Ok before I start I'd like to comment on something that happened earlier in the fanfic. The Guyver Zoanoids: Guyver Ramotith, Guyver Vamore, Guyver Gregore were the same ones used in the great war of guyvers fanfic. Even the title of the chapter where they were introduced was of the same name! Well I'd like to point out that all of this is purely coincidence! My guess is that these three guyver zoanoids will be the next guyver fad. By this term I mean a random element that constantly turns up in guyver fanfics. Sort of like guyver crossovers and enhanced guyver units. Oh well I guess have to compensate for this by putting the remaining G.Z of the three into circumstances that probably wouldn’t happen in the other storys. Stay tuned things are going to get pretty interesting.


In the same hangar as the 2nd gigantic metal Guyver Gregor in human form was uncontious in a tube of fluids.

"What are we going to do with him?" asked Karen.

Charlie Hwang answered "Remover technology is out of the question. Only one was ever found to have existed. It would also be risky to keep him here indefinitly until we find a way to remove the unit.Despite the great advantage the unit would be in our hands it would be a great hinderence if guyverGregor ever escaped. Far more then any of our current problems. For this reasone I suggest we eliminate him!"

Meanwhile in another room the metal awakened! It's rimm began to glow!

Out in the wilderness several biobooster organisms regenerated from various peices of bioflesh lost in battle heared the call. As did a strange man who looked to be in his twenties but his skin and hair were bleached pale white, he had pointy ears and greenish eyes! He said "Hmmmm so I see he's awakened!"

A strange dog apeared before him. A voice eminated from it. "Go and destroy the control metal at all costs! If possible try to recruit the guyver zoanoid for our purposes. If he dosnt agree destroy him as well. You are my most loyal freind ZaXoOr. Do as I say and you will be rewarded with your own kingdom when the day comes."

"I will do as you say Chikiri." The dog suddenly evaporated into a gray cloud that floated away on the wind.

The strange man transformed. He had white hair like an enzyme but he had two golden metallic antlers, vibro blades and several metallic whips coming out of his back. He unfolded four insect like wings. Inbetween them were six lumpy objects. Eatch rose from his back and flew off to the cronos base where the metal was being kept. At the time the base was on alert. Four biobooster organisms were attempting to break in. The Vamores were all fireing their biolasers at them. But they were two quik to be hit. The six objects that came from ZaXoOrs back extended strange antenae so that they resembled tiney creator ships. But then each one extended a vibrating needle. One of them flew down and puntured the back of one of the biobooster creatures. It retracted and flew in pursuit of the other three. One of the Vamores shouted "What the hell was that" and tried to target the six strange objects. A biolaser hit one vaporizing it! Another of the objects turned and extended three rods. From each rod fired an infared laser. The three lasers sliced the Vamore apart! Two of them broke off the attack on the vamores and headed to the area of the base the control metal was kept.

Meanwhile GuyverGregore could sense the pulse of the metal in his sleep. He woke up and morphed into Zoaform and tried to break free of the tube. "Guyver!" Boooooooom! The tube exploded! All the liqued inside was instantaneously turned to cold steam. But now Guyver Gregore was different! When the biobooster creature that was once Guyver Vamore tried to aborb him it was absorbed instead. It's DNA was absorbed into Guyver Gregores system simular to how aptom absorbs. Now GuyverGregore had two biolasers like GuyverVamore! He followed the call and came to a two foot thick Adamantium door. GuyverGregore slammed both fists on it and sent it flying accross the room. Inside was a container with a giant control metal. "Well what do we have here?"

clink! "Whos there?" GuyverGregore opened one biolaser and turned around to see a strange winged furry Zoanoid with blazing green eyes. 

"Step away from that case! You have no idea what your dealing with!"

GuyverGregore said "Oh come on do you know who your talking to? Hmmm interesting. I've never seen your type before!"

ZaxoOr lifted his arm. On the rist was somthing that looked like the hose device that fired gasters liquid bombs. But it sprayed a strange flourescent green substance that hit guyver Gregores arm. Instantly his hand dissolved. The green goo moved up his arm consuming more of it.

Guyver Gregore slashed it off with his head beam. What was left of his arm dissolved into a green puddle. "Damn! what was that?"

One of the hovering objects from his back nuged guyver Gregore.

ZaxoOr said "Now I wouldnt try anything. See that little object pressing on your back. If I give it the comand it will shove that vibro needle into your back and inject you with enough of my enzyme producing bacteria to reduce you to nothing but a control metal."

GuyverGregore said "All right what do you want?"

"I want you to step away from that case." GuyverGregore backed off and he gan to aproatch it. But then suddenly one surviving bioBooster  creature smashed through the wall! It grabbed the Control metal mergeing with it and smashed through the ceiling. ZaXoOr and the strange objects in his back flew after it in pursuit.

"Damn I lost him!" Guyver Gregore came up behind him and said "whats so special about that metal? My Guyver enhanced biolasers are targeting you. If you try to send anymore of those things after me I'll blast you before they can get at me."

ZaXoOr said " It would be unwise for you to shoot. However I'll tell you. That control metal in the final days of the Advents had an A.I uploaded into it. The other metal in the Relic was clean but if this one were to form into gigantic armor it could manipulate the host to do it's bidding! Witch would most likely be activate a large ship buried in the moon. This ship is programmed to eliminate my master Chikiri and the rest of his kind."

GuyverGregore said "Chikiri? Whats that?"

ZaXoOr said "Chikiri is actualy a sentient control metal existing in a collective of control metals. They monitor activity in the surface world with what your human scientists call "Active Mesostructures" of course while these are only theory to you humans they have had them and other technological wonders for eons! I could have killed you but I have an offer. You have a unique talent. Chikiri and the rest of the collective would like to hire your survices. In exchange when the day cronos is gone you will be in a position of power under our new order."

GuyverGregore said"Sounds interesting. So where is this collective?"

ZaXoOrs forehead skin flipped back to reveal a control metal! He was another control metal enhanced Ultra Zoanoid!It's rim glowed and a cloaked ship that was shaped like some strange sea creature materialized."I am the first Ultra zoanoid and the most powerful!" They got in and it flew accross Austrailia and dove into the ocean.

Flashback to events taking place in chapter six Diana and dilbert waited back at their hideout watching the news to see if any of the events involving XechTorr or Aries were on. Then they heared a thud on the roof. Diana took her railgun and went out to look.

On top of the roof was an outline that looked like that of the zoanoid Eurenorm. Eurenorm was one of the zoanoids developed by the Japan brantch. His type had streingth somewhere between that of a Ramotith and Gregore. But this one was different. He was in guyver armor!

Diana recognized him!

"Eurenorm! It's you!"

"Yes I've come back for you as I promised. I even have a present for you." He held out a guyver unit.

Prehistory the era of the Advents: The story of guyver Eurenorm A zoanoid breeding tube opened. Out steped a zoanoid . It had a beak like face with spines jutting out the top of his head and going down his back. On the sides of his neck were strange gill like flaps. He had spines on his shoulders, legs and arms.

A figure steped out before him. It was a zoalord. "You are the first of your type. You will be called Eurenorm as will the rest of your zoanoid type. In the present day guyver Eurenorm couldnt even remember what the name meant but he still went by it.

For the next few years he lived the life of a zoanoid enforcing the will of the Advents on others. But then one day everything changed!

Alkenphel the most powerful zoalord was summoned to do away with a renegade human who had gotten his hands on something called a guyver!

For a mere human he was a powerful opponent destroying legions of eurenorms fellow zoanoids and almost Killed Eurenorm himself!

But then while Eurenorm lay dying in the battle field Alkenphel fired the remover! It ripped the armor from Guyver Zero! The unit reformed and tubled into the battle field! Eurenorm grabbed the unit activating it. Alkenphel startled by the new activated guyver Zoanoid dropped the remover. By the time he picked it up Eurenorm was fully merged. He blew up the remover with a pressure cannon blast!

Alkenphel went into battle mode and attacked him. But now each of the spines on his legs shoulders and head were enhanced by the armor and turned into vibro swords! He Dodged Alkenphels attacks and with the vibro swords potruding from his legs he tried to decapitate Alkenphel.

But one foot from his head he was held in place! Then Alkenphel blasted him apart! his control metal was sent flying into a tar pit where it stayed preserved. That is until it was dug out centurys later.

Guyver Aries, XechTorr and now Diana in guyver form with Guyver Eurenorm. They all could hear the call of the Gigantick metal.

Kurumegnik slammed his fist down on the table in frustration. It split in half. "Another failure to attain guyver technology!" Charlie Hwang opened the door and said "Is this a bad time? I'm sorry to interupt you sir but our new project has been moving along very well."

Kurumegnik came out of his room and saw three strange women standing before him. They looked like the three female boomers in the second Bubblegum crises episode.

Charlie said "I've succesfuly three female zoalord like entitys." Kurumegnik said "what do you mean by "zoalord like"?"

Charlie said "You realize the zoalord power source is very hard to create! I dont have the resources to make this many at once. So instead I used an alternate power source simular to the energy wings used in Zektolls energy cannon. also they lack the gene that allows them to resist control inherent in Zoalords as you requested. The wings allow for 20 minutes of power equal to that of the origenal. after that they burn out in the last reort weapon I codenamed BLITZKREIG But despite those setbacks it was a huge sucsesse! I call them Charlies angels!"

XechTorr could sense they were getting closer to it. Then in a clearing they saw a naked person. It was andorgenous looking. No genitals and no hair. Aries said "Thats it! Thats the thing thats been calling to us!"

diana said "I dont know Aries somthing about that thing gives me the creeps!"

Xechtorr said "She could be right I'm going to go see what it is but if it makes any suspicious moves I'll blast it!" He walked out with all pressure cannon outlets ready to fire." Then the creature changed. The skin on it's bald head melted off to reveal a control metal and it's body changed to bioflesh! It leapt at XechTorr tenticles extending out!

But then all thirteen pressure cannons fired ripping apart it's flesh!

The creature fell. It pulled it'self together and began to crawl away. Then stepping in front of it was a familiar and not so familiar face. GuyverGregore who was now also part Vamore! As well as a strange zoanoid with a metallic exoskeliton covered in white hair.

Diana, Eurenorm and Aries all steped out to confront them. GuyverGregore said "Oh come on theres no way you can beat us!"

ZaXoOr sent his strange missiles after them. Guyver Eurenorm blasted two of them with his head beam. They crashed some green liqued hit a tree. Only a few drops but in moments the tree was almost entirly dissolved!"Dont let any of those things touch you!" The remaining missiles flew toward Guyver Aries and he pulled out his special biosword. It glowed green and sent out a beam disrupting the missiles.

GuyverGregore said " I'll show you some real power!" He opened one of the guyver vamore bioblasters! It fired a beam even more powerful then Guyver vamores! The single beam was almost as powerful as a guyvers full megsmasher!

The four of them dove out of the way as it burned a crator in the ground! XechTorr flew up with all pressure cannons open and fired on ZaXoOr! Like when he used the attack on Avatar the gravity balls melted away before reaching him! ZaXoOrs metallic whips lashed around XechTorrs arms! They were burning into him with a corosive! Then an elecktric surge hit him! XechTorr whiped out his vibro swords cutting all the whips. All three of the Guyvers were concentrating theyre attacks on GuyverGregore! GuyverErenorm busted both of his bioblasters. All of them rushed him but were hit with double handed pressure cannons. Aries dodged them but was cuagth in the GuyverGregores sonic attack knocking him out cold. Fortunatly they werent close enough for it to crack theyre control metals. XechTorr fell to the ground defeated. "I musnt lose!" He muttered as he got to his feet. ZaXoOr said "Why dont you give up? your primitive compared to me!"

But then As GuyverGregore was destracted as large shape rose up behind him. ZaXoOr was so suprised he almost lost control of his flight. Guyver Aries had been possesed by the gigantick armor! He was now Aries Gigantic! All six vibro swords extended! GuyverGregore turned to ZaXoOr who was about to attack Aries Gigantic and hit him with a full pressure cannon so powerful all that remaind was an arm, shoulder and his head. GuyverGregore said "He's mine! " Aries Gigantick and GuyverGregore charged at each other ready for a bloody fight to the death!

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Disclaimer: The Guyver Fan Archive is a collection of Archived Guyver Websites, Fan-Art and Fan-Fiction done by various people based on the Anime "Bio-Boosted Armour Guyver" by Yoshiki Takaya.

The fictions and images contained within this site belong to those that wrote and drew them and should not be used by other individuals unless you have their permission.