Disclaimer: Yoshiki Takaya created Guyver. I am only using the character for entertainment purposes only. This story also contains gore and adult languages (curses, swears, potty mouth) and children are advised not to read. Also, the creator "Solom" is used in Brian O Sullivan's (warrior Guyver) fics. I'm just using him because I couldn't think of anything else to name a creator ^_^ Anywayz, here is the story


<Part 1>

-Jerusalem, Israel

It has been weeks since Chronos took over most of the world. Israel was no exception. It was take over rather quickly, and already, there were three Chronos bases, processing innocent people to become a "Zoanoid", a biological monster of mass destruction.

A Ramotith and two Gregores were walking along the street, looking for any further resistance, or people who might not have been processed. Suddenly, a bio-blast struck past the Ramotith's ear, and struck one of the Gregores through the chest. The monster fell down, and breathed its last breath. Then, it disintegrated into thin air. The Ramotith turned to face the enemy. The Ramotith new he was gonna die. The only other thing that could fire Bio-blasts were Guyvers and even Zoalords could not best them. It was quite a surprise to Ramotith, when he saw that the killers were not Guyvers at all. They were two Zoanoids!

The Gregore that was still alive quickly charged at the Zoanoids, without even wondering who made them. It was the last thing the Gregore would ever do. One of the Zoanoids, a big blue creature, the size of a Zelebuth, grabbed the Gregores head, and crushed it without much effort. The Ramotith then, that these were no ordinary Zoanoids.

-Ramotith: H-hyper Zoanoids? B-but... Why would Zoanoid, even hyper Zoanoid, rebel against Chronos! With one thought, a Zoalord could kill it instantly! It doesnt make se--

The Ramotith never got to finish, as another bio-blast went clear through his head. He fell to his knees, and sent a report, to the leader of the Israel branch, of what had accrued. Then, he too, disintegrated.

The report came to Dr. Newutki, with five other reports of Hyper Zoanoids invading random parts of Israel. Were they insane? Did they really think that they could destroy Chronos? Dr. Newutki got out of his chair, and told the two guarding Zoanoids to help the others! Then, Dr. Newutki transformed, into a lizard-like creature. He was a proto-zoalord. Unlike the supreme Zoalords they are weaker, and have less control over a Zoanoid. Still, he could take on any Zoanoid short of the so-called "Neo Hyper Zoanoids" which he had none of. He opened his window, and flew out, heading for the direction of one of the hyper Zoanoid reports.

The three teenagers, about 16, kept climbing the mountain, running from whatever was happening in their hometown. They had escaped before the explosions started happening. Their parents had hid them away until the Chronos officers left, and then they backed their bags and ran for the hills. They are almost empty on food, and were tired to death now. They had seen the city peaceful, a few weeks after. It looked almost normal. Was it because Chronos had made the citizens happy? Were they scared to fight back? Maybe they were brainwashed. It didn't matter much, anyway. They definitely were not going back with all the explosions. Maybe someone had finally had the courage to rebel?

-Orin: I can't take it anymore... huff... We need to stop...

-Omry: Hold on, we're almost at that cave. We can rest there a little while... Then we keep going!

-Orin: Fuck keep going! Where the hell are we gonna go? Our food supplies are low, and even if we do make it to the other side?

-Kyle: Huff.... Our original plan was to reach the other side, and then get a boat to America. We saw our town being normal, and stuff. What if a near port city is calm too? We also heard rumors about America and Canada being the only countries still fighting Chronos. If we get there, we're saved.

-Orin: Idiots! If America is fighting Chronos, you think they will allow ships to swim to enemy territory?

What Orin said made sense. They all looked down, a look of hopelessness on their faces, and cursed. They then started up again. They would rest in that cave. They had thoughts like 'Maybe. Maybe someones living up there, who had the same ideas as us!' or 'Maybe there is a secret stash of food up there'. All of them were very unlikely, but they couldn't turn back now. Not with the town becoming a war zone.

A Giles type Zoanoid fell down to the ground, its arms and head ripped off. The two hyper Zoanoids kept coming towards the base. Their boss had told them to kill as much Zoanoids as possible on the way. Better to fight them when there in small groups, rather then all together. Then, they jumped out of the way of a bunch of gravity bullets. They looked at there opponent, and saw a Zoanoid that looked like a lizard.

-Hyper Zoanoid 1: Careful, this guy isn't like any Zoanoid I've seen. That blast was too powerful to come from normal Zoanoids. This guy has got to be a hyper Zoanoid.

-Hyper Zoanoid 2: Yeah, maybe even a lost number! Shit, we gotta finish this guy quickly!

Dr. Newutki didn't understand a word they were saying. They were speaking English, a language he never learned. He did understand that they were scared. The one with the bio-blasters fired his bio-lasers on his hand. Dr. Newutki merely put a gravity shield up, and the bio-blasts barely fazed him. It was now Dr. Newutki's turn. He raised his hand, and fired a huge gravity bullet, killing the bio-blaster hyper Zoanoid. The other Zoanoid stared in shock for a few seconds, then regained his composure and charged at Dr. Newutki. Then, the hyper Zoanoid couldn't move a muscle! He was under sort of mind control. Then, he grabbed his own head, and crushed it. The Zoanoid dropped dead, and like all other Zoanoids, disintegrated. Dr. Newutki laughed. He turned around, and then felt his arm get blasted off by something.

-Orin: So, we're here, now can I have some food?

-Omry: Go ahead, knock yourself ou-- Hey, where' you going, Kyle?

-Kyle: Shit, this place is big, I'm gonna explore this place, meet you guys later!

-Orin: Yeah, sure!

Orin bit into his sandwich. It tasted god-like. Normally, he would just consider it a plain peanut butter sandwich, but he needed to preserve food. He couldn't eat meals regularly, like he use to. He wasn't a fat kid, but he did like to eat. He was almost finished with his sandwich, when he heard the scream of Kyle.

Omry jumped up at the sound of the scream. He looked at Orin, and then took off down the cavern of the cave. Omry didn't feel right leaving a pessimistic dumb ass like Orin behind, but he knew that Kyle must be in serious danger. Omry ran down the hall, until he tripped over something. He looked down, to see the body of Kyle. It looked like something had snapped his neck. Omry scrambled up, he more scared then he had ever been in his life. He peeked over the corner, to see a man dressed in a Chronos suit, and a Gregore type Zoanoid. They were marking a cave wall, which looked somewhat like a door. He listened in to there conversation.

-Chronos man: Are you sure you translated the blasted thing right? Just because you learned some Creator language from Lord Valkus doesn't mean you 100% translated the thing right!

-Gregore: Screw you, you shit! I was sent here from Japan to do just this!

-Chronos man: This sucks, you know why they only sent us two? They thought there was a relic here, and just incase we wonder into it, it's our death. The acids that come out of that thing can burn your skin right off! If they were sure there was no relic down here, they would have sent hundreds of Zoanoids.

-Gregore: Well, we now know that there's not a relic... Well, we found something more important then that! We found Solom's testing lab! There might be a Guyver unit in there! Let's report this to Dr. Newutki!

-Chronos man: But... why can't we explore it first?

-Gregore: We might accidentally set off the Guyver unit, then ya jackass!

-Chronos man: That's exactly what I am talking about!

-Gregore: W-what? If you activate a unit, then there do test experiments on you! You really want that!

-Chronos man: Ha, I wasn't thinking of "talking" to Lord Alkaphel when I get the unit!

-Gregore: YOU STUPID SHIT! Even if you had the unit, you think you could match Lord Alkaphel's power?

They were speaking Hebrew, but Omry still couldn't understand what they were saying. What was this "Guyver"? Who the hell is Alkaphel? If Gregore is so worried about that guy rebelling, why doesn't he just kill him? Then, something tapped on Omrys back. Omry jumped to face the person, and was relieved to see it was just Orin. Orin's face was totally pale. He must have seen Kyle too. Omry then turned to the door. It looked like it was pried open. The door wasn't rock at all. It was some weird metal. In the darkness of the cave, it was hard to make out, but there was a small opening. Not enough for a big Zoanoid to fit in, but just enough for a kid. Omry signaled Orin to follow as fast as possible, and they ran through the small opening. Unfortunately, the Zoanoids heard it too.

Dr. Newutki jumped back, and fired a few more gravity bullets at his opponent. The thing just raised a shield, and the gravity bullets just bounced back. It was impossible! Is this a Neo-hyper Zoanoid? Maybe another proto-zoalord! Whatever it was, Dr. Newutki was loosing. He had only one arm, and half power, while the weird enemy had barely slowly down. Then, Dr. Newutki saw the thing unleash two vibrating blades. Dr. Newutki thought 'Oh shit! This is a Guyver!' Then, Dr. Newutki's head was chopped off.

The Guyver turned around, to see all of his Hyper Zoanoids behind him. The Guyver gestured at a building a few feet away. That was the main branch in Israel. Then, the Guyver opened up both his chest plaits, while the Hyper Zoanoids blasted the place. It was turned into a blazing inferno in second, and then the Guyver fired his full Mega Smasher, and the blast literally blew up the place. Then, the Guyver fell down and his armor slip off. He wasn't in his human form yet; it seemed there was another layer of armor under it.

Hyper Zoanoid- Agito, you wasted your Gigantic armors energy!

Guyver 3: I see that you moron! Well, Israel's bases are totally obliterated. All thanks to
Zeuss thunderbolts. Now, take me to that cave that was supposed to have the Guyver unit.

Omry and Orin looked at the door, which was being punch repetitively by the Gregore. It would brake soon. Orin was already hiding, but Omry had no place to hide. He knew he was gonna get caught if he didn't do something. Omry ran to a table, and went to duck under it when he noticed a strange shiny object. He picked it up, and something sprang out of the metal, and started wrapping around Omry. Orin watched in horror as his friend changed before his eyes.

<Part 2>

The Gregore continued to pound on the door. Even though it had alien origin, the Gregore type Zoanoid still had enough strength to take it down. It man in the Chronos uniform yawned, and just leaned against the wall

-Chronos man: Jeez, can't you go any faster?

-Gregore: Hey, your **bang** welcome to transform **bang** and help me!

-Chronos man: But you look like your having fun, hehheh. Hey, by the time youre done, the kids'll have starved to death, eh?

-Gregore: Shut u--

Gregore never had time to finish. A Gravity Cannon from inside the cave blasted off his head. The Chronos man looked at his comrade fall to the floor.

-Chronos man: Shit, whom the fuck did that!

No response

-Chronos man: I'm warning you!

Then, the door flung off its hinges. A weird looking creature stepped out of the room. It was hard to see him in the darkness; all you could really see was the crystal glowing on his forehead. The Chronos man backed off a little. He quickly transformed into a huge monster, bigger then the Gregore. He was a Zelebuth type Hyper Zoanoid.

-Zelebuth: Shit, one of the kids must have activated a Guyver! I gotta act quickly, or I'm dead!

The Zelebuth fired a huge blast from its hand. The Guyver was hit directly in the chest, and he tumbled back, holding where he was shot. The Guyvers crystal started to glow, and a small bio-blast came out of a little thing in his forehead. It hit the Zelebuth straight in the eye.

-Zelebuth: You stupid piece of shit! Argh, I'll ge-- huh?

The Zelebuth looked at the Guyver with awe. The Guyver had taken his hand away from his armor, and it was healing right before his eyes. The Zelebuth had heard about a Guyvers healing factor, but it wasnt supposed to heal that fast! Maybe this was some prototype, healing Guyver. The Zelebuth tried to fire again, but it was in vain. The Guyver had already opened his mega-smasher, and fired a huge white bio-energy beam. The Zelebuth was obliterated instantly. The cave started shaking, and rocks started falling everywhere. The Guyvers mega smasher must have caused the cave to start to cave in.

Orin ran out, and begged the Guyver to take him out, but the Guyver just ignored him, and ran with super human speed down the cavern. Orin tried to run after the weird Guyver, but the rocks caved in the path in front of him. Orin had no choice but to take refuge in the place he just came out of.

Guyver 3 and two other hyper Zoanoids were staring at the cave collapsing.

-Guyver 3: What the hells happening? Did one of the Chronos Zoanoids destroy that damn cave to stop us from going in there?

-Hyper Zoanoid: Don't know sir. Looks like we lost some Guyver units...

Then, Guyver 3's sensors went off, and Guyver 3 pushed back the Hyper Zoanoids. A yellow Guyver stepped out of the cave; it looked at the Guyver and the two Zoanoids in front of it. It then started stepped towards them.

-Guyver 3: Don't worry, some civilian probably activated a Guyver unit by mistake. I'll talk to him telepathically! **Guyver, wake up**

The Guyver kept walking towards them, picking up speed and going to one of the Hyper-Zoanoids.

-Guyver 3: **I said wake up, what's wrong with you? Shit, why wont you respond! We speak a different language, but I should still be able to speak with you telepathically! Your Guyver unit still should be able to translate it**

The Guyver then charged at one of the Hyper Zoanoid. The Hyper Zoanoid jumped back, escaping from the Guyvers reach. The Guyver fired his bio-blast, and it knocked the Hyper Zoanoid out of the air, and it crashed into a tree. The Guyver then unleashed its Vibrating blades, and ran at the downed Hyper Zoanoid. Guyver 3 kicked the Guyver in the stomach, then punched it to a tree.

-Guyver 3: Get the hell back, I can't contact it!

The mysterious Guyver got up and ran at Guyver 3. Guyver 3 jumped up in the air, and got out his own pair of vibrating blades, and charged at the attacking Guyver. Their blades clashed, and caused a sonic vibration that made the two watching Hyper Zoanoids jump back. Then, the mysterious Guyver did a flip in mid air, kicking Guyver 3 in the jaw. Guyver 3 jumped back, and formed a Gravity Cannon. It was only on half power, since he was also using his Gravity Control to make him fly, but it was still enough to cut the mysterious Guyver's arm off. The Guyver held the stump of his arm. Almost immediately, it was reforming.

-Guyver 3: What the fuck is going on! How can it regenerate so fast!

Then, the mysterious Guyver uses his sonic clusters while Guyver 3 was in the air. It blew off Guyver 3's leg, and he tumbled to the ground. Then, the mysterious Guyver drove down, placing his Vibrating blade through Guyver 3's chest. Guyver 3 coughed up blood as the other Guyver lifted up. He brought his vibrating blades in the air, ready to cut off Guyver 3's head in an instant.

<part 3>

The mysterious Guyver is holding Guyver 3 by the neck. Its other arm has already regenerated itself enough to have a working vibrating blade ready to slice Guyver 3s head off. Guyver 3 had one last change to save him self. He just hoped he had regained the energy. Guyver 3 summoned his gigantic armor. A barrier of some sort pushed the mysterious Guyver back as Guyver 3 is wrapped in some kind of cocoon, looking like the same armor that the Guyver unit is made out of. Then, the cocoon opens, and Guyver 3 in his gigantic armor steps out. He blows the smoke of his mask as he stares at the other Guyver coldly.

-Gigantic Guyver Dark: Ha, just enough power to transform. I might be running on low, but I have enough energy to defeat a shit like you!

-Hyper Zoanoid one: Nice speech boss!

-Gigantic Guyver Dark: Shut up

With that, the mysterious Guyver jumped up, and fired his head beam, which was easily deflected by the shield Guyver 3 raised. Mysterious Guyver tried to slice at Guyver 3 with his right Vibrating blades, but Guyver 3 counters with his left Vibrating blade. Not only did it block the attack that was coming towards him, but it also managed to slice off the mysterious Guyvers vibrating blade. G. Guyver 3 then managed then managed to fire a Pressure Cannon at the mysterious Guyvers chest, going straight through his left Mega Smasher cell, and caused him to crash into a tree. Yet, the mysterious Guyver wasnt giving up. It jumped up, and fires its head beam again, this time getting G. Guyver 3 in the arm. Then, it flew to G. Guyver 3 and punched him to the ground. G. Guyver 3 started floating up again. His leg hadnt totally reformed yet, so he has to fight in the air. He wasnt going to lose though, no way in hell.

G. Guyver 3 fired another Pressure Cannon at the mysterious Guyver, whom quickly flied out of the way. Then, G. Guyver 3 flied at the other Guyver, and power punched him in the chest, sending him smashing into the ground. The mysterious Guyver tried to fly up again, but G. Guyver 3 fired his head beam into the Gravity Orb of the mysterious Guyver, causing him not only to cry out in pain but also to fall flat on the ground. Even then however, the mysterious Guyver was getting up. G. Guyver 3 decided to end it now, and put his hand on his left mega smasher cell.

-G. Guyver 3: Since you are on self-defense mode, you can not control your actions. However, I am not going to fight you until you regain your senses, and risk killing any of my Zoanoids, or myself. Therefor, I am will finish this right now

Then, G. Guyver 3 opened his mega smasher cell. G. Guyver 3 then decided to say something in English for a change.

-G. Guyver 3: Now you die, bastard!

Then, something weird happened. The mysterious Guyver censors started turning, and it looked at G. Guyver 3. He quickly closed his mega smasher and then looked his opponent strangely. Did he understand what he said? Maybe he can speak English to him. It doesnt make sense, since the Unit G usually translated the languages, but this unit was not the usual unit. G. Guyver 3 decided to test his theory.

-G. Guyver 3: **Guyver come on. Can you here me? Please, I do not wish to destroy a paa valuable ally. Damnit, do not make me blast your ass to high heaven**

Then, the other Guyver shook his head. He said something in Hebrew, then looked at G. Guyver 3. Under the mask, the Guyver was scared for his life. Then he tripped into a puddle, and found the sad truth. He was won of them too. Now he was really scared. Under his mask his face with turning white. G. Guyver 3 came limping over, his leg just reformed.

-G. Guyver 3: So, you speak English?

-Mysterious Guyver: W-who the hell are you? What do you want? Are you some kind of new Zoanoid? Am I?

-G. Guyver 3: We need to give you a name. How about Guyver I, for Guyver Israel. Hell, it worked before.

-Guyver I: W-what? Guyver? I heard that mentioned before In the cave With the green Zoanoid What is a Guyver?

-G, Guyver 3: You are a dumbass, arent you. What the hell do you think your wearing?

-Guyver I: Im a Guyver? What the hell IS a Guyver?

-G. Guyver 3: Hahah, a Guyver. Stronger then a Zoalord, much more a Zoanoid.

-Guyver I: What the hell is-- ORIN!

GuyverI ran into the cave, with Gigantic Guyver 3 running right after him. GuyverI knew, from this point on, his whole life would change.

<part 4>


-Gigantic Guyver 3: Forget it kid, the cave colapsed a while ago. If your friend was in there, hes probably de

-GuyverI: NO! God damnit, first Kyle, now Orin Why me.. What the fuck am I?

-Gigantic Guyver 3: Youre a Guyver, a bio-engineered weapon created by the creators themselves to fight their wars. Id say this Guyver unit is a bit stronger then the regular units. Id say youd have the strength of 120 no 150 men! Plus this regenerative fac-

When G. Guyver 3 was talking, GuyverI fell on his knees. G. Guyver 3 detracted both his Gigantic and regular unit, and went up to GuyverI. He was about to try to comfort the boy, when he ran into the cave. Agito just shook his head and thought, This guy wont be any use to me. He dismissed the Hyper Zoanoids, and went in the cave. GuyverI was digging at some rocks to get into one of the passages. Agito walked up to him.

-Agito: That passage is blocked, your gonna need to go another way.

-GuyverI: What other way? There IS no other way!

-Agito: Well, use your sensors to decide that.

-GuyverI: Huh? What sensors. This thing comes with sensors?

-Agito: Yes, there on your head. I cant really explain how to use it; its more self-taught then anything. Just let your unit look around. Your get used to it.

-GuyverI:  There! There is a passage there! Its only covered by a few rocks; I can easily

Then, just as they were talking, three figures landed infront of the cave. They turned around to face the people who were there. There were three of them, all lined up. There was an eerie glow to them, like there was something more about them then meets the eye.

-Agito: Shit, more proto-zoalord! That either means that these guys were here because they came to inspect the place or one of Chronos Zoanoids escaped to tell a near by Chronos base about the attack. GuyverI, get the hell outta here. I can take care of these shits.

GuyverI nodded and then punched through the rocks. Agito summoned his G unit, and then his gigantic armor upgrade, as the three proto-zoalord metamorphed into their Zoa-form. Then, the Guyver ran at the three, as they took a battle stance. G. Guyver 3 jumped in the air, and unsheathed his Vibrating blades. He tried to slash one of the proto-zoalords, but he just jumped out of the way. His land lit up in green energy, and he slashed it at G. Guyver 3, which also was able to get out of the way. The two other proto-zoalords jumped from behind the first one, and fired small gravity orbs and bio-blasts at G. Guyver 3.

GuyverI ran through the cave, searching frantically to find the room he went in. However, the results werent very good, as he quickly learned that either the rooms were empty, or caved in. One room, however, wasnt caved in, and it wasnt empty. There was a pedestal in the middle of the room, with something in it. GuyverI walked up to it, and saw a familiar site. Another Guyver Unit! He picked it up, to carry to Agito, but almost jumped back as the Guyver organism jumped out of its case and quickly sprang all over him.

Gigantic Guyver 3 lowered his hands as the Pressure Cannon he had shot out blasted through one of the proto-zoalord head. It fell down to the ground, lifeless. G. Guyver 3 grinned. He couldnt understand what the two others were saying, since they spoke Hebrew, but he knew they were scared. One of the proto-zoalords charged, but stopped short as a head beam, stronger then the usual Guyver head beam, blasted infront of his face, almost hitting him. The proto-zoalord turned around to see another Guyver. He looked like Guyver Israel, but was more muscular, and looked a lot stronger and fearsome. Instead of one vibrating blade, there was two. One was thin, and one looked like G. Guyver 3s.

-Proto-zoalord: N-no way! What the hell are you!

-GuyverI: The one who is gonna put you out of your misery!

Then, the Guyver jumped behind the Proto-zoalord at incredible speed, and chopped him in half. The other proto-zoalord, scared out of his mind, formed another green energy beam on his hand. He tried to slash GuyverI in half. However, GuyverI jumped out of the way, and the energy beam slashed the cave wall, causing it to shake. Then, GuyverI opened his left mega-smasher, and blasted the proto-zoalord to hell. Both G. Guyver 3 and GuyverI ran out of the cave. As the cave totally collapsed, G. Guyver 3 turned to GuyverI.

-G. Guyver 3: What are you?

-GuyverI: I would like to know that myself.

**Inside the cave**

Orin felt the vibration of the cave. He knew it was collapsing. He knew he was gonna die. He hid under of the desks, scared out of his life. He should have stayed in the city and become a Zoanoid. Anything was better then dying. Then, his hand touched something that felt almost like metal. He pulled it over to have a closer inspection. The center glowed brightly. Suddenly, the inside popped out and started wrapping around him.

**Nyala, Sudan, in Africa **

Two men dressed in Chronos suites walked through the jungle. They were on a mission to find a Guyver Unit. There was now a race for power in Chronos, as they heard about America slowly rebellion, and Japan constantly being under attack by Guyvers. They were sent here to find the Unit only, not to use it. As disappointed as they were, they knew they had to follow Lord Alkaphel orders. They then started digging. Was the Guyver Unit really supposed to be here? Then, the shovel hit something hard. One of the Chronos men dug further, and found a Guyver unit, half covered in dirt, but still looking functional. Then, he heard his partner scream, and he turned around to see a tiger with his teeth in his partners neck. The Chronos man started to transform, but it was too late, and the tiger attacked, and killed, him too. Then, the tiger looked in the hole they dug. Then, from the hole, popped out the Guyver organism and it wrapped around him.

**Damietta, Egypt**

Five men dressed in Chronos uniforms walked through the masses of people, slowly approaching their destination. One of the men were carrying a suit case/

-Chronos man 1: So, youre saying Chronos is gonna give each one of us a Guyver unit?

-Chronos man 2: Yep, 3 of them are in Israel, one in Africa, and 1 here. All we need to do is retrieve the one here, and were on easy street. A few lower Zoanoids were sent to get the others.

-Chronos man 4: But What if one of the lower Zoanoids activates the Guyver unit?

-Chronos man 2: That is why we have this

The second Chronos man patted his suitcase, and they all laughed. Then, the commander finally spoke up.

- Chronos man 5: Yes. Once we, the Hyper Zoanoid Team Five get the Guyver Units, we will be the strongest forces in Chronos

Next Chapter: I will be introducing 2 new Guyvers, and a third coming up in the third Chapter. If you would like to respond to my story, please write to kingnoah@eudoramail.com and tell me what you think.

Back to Noah Leaf

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.