Here's my Fanfic. I'm calling it the Spirit Guyver. I'd like to use my forum name for author, which is WarriorZoalord. Main character is The Spirit Guyver, AKA Yusuke Urameshi. It's a Yu-Yu-Hakusho/Guyver Crossover.
The Spirit Guyver Files

     Author's note: Absolutely none of these characters belong to me, they belong to the people who created them. While I made changes to them, they are not mine.

     He looks down at the large crater infront of him. A small metallic object lies in the center of it, he kneels at the edge and looks in to get a better look at it. He recognizes it as the centerpiece of the weird organic discus thing that attacked him what seemed minutes ago. His mind reels as he remembers a large white ball heading towards him, then intense pain for about a second, then him being here. He looks to his left as a woman with long light blue hair stands next to him. "How does it feel to be dead again?"she says to him.

     "Rather surprised Boton, one second this weird discus thing is attacking me, then when I wake up, I get blown to smithereens. I don't know why, but it feels different then when I got hit by that car..." He then turns to Boton and a slight smile crosses his lips, then as he realizes his predicament it turns into a frown. "So I take it you're here to take me to Koenma since I'm dead again? At least I finally get some R and R from all those tough Spirit Detective assignments that you kept giving me." She laughs a bit at him and smirks, he blinks his eyes and looks at her confusedly. "What's so funny?"

      She speaks up again after looking in a little book. "Actually, you where not supposed to die, yet again. You seem to be getting yourself into a lot of accidents, but since you don't have a body to go back to, I guess you're stuck here unless Koenma can come up with something. Do you want to see anyone before I take you to see him again?"

      He looks rather sullen, and turns his back to Boton for a second. "What's the point? I don't have a body to go back to, so I'm pretty much stuck. Kuwabara can see me if I'm a ghost anyway, so he might not know I'm dead, Kayko can't see or hear me unless I'm possessing someone, and my mom's pretty much the same way. Beside's, I've been dead once and saw what it did to them, I would rather not see that again. Let's go to Koenma and see if he knows if I can get back to life." As Boton and him go off to see Koemna, they don't notice the metallic object starts to glow as it gathers energy to being it's regeneration process.

     Boton leads him through the large doors to Koenma's office, and he reflects on how he thought a giant was in here the first time he was in here, and then how surprised he was when he found out the "Great Koenma" was just what seemed to be a toddler. He grins slightly as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks to the large desk. Koenma stands up and looks at both of them. "Well if it isn't Yusuke, I was surprised when Boton told me what happened. I am sorry but without a body there's nothing I can do for you."

     Yusuke mumbles a bit, "Does that mean Kuwabara's going to be Spirit Detective now?" Koenma just nods. "It figure's I do all the hard work and he just picks up the left overs. Though he'll never measure up to me, since I have always been better than him."

     Koenma looks right at Yusuke "If you want to tell him yourself you can, because of his higher spirit awareness you don't need to go into his dreams anymore. You can go whenever you want, but you have to come back as soon as you tell him. Try not to take too long though, because spirits are not supposed to wander the living world freely. I'll make this one exception because of all you've done for us, try to be back within 2 hours."

      Frowns and looks at Koenma, then nods. "See you in a few hours, I might as well as get it over with." Stuff's his hands into his pockets and walks out of the office with Boton, and they head back to the real world. Boton leaves him off by the crater where she found him.

      "I'll be back in 2 hours to bring you back to Koenma's, see you then." With that she goes back to the spirit world and leaves him by himself. Staring into the crater, he notices that the metallic object thing stops glowing, and suddenly a black and red blob emerges from the tendrils on the object, and begins to form into a humanoid figure.

      "Huh, what the heck is that!!" He turns to run from it, but then the object flashes, which is now on the things forehead. Suddenly he finds himself flying backwards towards the now completed figure, then he vanishes as he touches the armor. The Medallion stops glowing a few minutes later and he wakes up. He looks around and notices he's inside the crater, in the exact spot that armored figure was. Then it hits him, that weird discus thing was the armor, and it somehow merged with him before he was blown up, and it must have somehow brought him back to life. "Ok, that's even weird by my standards. I hate to say it, but at least that means I get to keep my job...." With that, the armor disappears and he falls down, unconscious.

    * * * * *

      He wakes up several days later and slowly opens his eyes, and finds himself staring at a ceiling. "Huh, where'd the cater go, how'd I get here?" He turns his head left and right and looks around the room, realizing it's his room. "Was it all..... a dream? It seemed pretty real though, it couldn't have been a dream....." He lays back down and places a hand on his forehead, just to make sure that the weird objects not there. It isn't, which makes him believe it WAS all just a dream, a really really spooky dream. He turns and looks over at the door as he hears it open. In steps Boton, looking extremely confused. "What's wrong with you Boton?"

     "You, that's what. One minute I drop you off at that crater to go talk to Kuwabara, when I come back to pick you up I find you inside the crater, unconscious and ALIVE! You were dead, with no body, how the heck did you manage to come back to life with you're body!?" He just blinks a couple of times as the fact that it wasn't a dream dawns on him.

     "I dunno really, one minute I'm watching this metallic thing growing this red and black humanoid looking blob, the next second I'm flying towards the thing as if it's drawing me inside, then here I am. If anyone has the right to be confused, it's me!" He rubs his neck a bit as he looks at Boton, and feels some weird lumps on his back right below his neck. "I never managed to tell Kuwabara anything, does this still mean I'm Spirit Detective?"

     She just nods, then all of a sudden an image of Koenma pop's into view between them and turns to Yusuke. "Good to have you back among the living Yusuke. How that happened isn't really important right now. I have a new assignment for you." Groans as he looks at Koenma, but it seems that it wasn't heard, he was just ignored. "There have been reports of a group of demons operating on Earth who are turning people into demons for some unknown reason. Right now all we know is that they have bases all over the world, and that they pass themselves off as a company called Chronos Biochemical Corporation. We want you to look into the company and any subsidiaries it may have. We know the main Japanese Branch was destroyed some time ago, but we believe they may have another base here in Japan. We want you to find out how big this organization really is. If possible take out any of the demons you find, and destroy as many of there buildings as possible." With that the image vanishes, and Boton frowns.

     "Well, seems like we have another case already. I'll go to Spirit World and find out as much as I can on this Chronos and the demons that run it. Good luck Yusuke, I'll contact you when I find anything out." With that Boton leaves. He sits up, cross legged on his bed and thinks about how his luck seems to be growing, unfortunately for him it's always bad luck.

     "Oh come on! How the heck am I supposed to defeat a world wide organization? I wonder if I at least get any backup!" He gets off the bed and puts on his school uniform, wondering where the best spot to start searching for this organization would be, then looks at the time. "Great, I got to get to school, figures I spend the entire weekend unconscious!!" Curses his luck as he grabs his school bag and heads off. The only reason he even really goes to school anymore is to make sure nothing bad happens to Kayko, due to the whole Makai Insect thing while he was taking care of the 4 Saint Beasts.

     * * * * *

     It's how several hours after school let out, and it's dark out as he walks through hte forest, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He turns his head to the left as he faintly hears some voices coming from a clearing a short distance away. He turns and walks that way, then sees two flashes of light as he walks into the clearing he sees about 25 men in blue jumpsuit surrounds a blue armored figure and a black armored figure. "Hey what's going on here? Anyone mind if I interrupt?"

     One of the jump suited men turns and points at him. "Kill him, we don't need any witnesses!" With that one of the other men start's to change into a Gregole, then walks towards him. "You'll wish you never saw us punk." The beast laughs as the Blue armored guy yells "Run kid, Run!"

     He lifts his right hand and points his index finger at the Gregole's head and it starts glowing blue. "Tell me smart demon guy, how does it feel to be a giant target, with the words "I'm stupid, so kill me" on it? SPIRIT GUN!" A blue beam flies from his finger and goes through the Gregoles eye, which is only about 15 feet away now, pretty much disintegrating it's head as it flies through him. It goes on to hit another of the blue jump suited guys, killing him also. "I hate demons who are not supposed to be in this world, all of you can kiss your butt's goodbye!"

     The leader laughs and changes into a Zektole, others start changing, 1 becomes an Elegen, 2 become Gasters, 2 Darzebs, 3 Enzyme II's, 2 Zerebubuse's, 3 Ramotiths, and 3 Gregoles, 5 Vamores, and 1 Thancrus. The Ramotiths and Gregole's turn towards him, while the rest keep there eyes on the Blue and Black Armored figures. "Bold words kid, for someone who's going to be dead! ATTACK!"

     He laughs, and balls up his left fist, and it begins to glow blue like his finger did earlier. "I've been dead twice already, and I just keep coming back, you can try, but I doubt you'll succeed. SHOTGUN!" Seven blue beams fly out of his fist, flying towards the oncoming Ramotiths and Gregoles. Only 3 beams hit there target, but one catches two demons, he watches two of the furry battish ape creatures fall from that one, one got hit in the chest, the other blown through the neck, decapitating it. Then the last Ramotith falls to one of the other beams, which goes right through his mouth, and out the back of his head, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. The last beam catches a Gregole right in the chest, exploding it. The other four beams miss there targets, but shear a couple of tree's in half, pinning one unlucky Gregole underneath them.

     The rest of the demons stop dead in there tracks "What the hell is this guy? We got to take him out now!" The Vamores turn towards him and begin to power up there lasers, the armored guys seem to be stunned at what he just did, but the other demons begin to attack them, keep them from aiding the human.

     He grins at the demons, and points to himself, "You mean me? I'm just a Spirit Detective, what about you ugly punks?" He jumps as the Vamore's fire, there beams missing him by mere inches and he drops in front of the last Gregole standing and kicks him, and winds up sending himself backwards about 10 feet. He blinks several times, then rubs his foot. "Arrrg! That hurt, what the hell are these guys made of? There tougher then ro......." He doesn't get to finish his sentence and the Gregole send him flying into the tree's that are pinning the other Gregole, thereby freeing him.

     The Gregole laughs as he stands over him, he looks up at the thing and realizes that he'll probably be dead yet again in a few seconds. It raises both it's arms and laces it's fingers together, wanting to splatter this human all over the place with just one blow. Then it lowers it's arms with all the strength it can. But as it's arms get within inches of him, a Blast Field surrounds him, blowing the Gregole apart as his armor appears from hyperspace and opens up as it begins to bond to it's host.

     He slowly stands up and looks at the Zektole and Vamores. "I think it's time for round Two!" Meanwhile the Black armored figure is in a Sword fight with the Thancrus. The blue one is dodging Gaster missiles and spit from the Enzymes while taking head beam potshots at the Vamores, one gets pegged in a bio-laser pod and explores badly damaging the one right next to it.

     His Control Medal glows as he instinctively raises his ands and cups them in front of him as his gravity orb glows, a black ball forming between his hands. "Well, this looks pretty handy. Hey ugly, CATCH!!!" He throws his hands out towards one of the white furry things with many claws and lets the Pressure Cannon blast fly towards it, and it explodes as it touches the Enzyme II's chest, getting some gunk on the blue figure. He hears the blue guy scream in pain as the acidic blood eats through the armor. "Umm, Sorry!" While his attention is turned away, two of the undamaged Vamores catch him in a combined Bio-Laser blast, and he goes flying, hitting the last living Gregole, and pretty much squashing the life outta it as he lands. He winces slightly and looks at the big chunk of missing Armor in his side. "Ouch, damn that's smarts. But hey, these guys helped me kill one of there own." He stands up slowly and turns towards the two attackers, when one of the Zerebubuse's nearly runs him over like a freight train.

     "Oh no you don't!" He ducks as he moves out of the attacks way, and extends one of his frequency swords, and slashes upward at a diagonal. about 3 steps later the Zerebubuse slowly starts to slide apart, it's left hip to right shoulder going one way, the left shoulder to right hip falling the other. He then turns his attention back to the Vamores, and smirks under his armor "Next time, make sure you finish me off!" His Control Medal flashes once more and he reaches up to the red colored chest plate, the damaged Vamore takes a step back. "No, You can't. Not the megasmasher!"

     He just smirks and continues to open the Chest plate. "Why can't I? Using the megasmasher is easy, I just open my chest plate, you see a bright light and get vaporized." And with that he finishes opening his chest plate, and launches the beam, but it separates shortly after firing and 6 beams fly out, one towards each Vamore. The other beam flies towards the Elgen that's standing near them, feeding power to the Zektole that's shooting at the black figure. All six of the demons get incinerated, along with a patch of forest behind each one of them.

     One of the Enzyme II's managed to sneak up behind him while his attention was on the Vamores, and it slams his hand through his back, and out his chest, busting his megasmashers and causing his unit to go into self-defense mode. He kicks the Enzyme II about 10 away and fires his sonic busters at it, the sonic blast causes the Enzyme II to explode into a big pile of goo. Another Enzyme II attempt to rip out his Control Medal, unfortunately it doesn't get within 5 feet before it's head explodes from a Head Beam through its nose. The blue and black figures have killed just about everything except the Zektole and the other Zerebubuse. They team up to attack the Zektole while the Zerebubuse runs at him, attempting to complete what the Enzyme II's started.

     He fires several Head Beams at the Zerebubuse, but they just bounce off it's thick armor-like hide. then he reaches up and grapples with the Zerebubuse as it reaches for his control medal. They grapple for about 30 seconds before he begins to out power the Zerebubuse, 10 seconds later, with a sickening crunch, the Zerebubuse's arm's are busted and ripped off. He then proceeds to beat the Zerebubuse with it's own arms, then extends his frequency swords and starts to dice the Zerebubuse into small chunks of demon flesh.

     The black and blue figures turn towards him as they finish off the Zektole, and they wonder what a spirit Detective is, not to mention who he is. They stand well outside the range the Self-Defense mode will consider them a threat, and wait for his wounds to heal so he'd wake up. The black one speaks up "Say Sho, do you know what a Spirit Detective is? Cause I never head of it." Sho thinks for a bit and shrugs, "I do not know Agito, guess we'll have to wait until he finishes healing."

     After 15 minutes his control medal glows as he finishes healing, then wakes up. "Arrg, anyone get the license plate number of that car? That makes 3 times I died now...." He blinks and shuts up as he notices the other two guys watching him. "Who are you and what the hell did you do to piss those guys off?" He looks down at his chest and sees the armors fully healed, his side is also healed. "Damn, this thing can do everything."

     Agito smirks under his armor, "Car? That wasn't no car that got you this time, it was one of those new Enzyme II's, they tend to dissolve our armor like a hot knife through butter. You handled yourself pretty well, tell me how long you've had your armor."

     He thinks back as he watches them, "Hmm, I got it 3 days ago, got blown to smithereens right after I woke up from the merging process. Then after the regeneration of my body, I woke up, passed out and then woke up again this morning, so I guess you could say this is the first time I used it in battle." Both Sho and Agito take a step back in shock.

     Sho looks at him and smirks "So, who are you, and what's a Spirit Detective? And what the hell are the Spirit Gun and Shotgun? How can you do that, are you a Zoanoid?" Blinks slightly, and shakes his head, figuring these guys don't want to hurt him, yet, he disengages his armor. The other two stay in there armor.

     "How about we sit down and talk about this, it's a long story." He looks around and notices the bodies of all those demons are gone..... bodies that disintegrate when dead? Cheap way to get rid of the dead. He walks over to one of the fallen trees and sits on it, the other two follow, but don't sit, and they watch him. "Ok, to begin with, this all started after I got hit by a car saving a kid who was going to survive anyway.... ironic isn't it? While I was dead I met this guy named Koenma, he said he could bring me back to life since I died prematurely, after several ordeals I was brought back to life. Since Konema brought me back to life, I kinda owed him something, and agreed to become the Spirit Detective of Earth. I basically take care of any demon threats against this planet, the Spirit Gun is a standard weapon for a Spirit Detective. I learned my Shotgun technique after I defeated a Demon called Rando in a tournament that allowed the winner to learn the "Spirit Wave" from a powerful Psychic called Genkai. It allows me to fire many spirit guns at once. And no I'm not one of those "Zoanoid" things. My current assignment is to find out about Chronos Japan, and Chronos itself, I'm supposed to destroy as many of there buildings, and Chronos itself if possible. My name is Yusuke Urameshi, how about you two?"

     The blue guy steps forward and disengages his armor, showing a guy not that much older than him. "My names Sho Fukamachi, known as Guyver I, I'm fighting these Zoanoids and Chronos because they are after my armor and they also turned my father into the prototype Enzyme II, the prototype of that white fuzzball that killed you. I destroyed the main Japanese branch of Chronos with the help of him." He points at the black form as he also steps forward, also disengaging his armor, showing yet another guy roughly his age. He thinks "What the hell is this, the "give the high school student's super weapons club"?"

     "I'm Agito Makishima, known as Guyver III, my father was the first Enzyme prototype, in a fight he killed Sho and took his Control Medal back to Chronos Japan. There we were able to destroy the main Japan branch, and now we are trying to finish the destruction of Chronos' Japanese bases. We could use you're help, by the way, how'd you spit you're mega masher attack like that?"

     He grins a bit as he looks at Agito, and runs a hand through his hair. "Enzyme I prototype, and the Enzyme II prototype, I hope they don't make an Enzyme III. Well I'll help you, and as for the splitting of the Megasmasher attack splitting, I used the Shotgun technique, guess you could call it the Mega Shotgun. So, what do we do now?"

     Agito turns to him. "First we leave here, if you want to tell anyone you'll be leaving for a while, go ahead, but don't tell them anything more then that, minimize contact as much as possible, or just disappear, it's up to you but you must hurry in order to keep them safe. We'll meet you back here in 3 hours, hurry." He turns and leaves, Sho follows him leaving Yusuke by himself.

     He turns and heads back home, he'll need some non shredded clothes before he tells everyone. About a 45 minutes later he enters his room, and changes his clothes, then leaves again, first heading to Kayko's, not wanting to phone her and tell her. He ponders over what to tell her in the 15 minutes he takes to get to her house, then knocks on the door. Kayko opens it.

     "Yusuke, what are you doing here at this time, shouldn't you be at home, getting ready for school tomorrow?" She frowns slightly at him, then smiles. "what brings you over here anyway?"

     "Yeah I should, but I came to tell you something...... I have to leave town for a little while, I came over because I didn't want to phone you. I leave In a little under 2 hours, So.... take care ....." Gets latched onto by Kayko and frowns as she start's crying. "Aww, come on Kayko don't do this, I won't be gone that long, I'm sure. Besides, it's not like I'm dying, trust me. Come on, let go already, you're making a scene!"

     She stops crying and smacks him. "Ohhh Yusuke, sometimes you just get on my nerves! I'm worried about you, now go before I change my mind and start crying again!" with that she goes back into the house and closes the door, and starts crying again.

     "One down, One more to go...." He turns and heads towards Kuwabara's, if nothing else he can go beat him up once more before leaving. he looks at his watch "An hour and a half left, better make this one quick." He gets to the door and hammers on it. "HEY KUWABARA GET DOWN HERE AND OPEN THE DOOR!!" He grins as it only takes about 5 seconds before Kuwabara opens the door.

     "Urameshi what are you doing yelling and banging on peoples doors like that? And for that matter, why are you here, come to get you're butt kicked?" Kuwabara gives him that stupid looking grin that he's always gives him.

     "No, I've come to tell you I'm leaving for a while, you better make sure nothing bad happens to Kayko or I'll plant you into the ground when I get back!" He grins as Kuwabara takes a step back. "Just cause I'm leaving doesn't mean you're now the toughest guy in school." He turns around and walks away before Kuwabara can say anything else.

     * * * * *

     He walks back into the clearing about 15 minutes before the appointed time, his hands in his pockets as he always is. "Hello, you guys here yet?" He hears no answer and sits back down on the log he was on a few hours ago, waiting. He senses something approach and stands up, turning towards it. "It's about time..... huh?" What appears in the clearing instead is a Gaster. "What the hell..... a set-up? Errrrr......."

     He charges up his spirit gun, concentrating hard, then he feels something weird as the glow gets brighter than normal. He points his hand at the Gaster. "Answer now or get your head blown off. Why are you here?"

     The Gaster looks at him and laughs. "Simple, I've been waiting for the last 3 hours to kill the new guyver, I've been waiting since the other two left." The Gaster launches a missile, but he jumps out of the way and it sails past him, hitting a tree.

     "Ok, if that's how you want it. SPIRIT GUN!" The bright blast pierces through the Gasters left missile pod, blowing it up, sending it flying. "Damn, it's still alive!" He drops to a knee, realizing he used up more spirit energy then normal. then he gets up and runs towards the Gaster, charging up for a shotgun attack, wanting to make sure this thing dies. But it launches the rest of its missiles. "I'm in trouble." Just as the missiles are about to him the blast field surrounds him again as once more the Red and black armor surrounds him. the blast field protects him from the worst the missiles can do, but he goes flying backwards from the shockwave, and slams into a tree, loosing his concentration he re-absorbs the shotgun power.

     He slowly stands up and looks at the Gaster, then jumps up over one of its liquid blaster attacks, he extends a frequency sword and chops the Gaster from crown to crotch as he lands behind it. stands up as his frequency sword slides back to normal. Feels tired for some reason and falls to a knee, his armor disengages and he leans against a tree, away from the still dissolving Gaster. "Guess these things have a limited fight time before I need to recharge."

     As the Gaster finishes dissolving Sho and Agito walk into the clearing, looking at the more recent craters and busted tree's. "Hmm, have a little trouble Yusuke?" Agito says as he leans against a tree.

     "Yeah, a Gaster was waiting here for me, seems he was waiting since we all left here earlier, he wanted to kill me and almost got me too. But I guess I was just too much for him." He smirks a bit as he gets to his feet, some of his spirit energy returning from the rest he took. "So, what now, or are both of you going to attack me now also?"

     Sho just shakes his head. "We are not here to attack you, we are now allies, remember? Right now we go to the safe house we have, and plan our next move." As soon as those words are out of his mouth he turns and walks back out of the clearing, Agito with him.

     "Hey wait for me!" He yells as he runs to catch up with them, then follows them to the Safe house.

    * * * * *

     About two and a half they come to a cabin that he suspects to be the safe house. "Nice place, who'd guess a group of school students with super weapons would be hiding out in a place like this."

     Sho laughs a bit at the comment. Agito gives a very slight smirk, and says "Well, that's the point isn't it? we can't go barging around the place in our armor all the time, makes it easy to spot us." Sho nods a bit before Agito speaks again. "Just about everyone else is already at the meeting place, we'll meet up with them tomorrow, for now, we rest." Agito opens the door and walks into the place, the others follow.

     There's only one other person in the safe house as he enters, a young girl that for some odd reason reminds him of Kayko. The girl turns to him then sho, and then she smiles at Sho. "I'm glad you're ok Sho. Who's you're new friend?"

     Sho grins a bit, "Mizuki, meet Yusuke Urameshi, he's found the guyver unit we were searching for earlier. He's on a mission to destroy Chronos also, so we decided to team up." Mizuki looks at him, then smiles a bit. "It's nice to meet you Yusuke."

     He smiles a bit, and pulls his hands from his pockets and folds them behind his head. "It's nice to meet you too Mizuki." Then he turns to Agito. "So, where's this meeting place we'll be going tomorrow?"

     Agito just smirks a little bit. "Relic's Point at Mt. Minikami, it's a Chronos controlled R & D facility, we infiltrate it, and then try and take it down from the inside. Hope this isn't too straightforward for you, but we have little time before Chronos implements there world-wide take over plan."

     His jaw drops slightly, then he closes it almost just as fast. "Wait, you mean they plan on world domination? You're kidding.... right? A buncha Zoathingies taking over the world? I wouldn't think that's possible. So we are just supposed to waltz right into this R & D center and blow it up from the inside?"

     Sho cracks a grin and looks at Agito. "I can tell he has a lot to learn. "Just waltz right in", I wish it was that easy. No, we are going to sneak in. Get some rest, we may have to fight before we get to where we are going." Everyone goes off and leaves him by himself. He lies down on the couch and falls asleep fairly quickly.

Back to Warrior Zoalord

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.