Ninja Guyver
Unit Classification: W'Kar Unit Prototype

Common Name: Ninja Guyver

Unit Height: 6 foot 9 inches (9 foot 3 inches with Warrior Upgrade)

Host Height: 5 foot 5 inches

Unit Weight: 644 lbs (1700 lbs in Warrior Ninja form)

Host Weight: 112 lbs

Avg. Bio Level: 2382 (25033 in Warrior Ninja)

Max Bio Level: 65044 in Warrior Ninja with Warrior Rage

Unit Host: Jessica Pike

Alignment: W'Kar Battleforce in the Anti Advent Republic

The Ninja Unit is a W'Kar Prototype. The armor was stripped by the Nano Guyvers using the Unit Remover stolen from the Chronos Alpha Unit. But W'Kar destroyed the unit after he somehow fended off Nano Guyver. The Hunter Creator known as Dibblis has used the armor to create a new Upgrade Module, which is currently lost. The W'Kar Unit Prototype from this area of time has been activated on Black Guyver after XT's sister injured her original unit. Ninja Guyver has also acquired one of two Warrior Upgrades with Mark II technology. With the upgrade Ninja Guyvers power ranges around 20X that of a Guyver and can be tripled with use of the 'Warrior Rage'

Speed and Durability

Speed: Speed is equal to the Assassin Model 1, ranging in ~300 MPH for land and ~350 for air. THe Prototype cannot use the Light Speed function of the Assassin Series and Creator Armies, though it is not needed due to units Hyperspace Orb. With the Warrior Upgrade she can move at speeds of ~3200 MPH on land and ~13000 in air, with quick bursts of ~20000.

Strength and Durability: Unit can muscle approximately only 400 men, although she has shown under stress to match 700. With use of the Warrior Upgrade her strength is boosted to that of 1900 men. In her normal Ninja Guyver form her armor is only slightly stronger than a Gigantic Guyvers, although shields of the unit can match any W'Kar blocking a max of a 23X Guyver Mega Smash. With the Warrior Upgrade her armor can block a max of a Gigantic Guyvers Megasmasher and shield against even 35X attacks.

Hypersenses: Hypersenses are incredibly advanced, up to a 1 mile area can be scanned with great accuracy.

Weapons System:

Head Laser: Equal to a Gigantic Guyver, but can be given 3 times the power in a single blast in her normal form. Under use of the Warrior Upgrade the Head Laser has shown an output of over 600X normal, which is approximately a Guyver Mega Smasher.

Pressure Cannon: In her normal form, Ninja Guyver can muster a Pressure Cannon twice the strength of a Gigantic Guyvers Pressure Cannon. Although in her Warrior Upgrade form she can create one ranging in 4X a Normal Mega Smasher.

Sonic Emitters: Approximate twice a Gigantic Guyver, in Warrior Upgrade mode are 40X that a normal guyver.

Vibrational Swords: In both normal form and Warrior Ninja form unit has a set of Gigantic Guyver like Vibrational Swords.

Mega Smasher: In normal form the Mega Smasher is slightly stronger than a Gigantic Mega Smasher. Although in the Warrior Ninja form unit can use it at 32X that of a normal guyvers Mega Smasher. Can also be used much more often due to energy draining.

Energy Draining: By stripping energy off of the surroundings, The W'Kar Prototype can heal her energy reserves and increase her healing. Unlike the finished unit, the prototype must be completely immobile while doing so.

Other Advances

Control Medal: Control Medal is a compressed Gigantic Model that has approximately the same energy reserves in a smaller size. Unit quickly dissipates energy because of this and must recharge frequently.

Cloaking: The unit can make the armor appear as anything. So it can give a chameleon effect, or keep the armor on and appear as clothing.

Warrior Rage: By constantly draining energy from her surroundings and channeling all available energy, Ninja Guyver can willingly triple her strength. This completely drains her afterward and only lasts for a few minutes. This ability can be used in both her normal and Warrior Ninja form.

Hyperspace Orb: The unit also can send the host into Hyper Space to recover from battle or teleport. A battle backup transports the control medal into hyper space so it can remake the host's body without interference. The host must activate this system, it never does so automatically.

Warrior Upgrade Mark II: Jessica has possession of one of two new Mark II Warrior Upgrades. With this new force she can compete with all the current W'Kar and surpass them with her Warrior Rage activated. The Upgrade Module has also merged with her Hand Held Plasma Sword, which now can only be used in her Warrior Ninja form. Manifested as a Energy Blade, the Plasma Sword is none the less as effective as any other and seems to have even greater strength, although it still cannot cleave other Plasma Swords. Blade can also be made into it's Physical Form, although if it is dropped the blade dissipates and returns to the unit.

Ninja Guyver in Warrior Ninja Battleform

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