar says setting down and putting Albass down out of his arms. She wears that Zoalord Dress which W’Kar is beginning to despise.

            “I doubt it. The Accolades sensors are the best known aside from the creators science relics, and they are working fine according to Hamical” Albass says grabbing a device from her dress.

            “What is that?” W’Kar asks. The device has two prong like objects sticking from the top and it has an electrical charge between them.

            “This device will pinpoint any bio reading, even in hyperspace,” she says.

            “Shit, why don’t you ask next time” W’Kar says activating his hyper senses to scan for energy signatures,

            “Hmm, I’m picking up three” Albass says looking at the device.

            “As am I. And I’d know the first anywhere. It’s that damn alien, and the other must be Jessica” W’Kar says.

            “Contact Kalen and Jessica and have them come here”.

            “Oh you must think you’re my boss” W’Kar says walking up to her.

            “Oh you must think you’re my boss” Albass says in a mocking tone.

            W’Kar laughs.

            ““Hey color changer,”” W’Kar says through his organisms.

            “”Huh, W’Kar. What are you doing here”” XT2 asks.

            ““Probably the same as you, get your ass, now that you have one, and Jessica’s over here”” W’Kar says cutting the link before XT2 can say another word.

            “He’ll be here,” W’Kar says. He is not disappointed when a rift forms and XT2 steps out, followed by a Blast Field signaling Jessica’s arrival.

            “Are you two chasing the Bio Reading too?” XT2 asks.

            “Yes, but so far we have had no luck. Anything on your side” Albass asks.

            “Barely, I’ve got a approximate position in hyperspace, but only a W’Kar unit or an Orobouras can access it” XT2 says looking over at W’Kar and Ninja Guyver who are speaking in their own conversation.


            “I hear the green bean came back in pretty bad shape,” W’Kar says.

            Ninja Guyver nods. “He refuses to talk about it though”.


            Zertax pops in via teleport. He looks over to see both XT2 and W’Kar, along with the Ninja Guyver and Albass.

            “Hello Zertax, decided to visit, how sweet” W’Kar says.

            “Don’t push your luck. I’m here to look after Albass,” he says.

            The five begin to vividly search for a reading in which they can pinpoint. Unfortunately Zertax’s telepathic abilities can’t reach into hyperspace like a Guyvers can.


            “Well, I’ve found him” XT2 says. “He’s in hyperspace”.

            “You notice the Bio Reading” W’Kar says.

            “No, I can’t read it when they are in hyperspace” XT2 replies.

            W’Kar looks around. “Whoever it is, they are at 72045, that’s almost twice as strong as Alkanphal”.

            “No way. Only something about the level of a Neo Hyper Zoanoid could reach that with a Guyver Unit” Zertax says.

            “It’s a Proto Zoalord” Albass says looking at her scanner.

            “WHAT” Zertax screams? “A Proto-Zoalord has a Unit G. My god, I must inform Alkanphal".

            Zertax attempts to reach out, but he can’t. “Something is blocking my telepathy”.

            “Damn, same with my organisms” XT2 says.

            “Mine too, Albass, can that fancy device do something” W’Kar asks.

            “Not much more than I am using it for. And if you guys can’t get out I doubt this will” she says.

            “Great, we can’t call for help” Ninja Guyver says.

            “Yeah, but I can bring people in” XT2 says attempting to make a portal. He uses his mind to make one, but none are made.

            W’Kar then activates his teleportation, but he can’t teleport away.

            “But you teleported in” W’Kar says to Zertax.

            “Don’t ask me. I’m a fighter, not a scientist. I wish I could speak with the fair doctor now. He could figure something out,” Zertax says.

            “Yeah Right, Hamical is an idiot,” a voice says around them.

            W’Kars, Ninjas and XT2’s hyper senses flash around looking for the person that used that voice.

            “Coward, face us” W’Kar screams.

            “Gladly” the voice says again. A rift forms and The Darkness steps out.

            “Oh, you have guts showing your face to me you murdering bastard” W’Kar says clenching his fist.

            Albass huffs. “Like you have room to talk”.

            “BIO BOOST” The Darkness says. A blast field forms around him and the Guyver Unit forms on him.

            “So you are the Proto Zoalord Guyver, I should have known. Not many beings can handle hyper space” Zertax says.

            The Darkness fires a beam from his head that lances through Zertax’s side.

            W’Kar extends his blades along with XT2; they both begin to assault Guyver Darkness. The Guyver Darkness fires his own out, and somehow is able to reflect all eight swords the two use with only his two.

            “Your one fast lizard, I’ll give you that,” W’Kar says still pumping away with his swords. “Let’s see if you can handle this”.

            W’Kar then backs off and begins to soak up bio energy. Suddenly he is surrounded in a white light. “I’m going to blow you away in a single blast”.

            “Still, it’s only fifty times that of a Mega Smasher, He still may be able to block that” Albass says.

            “We will see, XT2, Zertax, Ninja, keep that thing busy, it takes time to charge this up” W’Kar says.

            Guyver Darkness summons them with his hand. Zertax extends his Bio Swords in unison with Ninja and XT. All three fire forward dicing at Guyver Darkness, who easily keeps up with their blows. He laughs.

            “Ah, screw this” Ninja says backing up and pulling her Plasma Sword from hyperspace charged. She dices at Guyver Darkness. He is able to block the sword with ease and fires a small Pressure Cannon to her midsection as she brings the blade down. The Pressure Cannon punches through her shield to blow a hole in her stomach, but Ninjas Blade comes down on his head splitting it down the middle, barely stopping above his Control Medal.

            The Guyver Darkness pulls the Plasma Sword out of his skull. Somehow, even with his brain in half, he is in control!

            “Not a very good plan little woman” he says before firing a Hand Beam that swathed her in bio energy. She raises her shields directly before the blast helping her survive, but the weapon is strong enough to force parts through scorching her armor like acid.

            “Jessica” XT2 screams and fires a Plasma Smasher blast that helps deflect some of the hand beam. But Guyver Darkness continues to fire even after XT2 cannot fire anymore.

            Zertax launches up and along with XT2 creates a massive shield in front of The Ninja Guyver.

            Behind them, Albass and W’Kar are caught in some of the aftermath of Guyver Darkness’ Blast. W’Kars natural aura created as his body soaks energy helps deflect some of the weapon fire, but most rips apart the countryside with incredible force. Albass stands behind him crouched in hope his power can withstand the blast.

            Zertax pumps massive amounts of energy into this shield. He and Kalen have recently become friends, and he doesn’t want to see him hurt by Jessica’s Death. All the Zoacrystals on his body light up in a bright orange color as he releases massive amounts of bio energy into the shield.

            Finally stopping the blast, Guyver Darkness smiles as he sees the horrible damage done to the island. No plant life for over a mile is visible, Ninja Guyver is out of service, Zertax has been weakened shoving his massive Bio Energy reserves into the shield.

            “Mother Fucker” W’Kar screams.

            “Can you help yet?” Albass asks?

            “Give me a little longer, shouldn’t be too much, but get Ninja away from there” he says.

            The aura around W’Kar begins to form into white and red. “Almost there”.

            XT2 fires his Plasma Spheres, but Guyver Darkness simply blocks with his moving hand.

            “I have never had an opponent as good as this. It will be an honor to defeat you Darkness” Zertax Dominia says standing up straight. He energizes himself.

            “You once said together we would become a great team Zertax, what happened to that?” Guyver Darkness says.

            “You became a rebel after you killed the War Clans Guyvers, I can’t deal with a rebel” Zertax says. He launches forward and begins to chop away at Guyver Darkness shields with his own swords. Guyver Darkness laughs and rams his head into Zertax’s stomach in such a speed that Zertax had no time to react. He is forced back clutching his midsection.

            Zertax fires a Gravity Bullet attack and uses a Lightning Blast to help deflect the oncoming powerhouse. XT2 charges his arm in a plasma aura and lands a punch to Guyver Darkness’ Face. Laughing as he brings his head down, he fires a Gravity Bullet attack, XT2 is forced back at a high rate attempting to deflect and dodge the hail of Basketball sized Gravity Bullets.

            Seeing that Zertax is all but finished, Guyver Darkness directs his attention towards Albass who is running to the side to help Ninja Guyver.

            Guyver Darkness fires both Hand Beam at her, but Zertax teleports in the way!

            This blast begins to tear through Zertax’s shield slowly ripping him apart.

            “Albass, go!” he screams. Albass runs away and behind a small cliff.

            XT2 dashes forward to help, but it is too late. Zertax’s shield fails and he is hit by both yellow energy streaks. His flesh is torn from bone and his body is flung away roasting. Guyver Darkness then disappears just to show up in front of Zertax’s ruined body.

            “You are quite the warrior Zertax, but every warrior eventually falls to someone greater” Guyver Darkness says pointing his hand at Zertax’s Zoacrystal.

            “Speak for yourself little man,” a voice says behind Guyver Darkness. He turns to see a flaming W’Kar Guyver firing towards him. W’Kar hits him square in the mouth sending him flying away from Zertax.

            Not wasting any time he has, W’Kar fires the massive blast he summoned. Holding his hands in front of him, the aura around his body begins to close in on a single spot as his Hyperspace orb glows and sends a beam into the center. He fires the beam, which rips the ground apart as he fires it. His arms in front, his back sore from this pressure, W’Kar continues to hold it steady.

            Guyver Darkness is hit full force by the blast; even with his shields raised this weapon is incredibly strong, it pushes into his shields, making an impression like a finger pushing a balloon. He screams as portions come into the field, hitting him and stabbing through like a thousand knives.

            “Welcome to my nightmare Darkness, I told you I’d kill ya” W’Kar says smiling as he continues the blast, but finally he gives in as all the energy is gone he drained, he had to waste some of his own to sustain himself from buckling under the power.

            W’Kar looks ahead. A great rip in the ground where his blast once was and a massive light that still appears as the energy disperses itself around.

            XT2 lands next to W’Kar, holding his shoulder.

            “I didn’t know you had that in you”.

            “You don’t know a lot my friend” W’Kar says. He points over at Ninja Guyver and XT2 walks over to her.

            Albass runs over to Zertax.

            “You’re going to be okay right,” Albass says.

            Zertax smiles. His body is torn apart in more ways than one can imagine. Holes riddle his body and most of his internal organs are either gone or burned.

            “I’ll be fine once I get to the Regeneration Tank. Go see to Jessica” Zertax says.

            Albass nods, obviously crying and runs off to Ninja Guyver.           

            Zertax’s head collapses.

            W’Kar bends down to him. “Tell me the truth”.

            Zertax breathes heavy. “I’m too hurt, all my energy went into shielding them two, I’m all out. Trying to stay alive now is pointless”.

            W’Kar smiles. “You did a very good thing, those two are very young still where as you have lived for a long time”.

            “I did not want to die like this” Zertax says looking at W’Kar in the eyes. “I wanted to die noble in battle for Lord Alkanphal. I did not want to sit idly while my death approaches slowly”.

            “You saved Albass life my friend, you saved Jessica’s too. I may not be as honorable as you are, but in my opinion saving those you care for is one of the noblest things you can do. I’m sure Alkanphal will say the same when we get you back”. 

            “W’Kar, Greg, I don’t want to go back” Zertax says.

            “You want to die here,” W’Kar asks.

            Zertax nods. “I want to die on a battlefield among my comrades. Not sitting in a Bio Tank waiting for the inevitable”.

            W’Kar looks down at Zertax’s wounds. “Are you sure”?

            Zertax smiles. “Tell my son he should continue as he is, I never doubted his strength or his commitment ever. He has made me very proud”.

            W’Kar nods. “Goodbye Zertax Dominia”.

            “Goodbye Greg Lucas” Zertax says leaning his head back.

            W’Kar stands up and opens his right chest plate. “I’m going to aim for your Zoacrystal”.

            Zertax nods.


            Albass turns to see a Mega Smasher firing from W’Kar into Zertax.

            “NOO” Albass screams running over but W’Kar closes his Smasher and they see nothing of Zertax, simply dust.

            “ZERTAX” Albass screams. She punches W’Kar. “Why did you do that, was it not enough he was hurt, we could have saved him”.

            W’Kar shakes his head. “Zertax finally ran out of energy, we couldn’t have saved him no matter what we did”.

            “That’s not an excuse,” Albass screams! “We could have at least tried, or he could have died with his son and family”.

            W’Kar turns to her abruptly. “My decision little girl, deal with it”.


            W’Kar and XT2 stand over Ninja Guyver. She is healing, but too slowly.

            “He could show back at any moment,” W’Kar says.

            “Why can’t I leave? I can understand my portal being blocked, but you teleport directly into hyperspace and then out. How can he block that”, XT2 asks?

            “I don’t know” W’Kar says. “Do I look like a scientist? What we need to do is get Albass to a hiding spot”.

            “I’ll do it” Ninja Guyver says.

            “Your too weak to do anything to Guyver Darkness, one of us will have to do it” W’Kar says to XT2.

            “I have a Warrior Upgrade, I can do it” Ninja Guyver protests.

            XT2 looks at W’Kar. “Fine, activate it and get a move on”.

            Ninja Guyver steps back and concentrates and a cocoon forms around her and it lasts for a moment before Warrior Ninja Guyver steps out.

            She is taller and purple, Her shoulders are large and spike out horizontally along with her head that seems the same, just a color change. Most of her body is the normal Gigantic Style though. As she drops her arm the Plasma Sword drops as an energy spike.

            “They merged” XT2 says.

            “Get going” W’Kar says, she is only a foot and a half shorter than him.

            Albass steps over with Warrior Ninja Guyver and they fly off.

            “Why did you kill Zertax”? XT2 asks.

            “Zertax is too proud to come back in that shape,” W’Kar says. “Now, how do we lure him out”?

            “Don’t jump the gun, he’s stronger than both of us combined” XT2 says.

            “Speak for yourself alien” W'Kar says. He begins to attempt to scan Hyperspace, but it is blocked.

            “Eh fuck, I can’t get to hyperspace,” W’Kar says.    

            XT2 nods. “Neither can I. Maybe he is using that cloaking ability of his in a new way and preventing us from accessing our systems”.

            “Are you suggesting he is cloaking Hyperspace from me” W’Kar asks.

            XT2 nods.

            “Then how is he preventing all communication, even psychic, out of here?” W’Kar asks.

            “There are many ways to do that. I can name at least twenty off the top of my head” XT2 says.

            “Well good for you” W’Kar says. He and XT2 begin walking around, near each other so if they are attack they can both help each other.

            “I hate waiting, SHOW YOURSELF” W’Kar screams.

            A rift forms above them and Guyver Darkness falls out with both swords coming down. W’Kar meets his blades with his Plasma Swords, but finds that his Plasma Swords cannot pierce his Bio Swords. He also finds his strength is nothing near his.

            “Piece of shit” W’Kar screams. He puts more force behind his push but it is no good.

            XT2 comes from the side and slams his Plasma Sword through Guyver Darkness shield and stabs him through the side.

            Guyver Darkness shows no emotion or strain as he shoves W’Kar aside and pulls XT2 up tearing the blade out of him and tosses him aside firing a Hand Beam at him.

            XT2 makes a shield in front of him and blocks the blast. But the weapon can only be compared to W’Kars Energy Ball and puts enough force on him to blow the side of the island away. His shield begins to weaken when W’Kar goes behind him and begins feeding energy into XT2’s shield.

            The shield regains massive power and easily blocks the blast.

            When XT2 and W’Kar look down, Guyver Darkness isn’t there.

            “Thanks. At least that is over” XT2 says.

            “Yeah I’m feeling all blasé,” W’Kar says.

            They both land on the ground and look around with their hyper senses.

            “You see him XT2” W’Kar asks.

            “I’m getting the same luck you are”.


            Warrior Ninja Guyver has Albass with her.

            “Where did The Darkness get a Unit-G” Warrior Ninja asks herself.

            “It’s possible he has Psycho Guyvers missing Control Medal. Remember only one was found and destroyed, he had two of them” Albass says.

            “Yeah that is possible. But wouldn’t the control medal just rebuild the other one. They were both identical” Warrior Ninja says.

            Albass shrugs her shoulders.

            “Vulcan attempted to rebuild the original unit, but he could not. And for some odd reason he could not bond with it” a voice says.

            Warrior Ninja pulls Albass behind her as she sees Guyver Darkness.

            “So he sought me out and had me activate it to work for him. I was to help him attack the world. No one could stop us together,” he says.


            “I know how to kill him,” XT2 says.

            W’Kar turns to him. “This better not be stupid”.

            “I have a weapon I have been keeping hidden. It’s called the Bio Rhythmic Cannon. It sucks up all the energy from what it hits and continues to attack everything around until I command it to stop”.

            “One problem, it has to be strong enough to penetrate his shields, which I haven’t been able to do yet,” W’Kar says cursing himself.

            “I fire the blast through the biggest energy collection you can make and we put it straight through his control medal” XT2 says.

            W’Kar laughs. “I like it. But first I gotta charge up the energy and that takes time”.

            “The Cannon also takes awhile to charge too. How are we going to distract him?” XT2 asks.

            W’Kar smiles. “Jessica can take him for awhile, she will give us the distraction we need”.

            “How do you expect Jessica to do anything? She only has about a 21000 Bio level in that Upgrade, how do you expect her to take him on if we both couldn’t do it together”.

            “She is a W’Kar, she can do it” W’Kar says.

            “That is not an explanation,” XT2 says.

            W’Kar smiles under his armor. “In the upgrade she is 20X, but the Prototype could activate the Warrior Rage by will. My unit lost that ability when the W’Kar Element was merged with it. She can be over 60000 in Bio Level like that she will be able to do it”.

            XT2 thinks. “Alright”.

            “”Hey guys, I’m having a bit of a problem over here”” Warrior Ninja Guyver says through her organisms.

            Both W’Kar and XT2 look at each other and dart of at incredible speed to arrive a moment later.

            Warrior Ninja has kept Albass out of danger, but she is losing.

            “”Listen girl, we need you to keep him busy for a little bit”” W’Kar says through his organisms.

            “”WHAT, does it look like I can do this alone”” she says back angry.

            “”We just need a distraction for awhile, we got a surprise for him, use the Warrior Rage if necessary”” W’Kar says back.

            XT2 grabs Albass and pulls her back behind him and W’Kar.

            “Stay here” he says.

            W’Kar turns to him. “You ready”.

            XT2 nods.

            W’Kar puts his hands in front of him and begins to strip the energy from everywhere, especially off of Guyver Darkness in hope to weaken him for Jessica.

            XT2 stands back and begins to concentrate as all the orbs on his body begin to glow slightly.


            Warrior Ninja Guyver back flip kicks Guyver Darkness in the face and then comes across his legs with her Plasma Sword.

            Guyver Darkness jumps and falls with his sword on her back.

            “You’ve already lost little girl, give up now and spare the pain. I’ll kill you quick,” Guyver Darkness says.

            Warrior Ninja Guyver begins to glow red and then a blue and red flame burns off her as she sits up and yanks his sword from her back.

            “That is it you son of a bitch” she says and fires a Pressure Cannon into his abdomen. The blast blows a hole right through him and takes the tip off the mountain behind them.

            “I am impressed,” Guyver Darkness says. His healing isn’t as good as the W’Kar and the wound is slowly closing.

            “You’ll be dead” she says and fires forward with her Plasma Sword and begins to chop away at him. Guyver Darkness keeps up with his Bio Swords but he is seriously outdone by her obvious speed advantage.


            XT2 has begun to glow beyond what an eye can tell. His Medal shines at a light so bright that only a Guyver or Zoaform could be able to watch without being blinded.

            W’Kar has created a three foot wide ball of compressed energy. If he fired this now it could be strong enough to cause serious damage to Guyver Darkness. But he better hold back the though and stick to the plan. He pulls the ball above his head so the Bio Rhythmic Cannon will not hit him.


            Guyver Darkness falls back, this adversary is almost as strong as him.

            Warrior Ninja dashes forward and punches him in the chest. Guyver Darkness has gotten tired of this and goes invisible.

            “Now how am I supposed to fight?” Warrior Ninja says.

            She is punches from the right and then kicked at the left. Warrior Ninja activates her head laser and turns 360 degrees and she sees blood splatter not far from her and she runs forward and stabs the Plasma Sword through him and tosses him to the ground.

            Suddenly the flame dissipates and she is left in a mode where she stands no chance.

            Guyver Darkness grabs her by the throat and lifts her up. Even if he is shorter his strength is enough to lift her almost completely over his head.


            “Hey Bitch” W’Kar screams.

            Guyver Darkness turns to see W’Kar and XT2 glowing strangely. It was a trap!

            “How you like your guyvers, baked or deep fried,” W’Kar says smiling.

            XT2 fires the beam from his hand. It is similar to a light blue fireball that hits the gigantic energy ball W’Kar has over his head and sucks it up as the weapon comes straight towards Guyver Darkness. The beam is now dark blue and has bits of energy swirling around it.

            He throws down Warrior Ninja and creates the largest shield he can.

            The Bio Rhythmic Cannon goes through the shield and stabs his control medal in an explosion comes through the back of his head before the weapon stops in midair and then disappears.

            W’Kar walks over and grabs Warrior Ninja. Guyver Darkness has begun to melt and ooze as the Bio Booster Armor eats him alive.

            “He doesn’t like them baked or deep fried. He likes them raw” W’Kar says laughing at his own stupid joke.

            XT2 is on the ground. His body seems to have suffered damage. His right arm is burnt to a crisp and every orb on his body has exploded, his Control Medal the only exception. He stands in a large crater surrounding him and looks up at W’Kar.

            “What happened Kalen” Warrior Ninja asks.

            “The Cannon, it hurts me too. But I’ll be fine, just bring me back to the island” XT2 says slumping over.


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