Space Defence


Part 4

Thanks to Megara ( for letting me use her character in this story, I hope she approves of the story line!

In the year 2099, the galaxy is under threat by evil. Gangs, organizations, insane characters all try to take control of the galaxy. But three men protect the galaxy; these three men are the DEFENDERS OF THE REALM. Genesis, Tyrone and Remone use their developed unique powers to assist the galaxy in destroying evil threats for good. But now a new evil could threaten the galaxy…

A trained hunter attacked the girl and the Defenders. Unprepared, Genesis and Remone were knocked out along with the girl. Tyrone managed to over come the hunter and defeat him. Later the girl explained herself to Avona and how see arrived in the year 2099. Until away back could be found, she decided to stay with Tyrone. Things became complicated and the two headed for the town, only to be attacked by the hunter again. Remone saved the day, only to discover that something had happened to Genesis.

They arrived in the labs a few moments later. A giant rip in space was in front of Avona. Remone looked shocked,

"What the hell is that!?" He shouted.

"A time rip." Avona replied.

"Where’s Genesis?" Remone asked. Avona pointed to the rip, Remone’s face looked horrified,

"What time is he in?" Remone asked.

"A large creature, much like Megara came through. Genesis tried to defend us, and was taken through." Avona explained. Remone ran for the portal, but was held back by Avona,

"Go through, find Genesis and come back, don’t fight, we don’t know what we’re up against!" She instructed. Megara stepped forward,

"But I do." She stated.

"Surely you are not suggesting what I think you are?" Avona was startled. Remone walked forward,

"Megara, you are not going through, no way! It’s too dangerous." Remone shouted.

"It’s because of me your friend is in danger, I’ve got to come and do something." Megara explained. Tyrone put his hand around her arm, and tightened his grip,

"It’s too dangerous, we can’t risk your life like this." Tyrone replied. Megara shifted away from Tyrone. She faced the portal, and walked through. Remone sighed and then jumped through the portal. Avona moved towards Tyrone,

"Be careful, and make sure Megara is unharmed." Avona sighed. Tyrone nodded his head and leaped into the portal.

Tyrone fell through the portal and crashed on the ground. He looked down and realized he was lying on green grass. He slowly stood up and rubbed his head. He looked back up again and saw Megara and Remone surrounded by three large creatures. Tyrone jumped up and ran over to them, the creatures noticed him.

"Another one? Where are they all coming from!?" One of the creatures asked.

"Through the portal!" Another snarled.

"Where’s Genesis!?" Remone shouted.

"Your friend is quite safe with us, and soon enough, he’ll be one of us!" The largest creature of the three snapped, then they began to laugh evilly.

"You sons of bitches!" Remone shouted as he charged at the large creature, but the creature grabbed his arm and began to twist it back, Tyrone and Megara advanced forward,

"Uh! Move one step closer and I’ll tear him apart!" The creature warned them.

"What do you want?" Tyrone asked. The creature pointed at Megara with his free hand,

"Give us the girl and you all get to leave in one piece." The creature replied. Megara lowered her head and stepped forward,

"If that’s what you want, then okay, I’ll come with you." Megara lowered herself to her knees.

"No!!" Tyrone screamed. Another creature marched forward, bent down and grabbed Megara. He held her in his large scale like arms. He forced a tablet into her mouth, rendering her unconscious almost immediately. Another creature smacked Tyrone down to the ground, smashing his head when he landed.

Tyrone’s eyes slowly opened. As his vision returned, he saw a shiny red sports car in front of him.

"Ah you’re awake, welcome back." A voice said behind him. He turned his head around and saw a man behind him. The man was quite tall, had long black hair and green tinted sunglasses.

"Who… where… what’s going on?" Tyrone was confused, and sore. The man lifted him up off the ground and looked at him.

"The name’s Murakima, private investigator against Chronos. You’re in a park in Japan. We found you lying here, and you’ve been unconscious for about an hour." The man answered. Tyrone suddenly realized what had happened,

"Remone! Genesis! Oh s**t! I’ve got to rescue them!" Tyrone shouted. Murakima looked confused,

"Who are they?" He asked.

"They are my friends. Remone got captured with Megara." Tyrone explained. Murakima looked shocked,

"Megara! You know where she is?" He asked.

"I did know. She was with us on Yuong until we went through the time portal, now I’ve lost her and my friends." Tyrone answered. Murakima lowered his sunglasses a bit,

"Get in my car, we’ve got to go see a friend of mine. But don’t worry, we’re freeing your friends."

Remone woke up inside a grey prison cell. He wasn’t sure where he was, or how he’d got there. He stood up and walked over to the bars,

"Bars? This isn’t a very civilised place." He thought to himself. He carefully examined the bars until the found a crack in one of them. He stood back and raised his leg, about to kick the bar, he was stopped,

"DON’T!!!" A voice shouted from the next cell. Remone dropped his leg and turned around.

"Genesis? It’s you!" Remone was happy.

"Listen, this is serious. Chronos is a big corporation, and their Japan branch is the most powerful. Everyone in this building is a Zoanoid, a creature like Megara." Genesis explained.

"Megara? Oh wait, Tyrone! Damn it, Tyrone’s still back at the park." Remone pointed out.

"I’ve been scheduled for a question period with the head of the branch, I’m hoping I can persuade him to let us out of here, alive." Genesis explained.

"First of all, we have to find Megara and Tyrone, they could be in danger." Remone commented. Genesis shook his head,

"Tyrone can look after himself, and as for Megara, this is her time period, she knows it better than we do. Our main concern is getting out of here." Genesis explained.

"You better let me go you sons of bitches! Or I’ll really get mad!!" Megara screamed. She was cuffed and tied to a chair. The guards laughed.

"I mean it, you wouldn’t like me when I get mad!" Megara roared. A guard walked over and looked down at her,

"I wouldn’t bother transforming in here, see that laser up there, it’ll blast you before you could get out of your chair." The guard laughed. Megara looked at him, and spat on his face. He wiped it off, and then slapped her hard.

"Little bitch." He shouted.

Tyrone was in a house of one of Murakima’s friends. His shoes where off, and he was kneeled down on the floor, around a table.

"Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat Mr., what did you say your name was again?" A young girl asked. She had red hair half way to her shoulders; she was wearing a white blouse with blue collars and a red bow.

"Just call me Tyrone, and no thank-you, I’m not very hungry." Tyrone replied. The girl smiled,

"Okay, if you want anything, just let me know." She continued to smile as she walked over beside another man. The man looked about her age, 17 or 18. He had short black hair, not like Murakima.

"If Megara has been captured, then they could try to put her in the processing tanks." Murakima stated.

"We should wait until Agito calls us, he could have some important information." The young man suggested.

"What about my friends? They could be in danger too." Tyrone asked. The man looked at him,

"Try not to worry, your friends should be safe until we can rescue them. Chronos will probably try to lure us into a trap by using them, so we’ll have to be careful." The man explained. Tyrone stood up,

"Listen, Genesis and Remone mean everything to me, ever since I became a defender of the realm, they’ve helped me, been my family, been my friends. They’ve pulled me out of some jams before, the least I could do is save them." Tyrone looked outside the window. A black car roared by the house, and a brick smashed through the window. The four ducked behind the table, trying to avoid the shattered glass. The car drove away and the four surrounded the brick, a note was tried around it. Murakima took it and began to read it,

"If you want Megara and the other two to be safe, meet at the construction works at 12 midnight tonight, if any Guyver units show up, then the three shall be destroyed, signed Balcus." Murakima rolled the note back up and placed it on the table. The man looked his watch,

"It’s already 10:30pm, what are we going to do?" He asked.

"I don’t know what you are going to do, but I’m going to rescue my friends." Tyrone headed for the door,

"Wait, you don’t know what they can do, you will need our help." Murakima shouted. The phone began to ring; they all turned and looked at it. The young man walked over and picked up the phone,

"Hello? Yes it’s me, Sho. What? An ambush? Who’s going to be there? Okay, we’ll meet you there." Sho hung up the phone and turned around.

"Who’s going to be there?" Murakima asked.

"Agito doesn’t know. But I say we go." Sho replied. Murakima nodded his head. Sho turned and faced the girl,

"Mizuki, you stay here with Tetsuro." Sho instructed. Mizuki nodded her head, and Tetsuro walked over to her.

Tyrone, Murakima, and Sho arrived at the construction yard. No lights were on, so the yard was pitch black. They walked into the centre of the yard and looked around. Sho looked at his watch,

"12:00 precisely." Sho looked worried.

"It’s not like Chronos to be late." Murakima commented. Suddenly a bright light centred on the three. They tried to cover their eyes from the blinding light. A shadow could be seen on top of a building,

"Ah, right on time, excellent." A voice spoke over a speakerphone.

"Alright Chronos, hand over Megara and the other two!" Sho shouted.

"First of all, let me introduce my friends." The voice shouted down. Another light, this one not so bright went on in front of them, to their horror, five Zoanoids stood there.

"This is Hyperzoanoid Team 5. The most powerful Zoanoids ever created by Chronos. Elegen, Thancruz, Darzerb, Gaster and their leader Zx-Tole." The voice shouted down again.

"But that’s not all!" Another light went on behind them; they turned around, a larger creature, which was white, stood behind them.

"Enzyme 1, and Enzyme 2!!" Another creature, which was much larger than Enzyme, stepped forward into the light.

"As you can see, this is a selection of the best agents in Chronos. If you survive, it will be a miracle." The voice shouted as he laughed. Another light went on, further away from the others. Remone, Genesis and Megara where all tied together, sitting on the dirty ground.

"With Enzyme 1 and 2, Guyver III and I don’t stand a chance." Sho panicked.

"This is a surprise attack, Chronos have planned it well. We may have to retreat." Murakima suggested.

"No way, I am not leaving Remone and Genesis!" Tyrone shouted.

"Soldiers! Attack!!" The voice instructed. All the Zoanoids marched forward, preparing to destroy the defence. Murakima jumped forward, and pushed Tyrone out of the way, and onto the ground,

"Hey, what the hell was that for!?" Tyrone roared.

"Trust me!" Murakima shouted. Sho stood back and jumped into the air,

"GUUUUYYYYVVEERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" Sho roared at the top of his voice. A giant ball of energy surrounded him. Metal armour began to cover his body, until he was no longer in human form. He landed on the ground, standing with his feet apart. He was now about two feet taller, with gigantic blades from each arm.

"What the hell is that?" Tyrone asked.

"Not the time to explain!" Murakima jumped up, followed by Tyrone. Suddenly another Guyver unit landed in the middle of the yard. This Guyver was black; taller and had more blades than the grey unit. Tyrone was really confused.

"Sho, Agito, you take care of team 5, Tyrone and I shall hold of Enzyme 1 and 2." Murakima instructed. They agreed and separated.

"You humans don’t stand a chance against us!" Enzyme 1 laughed. Tyrone was enraged,

"Don’t call me human!!" He leaped into the air, double kicked Enzyme in the face, and flipped back to the ground. Blood began to drip from Enzyme’s face. When it touched the ground, it melted straight through.

"You made me bleed!!" Enzyme roared as it charged at Tyrone. It opened its mouth and fluid shot out of it.

"Don’t let it touch you!!" Murakima warned him. Tyrone jumped to the side, but some of the acid caught his leg.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!!! It hurts, it hurts!!" Tyrone screamed in pain.

Guyver 1 and 3 continued to fight team five to the best of their ability. One of them wrapped gigantic wires around Guyver 1’s body and sent thousand bolts of electricity down them, almost frying Sho completely.

"Yaaaaaaa!" Sho screamed. Guyver 3 through Zx-Tole over his shoulders, knocking him into Sho’s attacker.

"Thanks!" Sho shouted. Gaster stood behind Guyver 3 and prepared to attack him,

"Duck!!" Sho shouted as he fired three small beams from the orb in his forehead. The beam hit the shoulders of Gaster, and he exploded instantly.

"Now we’re even!" Guyver 3 replied.

Enzyme had a tight grip on Tyrone. He was squeezing the life out of him,

"Everything’s going black!!" Tyrone screamed to himself. A gunshot flew past Tyrone and into Enzyme. The bullet lodged itself in between his eyes. Tyrone was free. He dropped to the ground and began to gasp the air. Murakima picked him up,

"Come on, no time for a coffee break!" Murakima dragged him off before Enzyme 2 could grab them both.

"What did you hit it with?" Tyrone shouted.

"A max factory gun. It’s got a three-space chamber, a brilliant line-sight. I’ve never missed." Murakima replied has he quickly reloaded his gun. Enzyme 2 jumped in front of them and spat acid at them. Tyrone grabbed Murakima and leaped up into the air; they went up, higher and higher, until they were above the construction yard.

"How are we doing this?" Murakima was petrified of their altitude.

"It’s a gift I learnt back on Yuong." Tyrone replied.

"Where?" The two then quickly dropped back down, until the softly landed on the ground. Tyrone turned round and jumped forward, with his leg forward. He kicked Enzyme 2, straight into Enzyme 1. The bullet fell out of Enzyme’s head. Tyrone took his laser bow, aimed at the hole in Enzyme’s head. He pressed the trigger, firing an arrow straight through Enzyme’s head. Enzyme began to shake, quicker and quicker, even the ground was shaking. Enzyme’s head then exploded, leaving on the body to fall to the ground. Acid blood began to flow like a water fountain from the body.

"You’ve got a good shot Tyrone." Murakima commented.

Guyver 1 and 3 continued to fight the remaining four members of team 5. Elegen, Thancruz, Darzerb, and Zx-Tole all charged at the two Guyvers. Sho pulled back his hands, and shaped them into a ball, a small ball of energy formed in his hands and he through it at Elegen. Elegen quickly ducked, but the ball still hit Thancruz. Thancruz head was torn in half. He screamed in pain, and fell back into a building. The building began to shake and a large metal rod fell from above.

"Thancruz! Elegen, you killed Thancruz!!" Zx-Tole roared.

"It wasn’t my fault, I had to get out of the way!!" Elegen shouted. He heard a noise from above and looked up. The sharp metal rod continued to fall, and pierced straight through Elegen’s head. Zx-Tole and Darzerb stood together. Zx-Tole fired high-energy beams at the two Guyvers, knocking them back up against another unstable building. Large pieces of concrete began to fall. The pieces smashed into the Guyvers armour. Sho looked down at his chest plate,

"Damn! I can’t use my mega-smasher!!" He shouted. Zx-Tole stood forward,

"Because of you, Elegen, Thancruz and Gaster are dead. Now Guyvers, prepare to meet your destiny!!" Zx-Tole fired more beams at the two. Two shots hit both of the guyvers. Zx-Tole stepped further forward,

"This is the end Guyvers, the end!!" He roared. Before he could fire a shot, Darzerb suddenly dropped flat on his face.

"What the…." Zx-Tole looked down at Darzerb. He pulled out an arrow from his back and through it to the ground. He turned around and noticed Tyrone and Murakima standing there, Tyrone had his bow in his hands.

"No!! This will not stop my revenge on the Guyvers!!" Zx-Tole fired beams at Tyrone and Murakima. Tyrone quickly grabbed Murakima and leaped up into the air once again. Zx-Tole continued to fire the beams at them, but the shots missed. Zx-Tole turned around and noticed Guyver 3 facing him, his chest plates where opened. Already the beams were beginning to heat up.

"I will get my revenge Guyvers, I will get my revenge!!" Zx-Tole roared as the massive energy beam fired from Guyver 3’s chest plate. The beams shortly stopped, and Zx-Tole was gone, leaving a crater about fifty meters long. Guyver 3 shut the plates on his chest. Tyrone and Murakima landed back on the ground. Just as they did, the four noticed a black helicopter flying away into the horizon. They looked over at Megara, Genesis and Remone and ran over to them. Using his blades, Guyver 1 cut them free. Megara looked at Tyrone,

"Boy are we glad to see you." Tyrone smiled.

Guyver 1, Guyver 3, Tetsuro, Mizuki, Murakima, Megara, Tyrone, Genesis and Remone where all standing at the park where the defenders of the realm arrived back on earth in the first place. The time distortion rip was above them.

"Thank you for assisting us in the battle against Chronos." Guyver 1 commented.

"It was our fault in the first place." Genesis apologised.

"Do not blame yourselves. It was fate that people from another time, and another planet could throw something at Chronos." Guyver 3 pointed out.

"I just can’t believe that in a hundred years from now, the human race is still going, and we’ve discovered other races too." Mizuki looked up at the sky and at the moon. Tyrone held Megara’s hand,

"It wouldn’t had worked out, would it?" She asked him. Tyrone looked at her,

"Don’t say anything, your face says it all." The two looked sad.

"If only things were different, then maybe." Tyrone held her in his arms.

"You mean everything to me, I don’t want to lose you." Tyrone pleaded with her. He looked at her and noticed a tear running from her eye,

"If you ever get lonely, use this." Tyrone handed her an object in her hands. She looked at it, but couldn’t figure it out,

"What is it?" She asked, trying to hold back the tears. Tyrone pressed the only button on the small silver device. A small bright light projected upwards, and a planet was on the screen,

"That’s Yuong from a distance." Megara smiled. Tyrone softly kissed her hand.

"Oh come on, you can do better than that!" She shouted; grabbed him and kissed him. A small amount of time passed before Remone walked over to the two. They stopped kissing and looked at each other,

"Tyrone, we’re ready to go." Remone tapped him on the shoulder, the walked over to the portal. They had a small set of stairs leading up to the rip.

"Come back and visit anytime!!" Mizuki shouted. Genesis walked through the portal, followed by Remone. Tyrone stopped, turned around and looked down at Megara,

"I love you!" She shouted. Tyrone nodded his head,

"I know." He turned and walked into the portal. The portal became smaller and smaller, until eventually, nothing was there…


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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.