The man was calm, almost unconcerned about the gun in the bank robbers hands. He walked forward on the quickly panicing robber, without warning the gun fired. The advancing man clutched his abdomen, and the blood leaked through his closed fingers. The man seemed inpain, but he looked up and smiled.

Man:You sould have surrendered, I wouldnt have to do this. GGUUYYVERR!

A field formed and blew a sphere of destruction around him nocking over a table and gouging the ground, and then something appeared and wrapped around the man making him inhuman. The new being stepped forward, then there was a flash of speed from the mans moving arm. Half the gun clattered to the floor, the robber fainted. The being grabbed a dividing rope, tieing the man up turned to a blank wall. A beam of light lanced out of the beings head, as he turned from the smoking wall it revealed one word...Guyver.

Guyver:Tell anyone that asks about this that it was Guyver that did it.

Teller:What are you?

Guyver:I am here to help.

The being called Guyver walked to the door and then in a flash flew down the road, he was out of sight in seconds.


The police had arrived, and were interviewing people.

One officer was looking over the place, and found the scorched wall.

Officer:Chronos will not like this, another guyver has appeared. This means that we have another enemy.

One of the people being interviewed by the police wanted to know what the strange man and being had been, and with that decided to find this Guyver no matter what it took.

Person:What was that, it called that thing from some where. I heard it call what appeared, I heard in my mind the call. What is that thing, and why did it help us? I will find out its secret, and that is a promise.


At the Chronos base a meeting is of the high level zoanoids and the manager of that branch.

Genzo:We have conformation of a new Guyver, this means that there are unlocated units. This is of vital importance, for the fact that this Guyver knew of its name. We have no idea where this guyver was activated or located, or its identity. I want you all to fan across the city and search any likly places of creator bases, it is likely that these bases are near the city. I will expect a report with in the end of the day.

They all filed out knowing that was a dismissal.

It was then that the phone rang, Genzo picked up the receiver.

Genzo:What he's comming here, on the roof now. I'll be right there.

Genzo ran to the elevators and made his way to the roof. There the helicopter landed, and lowered a stepping way. Then walked out five men. Followed by one man.

Commander:Genzo Makashimi, you have failed Chronos for the last time. I will take commmand of this branch personally and crush this Guyver.


Lisker was sitting in a empty house, it was up for sale. He was in what might be someones bedroom. He was in a deep sleep, he was dream remembering his battle with Guyver 1 and all the things he had done in his life.

Lisker was holding guyver 1 up against a wall by his throat. It was then he realised what he was doing. He let go and backed away, he was something he could not stand. It was then Lisker jerked awake and realised it was a dream.

He looked around him at the floor and everthing he had collected here. He looked and picked up his mirror, he looked at himself. He felt his hand over the deep scars and slightly deformed bone beneath. He had gotten what he deserved. He heard a noise outside. It was then that the window crashed in and a form landed a few feet away. he wasnt sure what happened, but the form came for him. It was then he reacted.


Lisker landedon his feet, and suddenly realised what it was that was before him. A zoanoid, a lower class one, but a bio blaster.

Zoanoid:I knew it, the people who saw you said you were scarred and looked like a home less person.

Lisker:You should have run and called for back up, your dead now.

Lisker attacked, the zoanoid was in Guyver 2's grip. Lisker dropped the now limp form. These run ins were becomeing more common. He was still not ready to start openly fighting Chronos, and worse yet he needed a place that he could find safety. It then struck him, it was a long shot, but it was the only way he could find safety and a place to start planning. He then weighed the options, he decided it was his only chance however slim of one.


Sho and Lee were in unarmoured combat, they were in the living room of Sho's house. Muzuki was in the kitchen fixing lunch, as she slice a tomato the door bell rang.

Muzuki:I got it.

Sho:Hold it Muzuki, wait for me to get there.

Muzuki waited at the door, as Sho walked there wipeing himself with a towel. It had become common practice sense Muzuki had become a target. Muzuki opened it slowly looking to see who was there, it was a very tall man. He looked down and smiled.

Man:You must be Muzuki Segawa. Is Sho here?

Muzuki:Why yes he is, may I ask who you are?

Man:Ok, but please dont slam the door if I tell you.

Sho hearing this reached over Muzuki and opened the door to see who was there. Sho didnt know who this was, but the voice was a little to familiar. It was then that he heard the man introduce himself.

Man:You maynot recognize me Sho, but my name is Oswald A. Lisker or Guyver 2. Im here to talk to you.

Sho couldnt believe it, he was still alive.

Lisker:Im here to talk to you about jioning forces and destroying Chronos.

Sho then stammered:You cant be, I-I killed you.

Lee came to see what was happening, and was shocked at what he saw.

Lee:What do you want Lisker?

Lisker turned to see the other Guyver.

Lisker:I dont know why you didnt tell Sho I was alive. But if you remember you offered me a chance to help you destroy Chronos. Im here to take that chance.

Sho turned to Lee, shock was on his face. Sho felt betrayed.

Sho:Why didnt you tell me, and you offered this monster to join us. What were you thinking.

Lisker:Sho calm down, Lee is a smart one. He knows that Chronos is to powerful for just the two of you to beat. I was to stupid then to take the chance, but know I've seen what I really was. I know that nothing I can say will change the past, but I want to stop Chronos now as much as you do. I need a place that can offer me a place of safety. I need your help.

Sho:I cant trust you, and you know that. Why did you even come here? Why are you not at Chronos right now?

Lisker:I couldnt return, and event s have changed me. Before I didnt understand you Sho, but now... I need you to trust me. I need some where to stay, thats alli ask for now.

Lee pulled Sho back into the living room and began a discussion. A few minutes later they came back out.

Lee:You can stay with me, my parents arent home but a day a week. You make one mistake and I will kill you.

Lisker:That is all I ask. Thank you.

Sho:That does not change things. You are still not forgiven.

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.