With Sho no longer running anywhere nearly as fast as he had been, more and more Zoanoids were starting to gather behind him. Massing for a charge on Dr. Balkus’ orders. Finally, Sho stopped, just over half a kilometer from his intended destination. He couldn’t just leave all of the others behind to face Gyou, even if that meant that he would have to run all through Takeshiro again looking for them.

Agito and Mr. Murakami were strong, that was true, but Gyou might be too much for even them to handle on their own. Sho knew that he needed to go and help them, he knew that he would never be able to forgive himself if he left them alone to die. Just as Sho was about to turn around and start looking for another way to get back into Takeshiro without having to deal with all of the Zoanoids that were after him, Mizuki screamed.

Sho wondered briefly what could be making her so agitated, since she had taken the trip well so far, when the sensors in his helmet both jerked backwards suddenly. They gave Sho a very clear view of the army of Zoanoids that was closing in on them. Sho knew now why Mizuki had screamed, and he also knew that there was very little chance of him ever being able to get past that many Zoanoids without endangering Mizuki. Especially since there were a fair amount of Enzyme IIs in the group.

Running at nearly the Guyver’s top speed, Sho started to hear an odd noise coming from behind him. It almost sounded like the humming of a Guyver’s Vibration Blades. When the Zoanoids pursuing him started screaming in agony, Sho risked a look back over his shoulder. There, standing in the middle of a heap of disintegrating Zoanoid corpses, was Agito Makashima – Guyver III.

He’s not dead! Was the first thing that came to Sho’s mind when he saw Agito. Agito nodded quickly to him and proceeded to slaughter his way through the Zoanoids that had the severely bad luck to be standing between him and Sho. Sho, letting Mizuki slide down off of his back, extended his Vibration Blades and waded into the fight himself.

+Agito, where are Tetsuro and the others?+ Sho asked over the Guyver-link, not wanting to try and out shout the Zoanoids. +Are they all right?+

+All of your friends are safe, Sho,+ Agito said calmly. +We were all able to take shelter in a hidden location.+

+What hidden location?+ Sho asked. +Where could you have gone that’s safe from Gyou?+

+You might find this a little hard to believe, Sho,+ Agito said, with a distinct tone of amusement. +But Tetsuro, Murakami and all of the others are taking shelter inside Mt. Minakami. Specifically, they’re in the lowest level of Mt. Minakami, a place known as Relics Point.+

+They’re under Mt. Minakami?!+ it was only through the most stringent of efforts that Sho was able to keep himself from shouting this new in formation in a loud and disbelieving voice. +How can they be safe there?! That place is the largest Chronos laboratory in this area!+

+All of the scientists who work in the basement are our allies,+ Agito said calmly. +They have been working against Chronos for some time.+

+But, Agito…+

+There is no time for further explanations right now, Sho,+ Agito said. Pulling open his chestplates, Agito began charging up the Mega-Smasher. +After I deal with these Zoanoids, then we can go and meet up with the rest of our group.+

Sho couldn’t think of any way to respond to Agito’s statement, so he wordlessly walked over to Mizuki and pulled her onto his back again. The power of the Mega-Smasher ripped through the Zoanoids and tore into the ground. Sho and Mizuki both turned away, though for somewhat different reasons. Mizuki turned away because the light of the Mega-Smasher was extremely uncomfortable for human eyes, Sho turned away because he didn’t want to look.

Once the carnage was over, Sho turned to look back at where the Zoanoids had been standing. The utter devastation in front of him was just about what Sho had expected, likewise the sight of Agito just closing his Guyver’s chestplates. Sho sighed, hearing steam escape from the Guyver’s facial vents, as Agito beckoned him forward.

"We should get going now, Fukamachi," Agito said. "The others are all waiting for us."

"Right," Sho nodded.

Mizuki, from her place on Sho’s back, wondered whether or not to ask Agito just where Tetsuro and the other people who had come with them had ended up. In the end, though, it was Sho who spoke next.

"Agito, how did you and the others manage to get away from Gyou in the first place?"

"It wasn’t easy, of course," Agito said calmly, as he used the Guyver’s sensors to make sure that there were all as alone as they appeared to be. "In the end, when he wouldn’t give up no matter what we hit him with, we had to let him think he’d killed us. To make matters worse, nothing we did to him even made a dent on his Zoalord body."

"So, how were you able to make him think he’d killed you when you were all still fighting?"

"The last attack Gyou hit us with was a gravity wave that collapsed the ground underneath our feet," Agito said. "Murakami used his forcefield to protect us, and then we escaped by tunneling deep into the ground with my Gravity Controller. Gyou was arrogant enough that when he saw the crater that his attack had left, he just assumed that we were all dead. Of course, Murakami managed to knock himself out when he used up his energy in that fight. But all of us did make it out of that battle alive."

"I’m glad," Sho said, and smiled. "But that still doesn’t explain how you and all the others ended up hiding under Mt. Minakami of all places."

"My brother and our friends are all under Mt. Minakami?!" Mizuki screeched. But she screeched quietly, since she didn’t know if any other Zoanoids were close enough to overhear.

"Yes," Agito stated, with such calm that Mizuki started having some doubts about his sanity. "As I told Sho, all of our friends are currently in the basement level of Mt. Minakami, a place called Relics Point. You’ve no need to worry Mizuki, everyone is quite safe there. Your brother has even managed to find something to keep himself occupied so that he stays out of trouble."

Mizuki still looked at Agito as if his Guyver had just turned hot pink, but Sho nodded.

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.