Name: Warrior Guyver 2

Host: Stephen Cain

Height: 7 foot

Alignment: Extra Dimensional Enemy of Chronos


A Warrior Guyver from a different dimension. Rumored to be from a different one there as well. His unit is the completed version of the Warrior Guyver project in his dimension as it was said that Matrix Warrior Guyvers original form was simply a prototype in yet another world.

Speed and Durability

Speed:  Unit can run at speeds max of 600 MPH and fly at 3750 MPH. Using the unit CPM (Cyclone Power Matrix) will double his speed for a few moments.

Strength and Durability: Unit can muscle a maximum of 400 men and 800 with the CPM active. Units body shield gives him the durability of a Gigantic Guyver and with his boosted max can shield himself upto Gigantic Level Mega Smashers.

Hyper Sensors:  More powerful than the Gigantic with ranges of upto 1640 foot.

Weapons System:

Head Laser: 10X the power of a normal guyvers and are located on his forearms and 3 on his forhead.

Pressure Cannon: Approximately equal to a Gigantic Guyvers but can be boosted by the CPM

Sonic Emitters: Fired at 4X a normal guyvers.

Vibrational Swords: Vibrational Swords are composed of an unknown material that can transmutate into various forms. Although they are not able to instantly cleave all other swords like a W'Kars Plasma Blades, the blades are of much higher tolerance and power for just Vibrational blades, but are still able to be cleaved by Plasma Blades.

Mega Smasher: Highly powerful particle weapon with slightly higher force than a Gigantic Guyver.

Other Advances

Control Medal: Composed of Four Partial Control Units, units Pyramid Control Medal has shown to be incredibly advanced and surpassing the W'Kar type in processing speed, but far from the durability of the W'Kar medal or the energy handling.

Cloaking: Unlike W'Kars ability to morph their armor to any form, the Warrior Units can cloak invisible or project holograms around them to appear as anything. Units also have the ability to create holograms.

Cyclone Power Matrix: A Device that runs off of units HSL System by giving subject a double power level for as long as he can handle it.

Aceaer: A detachable creator armor that boosts subjects power ratings 40% higher than before mentioned.

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