The sound of bare feet slapping on the floor would have been inaudible to a human, but then it had been a very long time indeed since Edward Caerleon could be considered a human. He had been asked by both Dr. Balkus and Lord Alkanphel to deal with those scientists who had been discovered as being traitors to Chronos. Edward had been only too happy to deal with them.

It was not for mere humans to defy their masters.

But, now that the interrogation had been concluded, Edward was curious about this new sound. Following the sound, Edward soon found the source of it. He was confused at first, since their new Twelfth Zoalord, Imakarum Mirabilis, did not seem to be one to do things such as wandering the corridors after sundown. Especially when he was wearing a long blue nightshirt and nothing else.

However, as Edward stepped closer, he noticed that there were subtle differences between this new apparition and Lord Alkanphel’s newest follower. The form and tone of the musculature was almost completely identical to their Twelfth Zoalord, but as Edward looked more closely at the man’s facial features, he saw that this was not Imakarum Mirabilis. The body was a nearly identical copy of Imakarum’s, but Edward now saw that the facial features and also the hair were subtly different.

Looking closer, Edward also saw that this man’s eyes were closed. A somnambulist? How odd. Edward, knowing that it was better not to wake someone when they were in this state, gently put his hand on the man’s shoulder and steered him back down the corridor the way that he had presumably come. Judging by the man’s resemblance to Imakarum, it was obvious that this man was related to him.

Perhaps a brother? It was strange for Edward to consider, all the more so since he could sense that this man was a Zoalord as well. It is odd that our lord Alkanphel would not mention the fact that he processed one of Imakarum’s relations. Or even the fact that Imakarum had any relations for that matter. Then again, Lord Alkanphel was known to be quite secretive st times.

Perhaps he had something particular in mind for Imakarum’s brother.

The sound of someone running down the corridor distracted Edward from his musings about what it was that Lord Alkanphel might have had planed for Imakarum’s brother. Edward wondered just who would be in such an unseemly rush at this time of night. Turning to look down the corridor, Edward saw that Imakarum was the one running toward them. The Twelfth Zoalord of Chronos was radiating worry and apprehension.

However, when Imakarum’s eyes settled on his brother, the feelings of apprehension and worry were replaced with a calm kind of happiness.

"Sleepwalking again, Kenji-chan? I thought we had worked past that."

Imakarum was obviously speaking solely for his own benefit, since he was being careful to keep his voice low enough to not risk awakening this Kenji.

"Your brother?" Edward asked, as Imakarum stepped up to where the man named Kenji was standing.

"My son," Imakarum said fondly, as he lifted Kenji off his feet and cradled the other Zoalord in his arms.

Edward was sufficiently confused by Imakarum’s statement that he did not speak a word as Imakarum turned and walked away. The fact that Kenji had been holding a, rather weathered-looking, plush toy registered with Edward just then. Putting aside his puzzlement with the matter of Imakarum’s brother – or perhaps it was truly his son? – Edward followed Imakarum down the corridor.

The Twelfth Zoalord’s destination became obvious very quickly, and Edward supposed that he should have known it sooner. Imakarum was taking Kenji back to his room. Edward thought that it would not have been very courteous of him to speak at the moment, with Kenji asleep and Imakarum obviously wanting to keep him that way, and so he fell back on his observational skills.

Imakarum was clearly concerned with the welfare of Kenji, more so than it seemed to Edward was necessary, so perhaps Imakarum thought that Kenji was unable to take care of himself. As Edward closed ranks with Imakarum, he could see both the fond smile on the Twelfth Zoalord’s face – directed fully at Kenji – and also the way that Kenji had curled up against Imakarum’s body. This new Zoalord did in fact seem rather childish. It was an odd thing for Edward to consider, the possibility that Lord Alkanphel would ever allow a child to be made into a Zoalord. Though it was also possible that Edward was misreading the situation entirely.

Perhaps Imakarum merely cared for this other Zoalord, this Kenji, as if he were his own son. Perhaps there was not any blood relation between the two of them at all, merely an emotional one. That hypothesis, however, would not account for the rather obvious physical resemblance between the two Zoalords. Edward was fairly certain that Lord Alkanphel would never condone the processing of a child, so the only reasonable conclusion was that Kenji was Imakarum’s brother.

When Imakarum had reached his quarters, Kenji still resting in his arms, Edward stayed outside until the Twelfth Zoalord had entered the room and the door had closed behind him. He was still curious as to what Kenji’s position within Chronos could possibly be, but Edward did indeed know that such things were at Lord Alkanphel’s discretion and not his own. Edward was content to wait.

Back to Kenji-Chan

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.