Disclaimer: The characters used or mentioned in the following fic belong to their respective creators.


Chapter 1

"You OK, Guyver 3?"

"I'll be fine, Fukamachi. Once my arm heals anyway."

The Guyvers were standing in a large forest clearing, surrounding them were five Zerabubuse type Hyper Zoanoids, one of which had managed to cut off Guyver 3's right forearm. Gigantic Guyver then vaporised it with a Hyper-Smasher blast, and threw Agito's severed forearm to him.

"Reattach your arm."

"Right, Thanks."

"Don't mention it"

They had been fighting for some time, although Sho had only been using the Gigantic Armour for a short time, Agito was aware of the fact that Sho would soon lose the armour as he ran out of energy.

"Guyver 3, I don't think I can use the Gigantic for much longer. When it is about to shut down I'll send it to you."

"OK, then we can deal with the rest of these monsters."

"Presuming we don't destroy them before I lose the armour."

Gigantic Guyver then moved away from Guyver 3 and started a hand-to-hand fight with another Zerabubuse, waiting for an opportunity to slice it apart with his sonic swords. Before that could happen, however, the other three remaining Zerabubuse body slammed him from behind. Sho was forced into a thick tree trunk; he then fell to the ground. His control medal flashed and the Gigantic Armour retuned into its cocoon and vanished. The Zerabubuse, and Guyver 3 saw this. As Guyver 3 summoned the Gigantic cocoon, the zoanoids charged at Guyver 1 but to Agito's amazement, they stopped in mid-run and didn't approach Sho. As his transformation to Gigantic Dark finished, Agito opened the chest plates and began to charge his Hyper-Smashers intending to vaporise the zoanoids before they got to Sho. He never got the chance, though, as they began to explode into pieces. Agito closed his chest plates, disengaged the Gigantic, and looked around, smiling under his armour as he saw what had happened.

"Good timing, Blue."

On the opposite side of the clearing stood a dark blue Guyver, of a similar height but with a different appearance to Sho and Agito's units. This unit didn't appear to have any sonic swords and there was no sign of the sonic disrupter that was usually on the mouth area of the armour. The blue unit vented steam through its vents as Sho managed to get to his feet. The new arrival turned to look at Sho as he got up. "Are you two OK?" the blue Guyver asked.

The new Guyver had the usual synthesised voice of a Guyver, but this voice was a female voice.

"I'm OK Blue, thanks for your help." Guyver 1 responded.

"No problem."

"How did you know where we were?" Guyver 3 asked.

"Sho sent me a call for help."

"Sorry, Agito, I didn't get chance to warn you, I asked her for help just as I was rammed into the tree."

"That's fine, she saved me some trouble."

"I'd like to talk to the two of you later, is there anywhere we can meet?" Blue asked.

"Why don't we just meet back here?"

"OK, is 15.00 this afternoon all right?"

"Yeah, that's fine, Guyver Blue. We'll see you then."


Sho and Agito deactivated their units and headed out of the clearing, noticing that the remains of the Zerabubuse zoanoids had almost completely dissolved. I wonder what she wants to talk about. Agito thought to himself.

"We have about four hours till we have to meet up with Blue," Sho said, "Why do you think she wants to see us?"

"I have no idea," Agito replied, "But I hope she will tell us who she is."

"Yeah, she's been helping us for some time now, and we still don't know who she is or anything about her. It would be nice if we could learn more about her. Especially since she knows, somehow, who we are."

"We don't really know that much about her, do we?"

"No, just that, like us, she is using the powers of a Guyver to fight Chronos.

Although she did tell me sometime ago that she had some 'special' abilities before she found her Guyver unit."

"Like what?"

"I don't know," Sho replied, "she didn't tell me anything else."

Agito was quiet after that. The two young men then headed to their own homes.

Chapter 2

Some time later, back in the clearing, Guyver 1 waited for Blue to make her appearance.

"Nothing yet?" Guyver 3 asked, appearing next to Guyver 1.

"No, but we are early."

The head sensors of the two Guyvers then began to move, indicating that someone was nearby.

"Over there." Guyver 3 said, indicating.

The Guyvers watched as Guyver Blue flew near to them and landed in front of them.

"Thanks for coming."

"No problem Blue," Guyver 3 said, "Could you tell us what you wanted to talk about?"

"You always did get to the point, didn't you Agito?" Blue replied, "I wanted to talk to

the two of you because there are some things about me that I think you should know."

"Like what?" Guyver 1 asked, curious.

"Who I am, for one thing," Blue replied, "I know the two of you have been wondering that for some time."

"Yes we have." Guyver 3 commented.

The control medal of Blue's armour began flashing, then seams appeared in her armour, and the armour disappeared.

"Sho, Agito, my name is Sonnet."

"Nice to see who you really are." Guyver 3 commented.

The host of Guyver Blue, Sonnet, was a tall, young woman who appeared to be of a similar age to the two of them. She was wearing a blue sailor suit that was the basis of so many school uniforms in Japan. She had large blue eyes; a very rounded face and long blue hair that went someway down her back, in the hair covering her forehead was a V shaped hairpin with a sapphire in it.

"Don't be deceived Agito, you haven't seen everything yet." Sonnet remarked.

"What do you mean?"

"You may not like what you will see, are you sure you want to know this?"

Both Guyvers nodded their heads.

Sonnet rolled up the sleeve of her uniform.

"I have to ask one of you to do something that I doubt you will like."

"What?" a puzzled Guyver 1 asked.

"Could one of you use a sword to cut my arm, here?" Sonnet asked, indicating a line along the top of her arm.

"Why?" Guyver 3 asked.

"You will see, when you do ask I have asked."


Agito approached Sonnet, extending one of the sonic swords on his right forearm. [I hope you know what you are doing, Agito!] Guyver 1 said to him across the Guyvers telepathic organisms. [I don't like what she asked at all.]

Guyver 3 placed the sword on Sonnet's arm where she indicated and gently cut the skin along her arm. Sonnet, much to the surprise of Sho and Agito, didn't react to the cut.

Guyver 3 took a look at the cut he had made on her arm.

"What the hell!"

"Agito, what's wrong?" Sho asked.

[Look for yourself.] Was the telepathic reply.

Guyver 1 approached Sonnet and also looked at the cut. He saw glowing lights and traces of metal circuitry in her arm.

"I warned you." Sonnet pointed out.

"What are you?" Agito asked.

"I'm a cyborg," Sonnet stated, "I never told you about my past, because of this. I didn't know how you would react to it."

"I'm amazed," Guyver 1 stated, "I didn't think it was possible for cyborgs to be made."

"Is there somewhere we can go to talk, more privately?"

"That depends on how you define 'private', our friends will be there." Guyver 3 said.

"That's fine, as long as we have a room that we can use."

"OK then, a friend of ours has an apartment nearby, she shouldn't mind us dropping in."

"Let's go then. "

Chapter 3

Sho and Agito enter the apartment that Sho and Agito's friend, Natsuki, lives in, followed by Sonnet. Mizuki, Natsuki, Tetsuro and Shizu greet them as they enter.

After quick introduction, Sonnet started to fill the others in on her past.

"As Sho and Agito already know," Sonnet began, "I'm not completely human. I'm a cyborg, as hard as it may be to believe."

There was a brief stunned silence from the four people who didn't already know this.

"It's true," Sho said, "She showed us the circuitry in her arm."

"How is this possible?" Agito demanded.

"This will take some time, are you all sure you want to hear this?" Sonnet asked, after getting a nod from each individual in the room, she continued, "I wasn't always a cyborg. Until the age of 16 I was a human girl. I had had a very rough childhood, which I don't want to go into detail about, but at some point before I turned 15 I discovered I had some rare abilities."

"What kind of abilities?" Sho asked.

"ESP abilities. Using my mind, I could move things, take control of someone else's mind, or make things explode."

"Could you prove this please?" Tetsuro asked curiously.

"Of course, do you need that mug over there?" She asked, pointing to a ceramic mug on the windowsill.

"No." Natsuki replied.

As Sonnet stared at the mug, her eyes began to glow, surprising everyone in the room, shocking them when the mug shattered into several pieces. "Handy ability." Agito commented.

"Depends what you use it on." remarked Sho.

"Some parts of my past are not pleasant," Sonnet continued, "I said I didn't want to go into detail about it, but I'll sum it up for you."

Her audience was listening very carefully to her now.

"I was an orphan. I don't know who my parents are; they could be dead for all I know. I lived most of my life on the streets of America. My abilities 'awoke', for lack of a better word, when I was 15. A gang of boys were threatening me and I was scared, I panicked and accidentally killed them."

"Because you didn't understand your powers?" Tetsuro asked.

"Right," Sonnet replied, "As you may have guessed, back then I didn't understand anything about myself. I was terrified of what I had done and hoping it was a one-off event. It wasn't. In the following two months, I killed several other people who were threatening me in a similar way."

"How did you kill them?" asked Agito.

"I made their heads explode."

That statement surprised everyone in the room.

"That's how you killed those zoanoids in the clearing, isn't it?" Sho asked her.

Sonnet looked at him and gave him a small nod. She then continued her story. "It became a mystery around America, how these people had died. Eventually a company called 'Taron' became aware of my abilities and tracked me down."

"Taron, I've never heard of them. Who are they?" Mizuki asked.

"Taron is a secret organisation that, like Chronos used to, exists in the shadows. One of the scientists of Taron found me after another attack; I had been badly beaten and couldn't fight back or use my ESP abilities. The scientist, Dr Malicus, made me into an emotionless, soulless cyborg and I was programmed to obey him. For two years I worked for him. One of my first assignments from him was to track down a young woman here, in Japan, who was rumoured to have more powerful ESP abilities than anyone else in the world. I found the young woman and was eventually ordered to kill her. During this task though, my emotions and feelings for others began to resurface. I was unable to kill her, but I managed to convince Malicus that I had."

"How did you get your unit?" Agito asked.

"I'm getting to that. Taron has agents within Chronos. Through these agents, Taron became aware of the two Guyvers in Japan. They also became aware of another unit, a dormant one. The Taron agents managed to steal this unit from Chronos and it was offered to me. Dr Malicus had been unaware that I had been gradually getting my emotions back. Once I had merged with the unit, I killed Malicus and left Taron, I became a rogue operative. What I am trying to do is redeem myself for all the things I did in Taron's employ."

"That's understandable." Natsuki said.

"That is why I help the two of you in your fight against Chronos. I am aware that redemption will be difficult but I don't care about that. There, I've told you about who I am and why I'm helping you."

"How were you able to disobey the man who was controlling you?"

"During my mission to locate the woman in Japan, who is now a good friend of mine, I encountered another person that Taron had converted into a cyborg. This cyborg had turned against Taron as well. He saved my life on one occasion and, later on I saved him, even though I had been under orders to destroy him. That is when I realised that I could resist Malicus' control over me, and disregard his orders. I waited until I got my unit though before I openly rebelled against Taron."

There was a long silence in the apartment before Sho managed to say:

"I think we all appreciate you telling us all this Sonnet. I, for one, appreciate the help you have given us against Chronos this last year."

"It's getting quite late now Sonnet," Mizuki said, standing up, "Would you like to stay for supper."

Sonnet smiled before replying.

"Thanks for the offer, Mizuki. But, one of the drawbacks to being a cyborg is that I can't eat. I wouldn't mind staying here for a while though."

"That's fine." Natsuki offered, "You can stay the night if you wish."

"Thank you, I'd like that. Even though I don't need to sleep either, which can be a useful thing."

"Do you need any help, Mizuki?" Sho asked.

"Sure, Sho, you can help out. You said a while back that you wouldn't mind learning how to cook, I'll teach you while you're helping me."

"OK." Sho said, smiling.

As Sho and Mizuki left the room, Agito turned to Sonnet.

"If you don't mind Sonnet, I wouldn't mind having a practice battle with you sometime. I've been curious about what you unit is like since I first saw you. You don't look like Sho and I do when you are a Guyver. I'm also curious about what the unit does to you, since the Unit-G can increase the physical strength of its host by 100X, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were already stronger than a normal person due to the fact that you are a cyborg."

Sonnet smiled, "My unit is slightly different than yours or Sho's, not just in terms of appearance. From what Taron could learn through their Chronos agents, my unit is a prototype one. It doesn't have a sonic disruptor, as you have probably noticed, it is also stronger than your units. When I become Guyver Blue, my physical strength increases by 200X; the weapons on the armour are different too. Why don't we go to the ruins of the Chronos base at Relics Point? I'll show you then."

"All right, but Relics Point is some distance away, it will take us a while to get there."

"I can get us there right now if you like. I can use some of the capabilities of my armour even if I'm not wearing it."

"OK, Tetsuro, could you let Sho and Mizuki know where we will be?" Agito asked him. As Tetsuro nodded Agito said, "Let's go then Sonnet."

Sonnet stood up from the chair, as did Agito, she put her hands on his shoulders, and they disappeared in a flash of blue light.

Chapter 4

They reappeared several seconds later in what used to be the office of Dr Balcus, before the base had been destroyed. Agito looked around in amazement as Sonnet took her hands off his shoulders.


"Yes, an apparently unique feature of my unit. I can teleport myself anywhere I like within seconds."

"Useful for long distance journeys I suppose. Shall we begin?"

"Ready when you are. GUYVER!"

Instantly, Sonnet's dark blue armour appeared around her and snapped into place. Agito, following her cue, once again summoned his own armour, becoming the purple/black Guyver 3. "There was one thing you were right about Makishima, I am stronger than most people due to being a cyborg. I have been able to destroy a Gregole using only my bare hands. I am so strong with the armour that no zoanoids can hurt me, especially if I use my ESP powers."

"Will you use those powers now?"

"No Agito, I will only use the powers that the Guyver gives me, including the strength."

"How fast can your armour heal you?"

"I don't know. The worst injury I've ever had was a deep cut down my left leg, which healed in about five minutes."

"Pretty fast, maybe today you will learn how fast your armour heals larger injuries."

Sonnet smiled under her armour at the remark, "You are welcome to try that, Makishima, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"OK. Let's begin."

The two Guyvers then began circling each other, each trying to get the other to make the first move. Agito struck first, he extended all four of his sonic swords and charged at Guyver Blue. Blue reacted to this by teleporting herself behind Guyver 3. As Agito turned to face her again, Blue charged at him, looking as if she was going to punch him in the stomach with her left fist. Just before her move connected with Agito's gut, Blue changed the position of her arm slightly, extended a sonic sword from below the wrist on the back of her arm and skewered Agito with the sword. Agito, amazed, stumbled back, holding his stomach. He then jumped backwards, charging the pressure cannon in mid-air and fired the gravity ball at Blue as he landed. Blue was caught by this, as the blast from the cannon blew her left arm off just below the shoulder. Blue, in response, fired a pressure cannon blast of her own, using only her right hand. As Agito dived out  of the way of the gravity ball, Blue picked up what remained of her arm and vaporised it using her right Mega Smasher cannon, she also caught Guyver 3s lower legs in the blast.

[I think that's enough, Guyver 3.] Blue said to him telepathically.

[I agree.] Came his response.

Guyver 3 then waited as the injuries Blue had given him healed. He then stood up and disengaged his armour. Blue, he noticed, had already shut her armour down, and her arm was intact.

How fast does she heal? He wondered.

"I told you I healed quickly Makishima. I must congratulate you though: that is the worst injury I have ever sustained."

"You haven't fought another Guyver before though, have you?"

"No, that may have had something to do with it. Shall we return to your friends?"

"In a minute. I thought you didn't have any sonic swords."

"Just because you've never seen me use them, doesn't mean I didn't have any."

"Good point. Let's go."

Sonnet put her hands on his shoulders again and teleported them back Natsuki's apartment.

Chapter 5

The rest of the group, except for Sho, were sleeping when Agito and Sonnet returned to Natsuki's home. The host of Guyver 1 was sitting at a desk, reading. "I have to admit, that was an interesting experience. I think that Sho and myself should battle you like that regularly, it will be good training for all three of us."

"I don't have any objections to that. Would you fight me one on one or would both of you fight me at once?"

"Could you handle both of us at once?" Sho asked, getting up and walking over to them.

"I don't know. It would be a challenge, and I like a challenge."

"Do you want to battle me now, or would you rather wait, and rest?"

"I don't need to rest Fukamachi, I'll battle you now if you think you're ready."

"I'm ready."

"OK, I'll take you to Relics Point and you can practise against me."

"Let's go then. Bye Agito."

"Bye Sho."

Sonnet put her hands on Sho's shoulders, like she did with Agito, and teleported them to a barracks in the ruins of the Relics Point Base.

[I don't know how much of a challenge he will be Blue; let me know if he does better than me.] Agito sent to her as they materialised.

[I will.]

"It looks like Chronos salvaged whatever they could after the base was destroyed in the power struggle between Archanfel and Gyou." Sho remarked looking round.

"Probably. As I told Agito earlier: I am stronger than most people due to being a cyborg. I have been able to destroy a Gregole using only my bare hands. I my physical strength is such that, with the armour on, that no zoanoids can hurt me, especially if I use my ESP powers. I won't be using those powers now, by the way."

"Fine Sonnet. Ready when you are, GUYVER!"

Sho's pale blue armour wrapped around him as he called for it. Sonnet called for her armour and once again became Guyver Blue.

"This should be interesting Guyver 1."

The battle proceeded like the one before, only this time when Blue extended her sonic swords, she cut all of Guyver 1s right arm off. As Sho took the pain from this, he fired a few shots from his head laser towards Blue. Blue simply teleported herself to Guyver 1s left and fired her pressure cannon at him. Guyver 1 avoided this and surprised Blue by diving towards her, extending his remaining sonic sword and slicing at her face. Blue jumped away from this attack, only to get her right forearm cut off instead.

[Guyver 1, I think we should stop.]

[I agree.]

Both combatants back down from the fight. They both picked up their severed limbs and reattached them to their bodies. Once they had healed, they shut down their armours.

"By the way Sho, there were many things that I used to think were products of overactive imaginations, until I found out what I was, before my memories returned. You would probably have thought that a Guyver was such a thing, if you hadn't become one."

"Maybe," He admitted, "By the way Sonnet, where does your energy come from?"

"I have a nuclear powered heart inside me that sends energy to wherever it's needed."

"Which is why you don't need sleep or any kind of rest?"

"Correct. Although I can sleep if I want to. Ready to go back?"

When Sho nodded, Sonnet teleported them back to the apartment.

Chapter 6

In the apartment, Sho noticed that it was nearly 02.00.

"I'm going to get some sleep. Thanks for the practice Sonnet."


[How did he do?] Agito's voice asked her.

[Quite good, he managed to injure me, although not as much as you.]

[There is something about your story that I don't understand]

[What's that?]

[Your body isn't completely organic, due to your cyborg components. How come it accepted the Unit-G?]

"I don't know," Sonnet replied verbally, sensing Agito walking up next to her, "There must be enough organic material in my body for it to be able to host a Guyver unit."

"I appreciate you trusting us with your identity. I would be grateful if you continue to help Sho and I in our fight against Chronos."

"Is that a request Agito?"

Agito nodded in response.

"On one condition."

"Which is?"

"That you help me when I need it in my fight to destroy Taron."

"Done. I think Sho will agree to this as well."

"Fine with me. I'm going to visit that young woman I mentioned to you tomorrow. So don't be surprised if I'm gone when you wake up later."

"Alright. I'll let the others know."

Agito then went to bed. Sonnet went to the desk that Sho had been sitting at earlier, and realised that he had been trying to determine how much control Chronos had over the media services. She sat reading the same information that Sho had been reading until about 08.00, then she teleported herself to the apartment that her friend Ran, her brother Mutaru, and their Uncle lived in. She had some news for them.

Chapter 7

Sonnet appeared in the corridor outside Ran's apartment and knocked on the door. Ran answered the door.

"Hi Sonnet. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to visit. I can come back later if you like."

"No, no. Come on in."

Ran opened the door fully and Sonnet entered. She noticed Ran's Uncle sitting at the computer, typing away. There was no sign of Mutaru.

"Where's your brother?" She asked Ran.

"He's still asleep, he'll be up soon. Hey, Uncle, look who's here."

Her Uncle looked up from the computer, wondering what was going on. He smiled briefly when he saw Sonnet.

"Hello Sonnet. I didn't hear you come in."

"No wonder, you were so engrossed in your typing. What are you working on now?"

"I'm trying to type up some notes I made, for possible novels once this war is over. I suspect that the Guyvers will be a key element in this war against Chronos."

Sonnet looked at the desk, where the computer was located. The notes were a large pile about ½ an inch high.

"That is a lot of notes."

"There are some storylines as well."

"Would you like me to do it for you?" Sonnet offered.

"If you don't mind."

"As long as I can talk to the three of you afterwards. I have some news."


Sonnet sat down in the chair as Ran's Uncle got up. She started to type, slowly at first, and she got very fast after a minute. Within 5 minutes, the pile of notes had been copied into the computer.

"I thought you wouldn't take too long, Sonnet," Ran commented, "Your cybernetic systems give you fast reflexes and sharp hand-to-eye coordination."

Sonnet smiled as she moved to sit on the sofa. Ran's Uncle walked in as she sat down.

"You're done already!"

"That was easy, compared to some of the things I've had to do in the past. By the way, they still need to be saved."


Mutaru entered as Ran sat next to Sonnet on the sofa.

"Morning everyone." He said.

"You said you wanted to talk to us all, Sonnet?" Ran asked.

"Yes, could you sit down for a minute Mutaru?"

Once he had sat down, Sonnet started to talk.

"I have some information that you may be interested in. You all know that I am working in Chronos as a high-level researcher for the Arizona Branch. During my job I hear some interesting things, you are aware that Guyvers 1 & 3 have been opposing Chronos wherever they can and I sometimes help them. I've managed to make an agreement with them where we will help each other with any battles we fight against Chronos or Taron. What I haven't told them is that Chronos has recently found 2 more Guyver units that are awaiting transportation to the Ark. I believe that Archanfel and Imakarum will be receiving them.

You are aware of how powerful they would become with a Unit-G."

"We can imagine Sonnet," Ran interrupted, "But why are you telling us this?"

"I intend to steal the Units from them and give them to you and your brother."

There was silence for sometime, until Mutaru asked.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course," Sonnet answered, "Ran. You have ESP abilities that are stronger than anyone else's, due to your blood being that of the ancient race. Mutaru, since you gained some of your sister's blood, you have strong telepathic and reasonable psychic abilities. The two of you would make powerful Guyvers, possibly the strongest in the world. Besides, it's better if the two of you got them than the zoalords."

"I agree with you," Ran said "I'm up to the challenge if you are, Mutaru."

"I'm ready too."

Sonnet smiled, "Good. I'll steal them and bring them here when I have them."

"Wait a second," Ran's Uncle spoke up, "Don't I get a say in this?"

"I thought you would agree to this." Sonnet said.

"I do agree with this, but I want you to train them as best you can once they have their units."

"I'll do that, but what their armour suits are like will affect what I can show them."


"I'd better get going, I've got to be at work by 09.00. By the way, Ran, can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

"Sure, we should go into the hall."

Sonnet and Ran leave the apartment and enter the corridor outside it.

"What's up?" Ran asked.

"I've been doing some research on Archanfel and the Creators, using what I can find at work. I think I mentioned to you that Archanfel had been made by the Creator Race about

3 million years ago."

"Yeah, you did. What are you getting at?"

"I believe that the blood that runs through you, is the same as the blood that runs through the bodies of the Creators, and Archanfel."

Ran looked at Sonnet in silence, and shock, as she realised what her friend was implying.

"You think I'm Creator?"

"It seems like you are to me, you are similar to them at least, like Archanfel is. If I'm right, you may be powerful enough to destroy Archanfel with the aid of a Unit-G."

"I like the sound of that."

Sonnet smiled, "I thought you would. Once I have the Units I'll teleport myself out of the base and find a phone and let you know, then I'll teleport to your apartment."

[I'll also introduce the two new Guyvers to Guyvers 1 &3, once you are ready.]

Sonnet sent to Ran as she teleported herself out and to her own apartment in the US.


Chapter 8

Once she could afford to, Sonnet had rented herself an apartment in Phoenix so she could get to and from the Arizona Base easily. Besides the main Arizona Base out in the Arizona Desert, Chronos had a building in the city of Phoenix, which was where she worked as a biological researcher. I'm not really sure as to how I can successfully steal the units as Guyver Blue if I go into work today, She thought, Chronos is aware that there are three active Guyvers, but they only know the identity of two. I'll go into work and think of a plan once I'm there. Sonnet changed her clothes from the sailor suit that she was wearing into a blue business suit and blue high-heels; she also tied her long hair back into a ponytail and checked her hairpin was in place. She then left her apartment and walked the few streets to the Chronos Phoenix building. Her ID card got her through the security at the front door and to the lab she worked in. Sonnet went to her computer terminal and checked her e-mail. To her surprise, she had a message from Paul Kushtar, one of the more powerful zoalords and the Commander of Chronos' branches in the United States. The message simply told her to report to the Director's Office, Sonnet informed her Supervisor and headed to the office. On the way there she wondered what the zoalord wanted with her, hoping he hadn't discovered who Guyver Blue was. Sonnet pushed aside any doubts and knocked on the office door.

"Come in." came a vice from inside the office.

Sonnet entered the office and took a look around the room. The office had little in the way of comforts, the furniture in the room consisted of a large oak desk and several chairs, only the large leather office chair behind the desk appeared to be for comfort purposes. Sonnet approached the desk, watching the chair swivel round to face her as she did.

"Hello, Sonnet. I'm Paul Kushtar." The large man in the chair introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, sir. What can I do for you?"

"I assume you're up-to-date with the damage that the Guyvers have caused us?" Kushtar asked as he offered her one of the rigid wooded chairs on her side of the desk.

"Yes sir, I am." Sonnet replied, sitting down.

"We have a large problem with them. The 'Guyver-Killer' zoanoids that we are capable of producing are not as effective as they used to be, since they gained the Gigantic armour. We have also had reports of a third Guyver helping them. This new Guyver appears to be more powerful than the other two. It is a little frustrating, because we don't know anything about this third unit, and we can't destroy it because of that lack of knowledge."

"With all due respect, what does this have to do with me?"

"You get to the point, I like that. Researcher Baji, the Chronos Elite have decided that a new kind of Guyver-Killer zoanoid is needed of we are going to defeat the three of them. We do have another plan in the works, but that won't be an option for a few months yet. Until then, the Elite would like for you to design, and possibly produce this new class of zoanoid. Your Supervisor speaks highly of you and your commitment to Chronos, and, based on your work record so far, I personally think that you are the best person for the job."

"Thank you."

"There is another detail in this. If you accept this task, you will be transferred to the Chronos Japan Branch, which has the finest technology and resources available to Chronos, within a week and will become one of their chief Researchers and Developers of zoanoids."

'Finest technology and resources available to Chronos', with the exception of the Ark. Sonnet thought

"A promotion?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you accept it?"


"Good. You will need to be back here by 22.00 tomorrow night. The transport arrangements have been taken care of; you will get on a helicopter on the roof of this building and be flown to Chronos Japan. Once there, you will report to Dr Balcus, one of our best scientists and he will give you the details of your new position."


"Any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Good. You can take the day off to pack up your belongings and inform any friends you have here that you will be leaving. An apartment will be available for you in Tokyo, if you want it, we will also arrange for you e-mail to be sent to the Chronos Japan building from now on. If not you don't want the apartment we offer you, then you can choose something more suitable. Your decision."

"Right, thank you sir."

Sonnet got up, left the office and headed back down to the lab she worked in. This is convenient, she thought, I will be living in Japan in two days, so there is no way I can be accused of being Guyver Blue if I steal the units before I move. I will also be able to visit Ran more often. I can steal the units now because I will have time, before starting work at the Japan Branch, to get them. I'll have to hide them somewhere though, until I can give them to Ran and Mutaru. Once back at the lab, she informed her Supervisor of what she had happened. Then she left to return to her apartment and preparing to leave the US.

Chapter 9

Sonnet packed two suitcases with the few clothes and possessions she had. She placed the suitcases by her door and spent the day sorting out any details that were part of her life in America. At 20.00, which meant it was 12.00 in Japan, she teleported herself to the roof of the apartment building that Ran lived in. She headed down the stairs to the correct apartment and knocked on the door. Mutaru answered.

"Hello again, Sonnet. What's wrong?" He asked, opening the door to let her in.

"Nothing's wrong, I'd just like to talk to you and your sister."

"OK, Uncle is out, but Ran is in her room. I'll go and get her."


Sonnet walked to the balcony door and waited for her friends. She only had to wait for a minute before she saw Ran's reflection appear in the window.

"Hi, Sonnet. What's the news?"

"Why do you think I have news?"

"Because you don't usually come just to visit and, given what we were talking about this morning, I assumed you had news."

"I do. I'll be able to obtain the units within a few days and deliver them to you, but I thought you would be interested in my new job."

"What's that?" Mutaru asked.

"I've been given a promotion. Starting in two days I'll be working at Chronos Japan as a Head Zoanoid Designer/Developer. That means I'll be able to visit you easier."

"That's good news, it also puts you in a position where Guyver Blue can't be traced to you if you live here in Japan."

"I realised that. Unfortunately, I don't think Chronos will be arrogant of Blue's identity forever. Still, I'll worry about that when it happens. Now, I have a question for you, my friend. Do you know if there are still any apartments available in this building?"

"You want to live near us?"

"Yeah, it also gives you a place to stay should you need it."

"I assume you didn't come in the way most people would?"

"No, why?"

"If there are any apartments available, then there would be a sign either outside, or in the entrance hall, indicating that there were."

"Right, how long will it take for me to be registered if I take an apartment here?"

"Not long. Why don't we go downstairs and see if there are any available and I'll try to answer any questions you have."

"Alright. See you later Mutaru."

"Bye." He replied.

The two women left the apartment and went to the lift. On the way down Sonnet asked.

"Do you know how big the apartments are in this building? Are the all the same size as yours?"

"I don't know, Sonnet. I do know that you can look around the apartment first and decide then."


The lift reached the ground floor and they stepped off.

"You will need a reference before you are accepted as a tenant here. I'm sure Uncle Kyriu would provide you with one."

"Tell him I'd appreciate that. Where to now?"

Ran gestured to the door of the building and started walking that way. To her delight, according to a sign in the window, there were two apartments available to rent. She then enquired at the reception desk and was given the keys to the apartments and where they were. Ran and Sonnet then went to inspect them. The first one was on the top floor of the building and was larger than the one that Ran lived in.

"What do you think?" Ran asked.

"It's nice, big, and looks like it could be very comfortable."

"It would probably a good idea to check out the other one before deciding."

"You read my mind, I didn't think you could read the mind of a machine." Sonnet said, smiling.

"I'm glad I helped you regain your human feelings," Ran stated, "I don't think you would have been as good a friend without them. You wouldn't have had a sense of humour, that's for sure."

"Don't forget, that's partly due to you. When we became friends, you were my initial role model as a human girl."

"I wouldn't have been a very good friend if I had left you as an emotionless machine now would I?"

"You don't want an answer to that, do you?"


The second apartment was on the same floor as Ran's and was of a similar size.

"I think this one would be better," Sonnet stated, "It's smaller and would probably cost less to rent. It also has adequate space for me to be comfortable."

"Your decision, Sonnet."

"I'm going to enquire about this one, what's the number?"


"Right. Are you coming?"

"No, I'll meet up with you later."


Sonnet went down and checked about renting the preferred apartment. The Landlady told her that it could be hers within two days as long as she could get a reference. She told the receptionist that she should be able to get one and said she would check back later. She then went back to Ran's. Once she was inside, and seated in the sofa, Ran asked,

"Good news?"

"I can move in within the next few days if I get a reference. Do you know when your Uncle will be home?"

"Mutaru said that he called while we were enquiring. He'll be back within an hour."

"Good. Ran, could I ask your opinion on something?"


"You know I had a mock battle with Guyver 3 earlier?"

"Yeah, you said he had given you the worst injury you had ever had because he blasted your arm off."

"That's right. Can you remember what I said to you just after I became Guyver Blue?"

"You said you like to become human again, without the cyborg part of you."

"Right again," Sonnet smiled, "I think there is a way that I can be human again."


"When my arm had regenerated, it felt different. I think the armour replaced only the organic elements to my arm."

"That's great news, if it's true. Do you have a way of finding out?"

"I need to get injured on that arm to see if anything is different."

"How will you do that?"

"I don't know yet."

Chapter 10

"I have an idea." Mutaru said, from the chair near the balcony door.

"What's that?"

"I assume that nothing is wrong with your other arm? The one that has never been blown or cut off?"

"No there isn't."

"So your reflexes will still be the same?"

"Yes. Where are you going with this?"

"I'll be back in a minute." Mutaru said, and left the room.

Ran looked thoughtful for a second.

"What?" Sonnet asked, "I've seen that look before."

"My brother is going to get something to throw at you, to test your reflexes."

"That won't help me to determine if my arm is completely organic now."

"He has something else in mind. I don't know what, though."


"He just told me telepathically."

Mutaru re-entered the room and said,

"Here Sonnet, catch this."

He then threw a tennis ball at Sonnet and, before Ran realised that Sonnet had moved, Sonnet caught it easily.

"Very good reflexes," She commented, "What else are you holding?"


Mutaru then handed Sonnet a sharp knife and a few small towels.

"I see what you are thinking Mutaru."

"Are you serious, Sonnet?"

"Yes Ran, your brother is right. If I cut my arm with the knife I'll know if anything is different."

Sonnet removed her jacket, rolled up her shirtsleeves and then pressed the knife on the skin of her arm and cut herself with the blade. A small amount of blood poured from the cut, but Sonnet didn't react. Mutaru then passed her a cloth, which she used to wipe up the blood and clean the knife blade.

"That was my original arm. I'll try my regenerated arm now."

Sonnet repeated the cut on her other arm. The same thing happened with that arm as well.

"Maybe I was wrong, it is still mechanical." Sonnet said, looking inside her arm.

"So you can't become human again." Ran stated.

"Apparently not, but maybe this is better. With my cybernetic components, I'm stronger and can withstand more damage than I would with a human body."

"Plus the unit increases those characteristics." Mutaru pointed out.

"That's true, alright, I should be able to get your units within a day or two. Once you have become Guyvers I'll teach you how to use the various weapons and abilities that it gives a host."

"That's good," Ran said, "We'll wait for you to obtain them. I'm sorry it didn't work"

[Forget it Ran, I'll find a way someday. Until then, due to my unit, I'm practically immortal.]

"OK, I'll let you know when I have them. I'm just going to deal with these cuts."

Sonnet teleported herself to the roof of the building and summoned her armour to heal  the cuts. She shut it down once she had healed and teleported back to the apartment.

"That was fast." Ran commented.

"My armour heals me very quickly," Sonnet replied, "Ran, I think I know why my regenerated arm felt different than the arm I had before."

"Why's that?"

"My regenerated arm is a cloned arm, not my original one."

"That could be it."

At that moment, the door opened and Ran's Uncle entered the apartment.

"Hello, everyone," He said, "Back again Sonnet? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Sonnet stated, "But I do have a request, Mr Kyriu"

"Which is?"

"I've been offered a promotion in Chronos. It involves me working for the Japan Branch, because of that; I've been looking at the spare apartments in this building. I've seen one that I like, but I need a reference before I can move in. Would you supply one?"

"That's all?"


"Gladly." Kyriu said.

"Thank you. Within a week, you should have a new neighbour."

"That will be fun!" Mutaru commented.

"Come on Sonnet," Kyriu said, "I'll write it now and then we can take it to the Landlady.

Sort this out as fast as possible."


Within an hour Kyriu and Sonnet had dealt with the paperwork for Sonnet's apartment. Sonnet was then told that she would have the apartment in the two days she had been promised. Kyriu invited her to stay at their apartment until then. Sonnet accepted, and went back to the apartment to give her friends the news. Then she teleported herself back to her former apartment in America.

Back to Vivi 26

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The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.