Unit Type: Aquatic Standard Unit-G

Common Name: Aqua Guyver

Host Name: Zass Tallas

Host Race: Yovkisher

Avg. Height: 7 foot

Weight: 544 lbs

Bio Level: 1650

Alignment: Hierarchy Yovkisher Representative in the Anti Advent Republic

A Standard Unit that has been modified by Zass to work better in aquatic environments. This is due to his race's affiliation with water, which often makes him do most of his fighting in that environment. Zass Tallas is the only guyver in the Anti Advent Republic to have a non-Mark II Unit officially.


Speed and Durability

Speed: Speed 0-250 on ground, 0-300 in air. His water speed is 0-1500 though.

Strength and Durability: The Unit-G boosts the hosts strength at 100X it's normal output, giving this Yovkisher host the ability to lift over 11,000 lbs at maximum, but can vary depending on hosts physical condition. Durability of the bio armor is due to a technorganic compound approximately 10 times stronger than steel, due to the host race, which also allows him to heal at 2X the speed of a human guyver. Subject also has 3X the normal stamina of a human guyver.

Hypersenses: An enhanced version of natural senses. Added is a special form of almost telepathic power allowing subject to sense danger oncoming at a range of 500 feet. Guyvers have also displayed the ability to speak to each other through a technological telepathic means by transmission through organisms set on the hosts back.

Weapons System:

Head Laser: Highly focused infrared laser. Uses focused light to pierce through targets and seems to be effective against lower level enemies only, as most beings equal or greater than a guyver can block the weapon.

Vibrational Swords: Vibrational Swords are often located on the guyvers forearms pointed in an inverse position to the subjects arms. The blades vibrate at ultra-high frequencies and use this sonic advantage to slice through practically all materials not specially resistant to vibrational metal or other vibrational swords. Aqua Guyver has shown the ability to fire small vibrational like darts through his wrists at high speed as well.

Pressure Cannon: By using the subjects Gravity Orb(see below), the guyver can compress gravity into a smaller area and launch it at high speed. Comparable damage to a tank shell and can punch through nearly all targets.

Sonic Emitters: Orbs located around the guyvers mouth area emit a highly focused sonic wave which vibrates through the air and can shatter most targets unless they are of strong build or built with sonic dampening systems. Sonic Emitters are mainly used as a defensive purpose, such as creating openings for escape, destroying oncoming missiles or targets.

Mega Smasher: Powerful beam discharge that has been the primary weapon of all guyvers. This weapon creates a massive build-up of energy inside of specialized cells located underneath the guyvers chest plates. This energy is then released through the cells and their lenses, creating a large, powerful beam of destruction only surpassed by a megaton nuclear explosion, although the weapon has similar effects to a nuclear weapon on a limited area. Oddly enough, Guyvers each can have different Mega Smasher outputs. Most Guyvers have been seen to emit a Particle Beam Discharge, but some have shown to use a Bio Energy Discharge of equal power. The blast is severely draining on the host, most guyvers can only fire 3-4 before they are far too tired to continue battle.

Other Advances

Control Medal: Simply stated this is the 'Brain' of the Unit-G. The Control Medal regulates all host/unit interactions  through a tendril interface with the hosts brain and other nervous system components, and helps keep the control armor from going rogue and attacking the host in a desperate need to survive. The Control Medal is absolutely essential to the Unit, for without it, the armor destroys the host and the guyver will die.

Gravity Orb: Control Device located on the abdomen of the guyver. This device helps the guyver control the gravity around him, giving him the option to fly, create a pressure cannon, burrow underneath the ground, or create a gravity based shield that can save the guyver from most attacks short of a Mega Smasher.

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