"Ah," Lord Shin said, nodding to indicate his understanding. "What was the attack you were speaking of then, Lord Alkanphel?"

"Luggnagg gathered a force of our Zoanoids and sent them out in an attack on the Anti Chronos Task Force’s center of operations," Lord Alkanphel said. "They were soundly defeated by the Anti Chronos Task Force. And while I and Luggnagg now know of the power that the Anti Chronos Task Force possesses, I would have preferred to have this done discreetly."

"Well, my Lord, we all know that discretion is not one of Lord Krumeggnik’s most well-developed traits," Lord Jearvill said, bowing his head solemnly. "No matter how much we might wish it to be otherwise."

"Yes, Jearvill, I know that," Lord Alkanphel said calmly. "Though I would have thought that after all this time he would have at least developed some semblance of such."

"I would have thought so as well," Lord Hamilcal said, casting Lord Luggnagg a disapproving glance.

"Peace, my brothers. Peace," Lord Luggnagg said, raising both hands in a placating gesture. "What truly matters in this affair is that we now know at least some of what this Anti Chronos Task Force is capable of. I would think that that information was worth the loss of a few minor, and of course easily replaceable, soldiers."

"I would have to agree with that assessment, Krumeggnik," Lord Caerleon said. "My Lord, do you intend to inform the rest of us about what this Anti Chronos Task Force is capable of?"

"If I may, my Lord?" Lord Luggnagg asked, and Lord Alkanphel nodded his acquiescence. "I can do better than tell you about them, my brothers. I can show you."

With that statement still hanging in the air, Lord Luggnagg turned to a computer console that was set into the place at the table that he occupied. Like all of the computer stations, the one in front of Lord Luggnagg was meant to control the holographic screen set into the center of the table. The keys purred under his fingers as Lord Luggnagg typed at full Zoalord speed.

"Behold, my brothers, our new enemy."

Imakarum, along with the other Chronos Overlords, watched as the Anti Chronos Task Force engaged the Zoanoids that Lord Luggnagg had sent. It was a rout. And, considering the power of the odd human-shaped and –sized armors that five members of the Anti Chronos Task Force were operating, Imakarum did not find that fact to be very surprising. When Imakarum caught his first glimpse of the Guyver that fought with the Anti Chronos Task Force, he found himself somewhat at a loss.

Imakarum was not the only one.

"How could another Guyver have been found without us knowing about it?" Lord Caerleon wondered aloud.

"The unit in question was discovered in Los Angeles," Imakarum said, remembering what he had found out. "That, at least, was the information that my preliminary investigation of the Anti Chronos Task Force yielded. Time will tell if I am able to find out anything more about this Guyver."

"Then we will leave you to your work, Imakarum," Lord Alkanphel said.

A mental command dismissed the Overlords of Chronos. Back in his room at Cloud Tower once again, Imakarum glanced toward the sleeping form of his son for a minute, before turning and heading back to his desk. His research into the Anti Chronos Task Force, and the matter of that fourth Guyver, would not be kept waiting any longer.

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